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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Interview with Author Laura Thomas and a Giveaway!

Kristen here. I'm thrilled to welcome my friend and fellow Mountain Brook Ink author, Laura Thomas, to the Suspense Sisters blog! Enjoy getting to know Laura and learning about her latest release, Captured in Frame, available now. She’s also giving away one copy of the book, so keep reading to the end to learn how to enter the giveaway.

Tell us about your upcoming or recent release.

I would love to… Captured in Frame is my latest Christian romantic suspense novel in the brand-new Bite of Betrayal series set in the English countryside. It’s published by Mountain Brook Ink and just released on August 5th! 

Canadian photographer, Georgia Brooks, arrives in England with the hope of making a fresh start in the serenity of Bramble Downs—but is ultimately blindsided by betrayal in a thrilling story of forgiveness and second chances! We’re talking hunky surgeon, dark side of the art world, charming pink cottage, and a message from the grave… 

What was your inspiration for this book?

I’m both English and Canadian, and have been longing to go back to my roots and write a story set in the country where I spent the first half of my life. In 2019, while I was staying with one of my sisters in her charming little English village, I considered what it might look like for a heartbroken woman to move there hoping to find peace and quiet, only to discover her life was in grave danger. (My suspense brain always has to mess with a sweet story.) Then one rainy evening, I conjured up a grizzly, bearded character in my wild imagination and pictured him standing at my sister’s French doors, huge and drenched wearing a full-length oilskin coat. It was so vivid, I freaked myself out (and my poor sister), but it was the spark I needed to begin writing Captured in Frame

What is your favorite part of the writing process?

Finishing the first draft of a novel is the best feeling for me. Even though I know there is a mountain of revision work ahead, it’s exhilarating to have the whole story out of my brain and onto the page. 

Your least favorite?

Probably the middle of that first draft, once the initial surge of optimism and excitement starts to wane and I find myself wandering in the arid wasteland of will-I ever-get-through-this-story… 

I relate to that! Tell us three things about yourself that might surprise your readers.

1. My typing is atrocious. 

2. I still have a writing dream to publish a picture book. 

3. I’m a “bubbly introvert”. 

That is a delightful way to describe yourself, and although I haven't had the privilege of meeting in you in person, I can absolutely see you as a bubbly introvert. 😊 What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I suppose it goes without saying that I’m a bookworm and adore reading whenever I have the opportunity. I also love to travel with my husband (often with a book setting in mind), hang out with our adult kids and grandbabies, bake somewhat obsessively, and enjoy eating chocolate and snuggling Lulu the Frenchie.

Lulu is such a cutie! (Check out Laura's Instagram feed and scroll to find the Lulu highlights.) What are you working on now?

I recently submitted book 2 in this Bite of Betrayal series to my publisher, which is due to be released in June 2025, so I’m expecting edits to begin very soon on The Final Word. I’m also in the planning phase for book 3 while I work on other projects such as freelancing for Union Gospel Press with Sunday School lessons and working on my picture book manuscripts… I like to keep things interesting! 

Where can your readers learn more about you?

Thanks for asking! The best place is my website at www.laurathomasauthor.com where they can find all my books, blog, writing coaching, socials links, and also sign up for my monthly newsletter for book giveaways and all my latest writing shenanigans! 

Thank you, Laura, for sharing your time and story with us! Keep reading to learn more about Laura and how to enter to win a copy of Captured in Frame

A published, award-winning Christian author, Laura writes heartwarming encouragement for your soul—especially in her numerous romantic suspense novels, as well as her teen fiction, marriage, and children’s books. Laura is a hope*writers certified writing coach, a book-loving chocoholic mom and nanny, and is married to her high school sweetheart. Originally from the UK, they now live the empty nest life in Kelowna, British Columbia, with their French bulldog!  

For a chance to win a paperback copy of Captured in Frame, leave a comment answering this question: If you could spend a day in the English countryside with any fictional character, who would it be and why?

Be sure to include your email address in your comment.


