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Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Ultimate in Creativity

 Happy Friday, y'all!

Last month, my best-friend-I've-known-since-I-was-ten had a big ol' birthday. We live ten hours apart now, so we don't get to see each other often, and yeah, it stinks. So, as a surprise, her husband sent us to Disney World so we could hang out for a weekend together at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. Okay, for real... I did not know this place existed, and I am so glad that he was generous enough to include me.  I mean... wow.  

We spent our whole first evening there wandering around the two main buildings, inside and outside, looking at the wildlife that just walked around right under our noses. I won't lie, y'all. I wanted to see a giraffe more than just about anything in the world.  And I did! I was so excited! 

That picture isn't zoomed. That giraffe was right there! And he wasn't the only one. There were wildebeests, ostriches, so many kinds of cattle, gazelles, zebras, storks, cranes, pelicans... and dozens of other very cool creatures that do not live in my backyard. We were just amazed and kept pointing over here, over there... There was something new at every turn! 

At one point, we were standing on a balcony watching a bunch of animals I couldn't even pronounce meander around and we started to wonder... Why would God make so many different creatures?  What was going through His mind when He made a cow with humongous horns? A flamingo with such ridiculously long legs and neck? And then we looked at the zebra and the giraffe and a few other animals we couldn't name, and we decided that God just started with a horse and went, "If I stretch this or shorten that, I've got something different!" (I mean, think about it... Isn't a giraffe kind of like a horse with a super long neck and legs?)

We decided that God is pretty awesome. He could have tossed us onto a great big ball of goo and told us to have a nice day. But He didn't. He just unleashed this amazing creativity out there for us to marvel in and to enjoy. I think that's awesome. From that moment on, every animal I saw was like a love letter from a God who felt kind of like a father going, "Look! Do you see that one? Isn't it cool?"

And here's the fun part... we get to participate in creativity as well! Authors get to work with God to make things out of words. Painters make paintings. Photographers craft photos. Scrapbookers make beautiful albums. Musicians make music. Big or small, we all get to take part in the creative in one way or another, even if we don't recognize it at first. I love that God loves us so much that He lets us work right there beside Him. That's a special kind of love.

I think it's pretty awesome that God lets us enjoy what His limitless imagination designed and that He also lets us take part!

So, what do you do to be creative? It can be something big or small.  (I'll be honest, outside of writing, I'm not very artsy or creative, but I do enjoy taking photos of sunrise and sunset. That's creative, too.)  Comment below and, on Tuesday, September 2, I'll choose a random comment to win a copy of one of my backlist books!


  1. drawing
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  2. I love that story of friendship Playing with design and color inside and out is my jam. I get bored easily so inside everything is in shades of the same four colors so you never know where you’ll find something. Outside I enjoy my gardens although I need to stop digging new ones! Becca12901 at yahoo.com

    1. I wish I loved gardening. I want to!

  3. I like to read, decorate and cook

  4. I love this!! So true and inspiring.🥰

  5. 🥰 Wonderful adventure and love how God uses these things in our lives to reveal Him.

  6. Thanks for sharing about your adventure. Baking serves as my creative outlet. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. I always wanted to learn to decorate cakes, but I'm afraid I'd eat all of my work. :-)

  7. What a nice birthday present!

  8. Replies
    1. Congratulations! You won the copy of Montana Abduction Rescue! I sent you an email with instructions. :-)

  9. I covered toilet paper rolls with construction paper and made giant pencils and crayons to welcome the kids back to school.

  10. I like to make gifts. Very little that I make is original but I often take an idea I have seen and tweak it to make it mine. I crochet, sew, embroider, make things from kits, etc. I read a lot when I am not crafting. I feel the same way about animals as you described.

    1. I would love to be able to sew! My grandmother was a rock star at it, and she tried to teach me, but it skipped me and went to my daughter.

  11. Reading print books Sarahbaby601973(at)gmail(dot)com

  12. How fun! I like to draw and write.

  13. I love crafting and photography! I take a LOT of pictures, especially of my 4 yr old daughter for whom we waited and prayed for almost 20 years! Her whole life is documented in pictures!🤣😂📸

    Heather Mitchell crhbmitchellfam@gmail.com

  14. Sounds marvelous. I used to be able to cross stitch, crochet, a bit of quilting but my hands will not handle it anymore. God bless you. dpruss@prodigy.net

  15. What a fun weekend! Sounds like an incredible place, and lifelong friends are just the best!!
    Gardening is my artistic contribution. I love growing flowers, arranging them, and giving them to friends and family.

  16. I try writing sometimes. I want to write my own books someday. Ty for sharing. My email- Andreadrake1 @yahoo.com

  17. The most creative thing I do is cook.

  18. Thank you for this creative article about creativity! I love Disney World, and Animal Kingdom is very fun ! I'm totally with you that God is admiring the creative of the nature and human! I work with students with exceptional need, and I always see a lot of awesome creativity in them. I love doing some simple diy home decor crafts and origami that I would share with my students!

  19. Oh, that sounds so fun!! I always say I’m not creative, and I still believe that, though people tell me otherwise. I just don’t know what I do that is creative 🤷🏻‍♀️ I do like to take pictures of flowers, especially if they have bees on them, ha! I also like to write but not fiction. Only non-fiction writing for me.
