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Friday, October 4, 2024

Finding Peace in the Silent... and in the Loud

 Happy Friday, everyone!

I was sitting here flipping through ideas of what to write about, but my brain is very, very full right now, so it's tough to grab onto one good thing. My brain is full because my calendar is full. When it comes to my October, I'm like a bull rider in the pen, settling on the back and tightening up my hand in the reins because, buddy, starting on the first, my month is bucking.

Do you want to hear something crazy though? I'm involved in two different Bible studies, one online and one in person.  Both very different studies shared the same topic this week: rest. 

Hm... ya think God might want to tell me something?

Last month, we made a whirlwind trip to Kentucky to see my soldier son-in-law graduate from a school and also get promoted. My daughter (helpfully, or not) did the math and announced that, out of the thirty-eight hours that we were away from home, we were in the car for twenty-six. It was a crazy lot of driving through the crazy, twisty West Virginia mountains for us.

But, on the way to graduation early in the morning, we saw this...

In the midst of our run to Kentucky and back, we wound up sitting at a stop sign on a back country road between our AirBnB and Fort Knox, just staring at this. (And believe me, the picture doesn't fully do it justice.)  It lasted a few seconds, but it was a beautiful moment of peace.

I'm intentionally looking for moments of peace right now.  My dad is about to have his second surgery of the year next week. Our daughter and son-in-law are moving to another state. We have two week-long trips on the calendar. I have a book to finish. We have life to live. And all of it is in October. 

It will definitely be a time to look hard for the moments of silence. I've discovered that I genuinely love to get a cup of coffee, sit on the floor in front of the comfy chair in my office, and just hang out with Jesus for a few minutes. I always get up off of the floor feeling better than when I sat down (at least spiritually and emotionally). 

But how about y'all give me some more ideas for finding the "quiet" in the busy seasons? What do you do when you need to chill out, take a breather, and find some stillness? If you drop an idea below, I'll pick a comment at random on Monday, 10/7/24, around noon Eastern time to win a copy of my upcoming December release, Taken at Christmas. I look forward to taking notes!


  1. exercise
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  2. I like to put a face mask on and spend time in prayer and meditation. I find it very refreshing and makes me feel pampered. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  3. Duell-Moore BeverlyOctober 4, 2024 at 3:09 PM

    Listening to Chris Tomlin or Matt Redman music.

  4. I like to walk through my little garden. Even when things aren't blooming - though I'm still picking cherry tomatoes - the herbs smell good, and smelling the basil in the summer and the rosemary all year round make me happy. No matter what's going on elsewhere, the plants just keep doing their thing, and it's calming to me to see that - to count that as a blessing, and then to keep sniffing the herbs and count a few more.

  5. Lose myself in a good book

  6. Jodie, this is just what I neded today!

  7. When we built our forever home in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, the thing at the top of my must haves was a large covered porch. Best decision ever! It's were I find quiet, beauty and peace. The quiet might be interrupted by the occasional chirping bird, the scurrying of the chipmunk or the rustle of the leaves when the deer come to check on the fallen persimmons, but to me God's sounds of nature are the perfect quiet from the noise of cars, TV or even sometimes people. The view is best in the late fall and winter when the huge row of mature persimmon trees across the front of our property are bare. However, to me there is beauty to see from the porch view all year round be it flowers in bloom, beautiful sky or the smells of grass having been cut. If I want peace of mind, an escape from the hazards of every day life, or where I can quietly have my chat with God, the porch is where I head. The cold of winter may have me taking my aches and pains back inside, but even then a heavy jacket and a quick trip to the porch revives my soul like no other place.

    Thank you so much for the chance to win a copy of your upcoming release of TAKEN IN CHRISTMAS! It's on my TBR list and can't wait for the opportunity to read and review it.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  8. I take time to focus on looking out the window at the garden with all of the birds and squirrels.watts.vickie@gmail.com

    1. I love my squirrels! And you won the book! I'm emailing you the details. Congrats!

  9. I would love to win and review jrs0350@yahoo.com

  10. Take a few slow, deep breaths, breathing in for four counts, and out for four counts.

  11. The song that is running through my head right now as I face many health issues is count your blessings, name them one by one. My husband has been with me every step of the way. aznelson@hotmail.com

  12. I like to take a little walk outside. Even if it is for 10 minutes,, that time outside and the enjoyment of God's creation works wonders! (We live in Las Vegas, but we have a gorgeous mountain view, ans our neighbors have an incredible cactus garden that I enjoy so much!)

    Heather Mitchell crhbmitchellfam@gmail.com

  13. I go on walks every morning. Alicia Haney aliciabhaney(at)sbcglobal.net

  14. Lose myself in a book or something on TV.
    dianah7272 at gmail dot com

  15. I relax in my recliner by either reading a book or watching a movie! tWarner419@aol.com

  16. ( Cindy Merrill, writer61@yahoo.com) Have you ever been to Richmond Kentucky? I lived there for almost four years.

  17. That picture is amazing! Something I routinely do is drive without my radio or music on. I just drive in silence. Often, it is the only time I have to myself, so I use it to reset and pray.

  18. Sending you, love, hugs and prayers. When I am feeling overwhelmed, I take a few minutes, look out the kitchen door at nature. I take a deep breath and pray. It maybe a Bible verse or just, Lord, please take all that is burdening me. I lay it at your throne. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.

  19. Wow! You have a very busy October!! Hope that everything will fall into place for you, and God bless.
    For me, to find some calmness and quiet while going through some chaotic time, I will slow down, step away a moment from all the chaos (I don't mean to run away from the problems that needs to be attended), read a book or go for a walk, and always count my blessings).

  20. Take a shower, bath, sit outside on my front porch, or read. Ty for sharing!

  21. I think the only way I'm able to have time to rest is by keeping my schedule manageable. I have learned not to overbook myself because as a person with autism I need a lot of time to recharge.

  22. Talking a walk and then relaxing it a tub of bubbles Sarahbaby601973(at)gmail(dot)com

  23. I work from home, so I try and find quiet at lunch. While the kids are at school.

  24. I take a short walk every morning to get the day started. It can be a walk to the end of the driveway and back or a walk around the block.

  25. Wait in Silence
    For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,
    for my hope is from him.
    He only is my rock and my salvation,
    my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
    - Psalm 62:5-6

  26. We have had 5 deaths in our family and friends circle in less than a weeks time. My daughter lost her father in law and we were all close to him. And other family members lost their father. The weight of it all is tremendous, so I know that most of us are needing a lot of quiet time after the crush of visitors that come after a death, not to mention that many.