  1. Oh my gosh that book cover!! Wow!! Double wow!! It describes the title and theme of the story perfectly. Laura Thomas is a new-to-me author and I am totally intrigued by this story. I already feel like I’m at the cottage, minus the bearded stranger. Yikes! I love stories across the pond. I am hooked, so hooked! I ‘d love a chance to win this book.
    Barbara Diggs englishathome01@gmail.com

    1. Thanks so much—I'm glad you like the cover... I think my publisher absolutely nailed it! All the best in the giveaway! 🤗

  2. So many wonderful fictional characters. Hard to choose just one - but perhaps spending the day in the English countryside with Father Brown could prove quite interesting. jbeck2929@roadrunner.com

    1. That would be a fascinating day, for sure! 🤗

    2. Congratulations, JBeck, on winning the giveaway! Laura will be in touch.

  3. The book sounds really good. Fictional character.....does Aslan count?😎

  4. Laura Thomas is a new author to me, but I want to thank this blog for the introduction. I look forward to reading this book. I am ordering some of her books. Laura really has been through some things. (jozywails@gmail.com)

    1. I'm so glad you like the sound of Captured in Frame, Audrey—and thank you for checking out my other books, too! 🤗

  5. This book sounds so good! I think I would have to pick Mary Poppins. Remember how much fun they had in that chalk drawing?! 😂 lcisson (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. From one Laura to another... I think Mary Poppins is a perfect choice! 🤗

  6. Snow White to find animals
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    1. Aww yes, I love Snow White! Great choice. 🤗

  7. Good morning!
    Your book looks and sounds amazing!!!
    My fictional character would be Peter Pan. I think with his never grow up attitude would surely be a fun and interesting time!
    Sherry Brown

    1. Thanks so much, Sherry—and please take me with you to Neverland! 🤗

  8. Love the cover. maryandlennybranham@yahoo.com

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I am asking my library to carry your books. deborahdumm@yahoo.com

    1. Oh, thank you so much, Deborah—I'm truly grateful! 🤗

  11. I love how this blog introduces new authors! This novel sounds so intriguing - thanks for the giveaway! kheldreth@neo.rr.com

    1. It's a pleasure to be here, Kelli! This is actually my eleventh book, but it's always delightful to find new readers! 🤗

  12. I'm so grateful to be a subscriber of your newsletter, Laura, and am so excited about the release of your new book. Thank you so much for the giveaway! And, thank you, Kristen, for this blog introducing Laura. To answer your question, I would love to spend a day in the English countryside with Anne Elliot of Jane Austen's Persuasion. The reason is because she is portrayed as a humble and helpful lady with a very sweet and vulnerable personality despite her family's arrogance and disdain for her. I'd love to get to know her better. Also, I'd love to find out what it's like to be married to a naval captain, live on a ship and find out about all the places she and her husband have visited and all the things she's experienced while traveling. Thank you again for the giveaway. wileyluvstabby(at)comcast(dot)net

    1. It's my pleasure, Janet!! Laura is such a joy to know, isn't she?

    2. She sure is! I love reading her newsletters!

    3. Thank you so much for your kind words, Janet! I'm so glad you're a subscriber of my newsletter. I love your suggestion of Anne Elliot... I think you would certainly have a fun time in England with her! 🤗

  13. I would love to spend time with Mr. Knightly from the book Emma. He is very sweet, kind and handsome.

  14. Jane Eyre, just because I loved the book about her!

  15. C.S. Lewis. I think it would be wonderful to listen to him share his knowledge of the Bible as well as his literary mind. God bless you.

    1. He would be a wealth of knowledge and the best storyteller, for sure! Thanks, Debra! 🤗

  16. Congratulations on your new release. The book cover and the synopsis have me hooked and I would love to read Captured in Frame! Oh, gosh!! I think I would love to spend a day in the English countryside with Sherlock Holmes because I love mystery and whodunit, and Sherlock Holmes is always my idol!

    1. Thank you so much, Emily... and Sherlock Holmes would be SO much fun to hang out with! 🤗

  17. Love the cover I would have to say Snow White because of the forest Thank you for this amazing book giveaway Sarahbaby601973(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. I agree, Sarah—Snow White would have a ball with all those woodland creatures in the New Forest! 🤗

  18. This book sounds so intriguing! I think I would enjoy the English countryside with Anne of Green Gables. She makes everything more fun!😉

    Heather Mitchell crhbmitchellfam@gmail.com

    1. So true, Heather! Anne would be a wonderful companion! 🤗

  19. I would spend the day with Christopher Robin! It would be stress free to have a day of games and relaxing!

  20. I would like to spend the day with Julie Andrews

  21. Oh my gosh, what an amazing cover
    I don't know who I'd want to spend an afternoon with, there are too many choices. The people who come to mind are Josie Bates from the The Witness series by Rebecca Forestter or with Archie Goodwin from Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe books.

  22. Duell-Moore BeverlyAugust 13, 2024 at 9:45 PM

    The children that go through the wardrobe in Narnia.
    I love the book cover!
    duellonlysis at aol dot com

  23. Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy!! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  24. I'm looking forward to reading this book. Thanks for sharing.
