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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Book Review: TAKE MY HAND by suspense sister Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

I had the best time earlier this week, listening to Kristen Hogrefe Parnell’s TAKE MY HAND on my Audible app. Squee! This is exactly the type of suspense book that I LOVE to read, the perfect recipe!

·       Drama at the beginning ignites some unknown situation.
·       Relational drama with plenty of humor and great chemistry between the two main characters is braided through the entire book.
·       An undercurrent of suspense, carried through hints, a mysterious point-of-view character, and spoken intentions grows from chapter 1.
·       The foreboding heightens in the middle, amidst everyday type of activity - as shadowy characters appear on the scene.
·       And then the roof falls in! The suspense just gets tenser from there until the end.
·       I won’t give anything away, but the ending offered just the right amount of satisfaction!

And the characters, Kaley and Reef, and also sweet Liam, have stayed with me for several days. Usually, the characters are my favorites from books, but this plot was so good – the timing was so perfect – it took me back to when my love of suspense began in the idyllic days of high school with my cache of Phyllis A. Whitney books.

Yes, Kristen Hogrefe Parnell is that good! There are only a handful of authors that I compare with Whitney!

Here’s the book’s official description and the cover is a buy link, but make sure you read all the way to the end!

Trauma therapist Kaley Colbert needs a vacation from her job, and a ski trip with her church singles’ group seems like the perfect way to unplug. But while in the mountains, she learns that her last client was murdered hours after their meeting, and she wonders if the notes she’s receiving from a possible stalker hold a more sinister warning.

On the trip, ex-boyfriend and entrepreneur Reef Mitchell wants to give their relationship another chance, but Kaley questions if his past and priorities could ever mesh with her life. When her client’s underworld connections catch up with her, she has no choice but trust Reef to help her stay alive, solve her client’s mystery, and bring the killers to justice.

(Available in paperback, e-book, and audiobook at Amazon.com.)

And the best part about this book, now that I’ve finished reading it… There are LOTS of characters in this crowd begging for stories of their own! I sure hope Kristen shares them! I can’t wait to read them. And I’m going to start with HOLD YOUR BREATH, book 2 in her Crossroads Suspense series. Stay tuned for my review of that one coming soon! 

So you now know that Phyllis A. Whitney introduced me to suspense back in the day. What author introduced you to suspense? Let me know your thoughts and you might just win an e-copy of this book. Share in the comments section and don't forget to leave your email address!


  1. Gotta be Nancy Drew. Our school library carried many of them. When I decided to switch to Christian fiction, I bought my 1st suspense novel at the Christian bookstore in our town by fabulous author, Nancy Mehl! The rest is history. 😄

    1. Oops! dianalflowers at aol dot com

    2. Same for me, Diana! I was always checking out Nancy Drew books from our library.

    3. LOVED Nancy Drew. Have you ever played one of the Nancy Drew computer games? So fun!

    4. Kristen, I think most avid readers got their start with Nancy Drew. Those books were so exciting to an elementary school kid. lol
      Marji, how fun! I never even knew there was such a thing! 😃

  2. This books sounds awesome! As a fan of Whitney books from my teens and twenties (long ago), I can’t wait to read this one! I like the part of the review that says the “foreboding heightens.” Ooh…inviting! Thank you for sharing. watts.vickie@gmail.com

    1. I can't wait for you to read it, Vickie!

    2. From one Whitney fan to another (Hunter's Green and Silver Sword were my faves) I think you will LOVE it!

  3. Sounds like a good read. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

  4. Duell-Moore BeverlyAugust 28, 2024 at 8:21 AM

    Oh, this sounds so good!
    duellonlysis at aol dot com

    1. Thanks so much! I'd love to hear what you think when you read it.

  5. Wow! I have never heard of this author before! Going to add this book to my list. I think my first Christian fiction suspense author was Colleen Coble. Suspense is my favorite genre!!

    1. What a great introduction to suspense with Colleen! So happy you're adding Take My Hand to your list.

  6. Looks so good! Would love to read :)

  7. The cover grabs me !!! My first introduction to suspense would probably be Nancy Drew through my older sister. mj_lehman at yahoo dot com

    1. Thank you! I love how this cover turned out. Nancy Drew was an early favorite of mine too.

    2. Loved Nancy Drew. Have you ever played one of the Nancy Drew computer games? So fun!

    3. I'll have to check those out thanks for the info!

  8. This book sounds great. I’m looking forward to reading it.

  9. I loved reading Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys when I was younger.

  10. I honestly don't know. Reading a book is one of my earliest memories. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of your book.

  11. This sounds like a really good suspense read! Thanks so much for sharing.

  12. Your description of TAKE MY HAND is everything I want in a suspense story and therefore I've added it to my TBR list. Super excited at the prospect of diving in reading this story! Thank you for the heads up.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  13. Carol Keene and Nancy Drew! I couldn't get enough of them as a young girl. Thanks for the giveaway. And I'm excited to read the above book - new to me author so thanks for the review!

  14. I have not read any of Kristen's books, but this one is DEFINITELY added to my TBR list!!! It sounds so intriguing, and I love the cover!

    Nancy Drew introduced me to suspense and mystery, too! I have been in love with the genre ever since!

    Heather Mitchell crhbmitchellfam@gmail.com

  15. I also recall books by Phyllis A. Whitney! Nancy Drew had a good bit of mysteries, too!

  16. Take My Hand was a fantastic book! I read it from cover to cover in one night...I could not put it down!
    Carolyn Keene's Nancy Drew books first introduced me to suspense and it's been my favorite genre ever since.

  17. Diana Flowers, you are my winner! Woohoo! I'll be sending you an Amazon link to this book. I hope you LOVE it!

  18. Wow! This book sounds incredible, thank you for sharing!
