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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Value of Getting Away

by Sharon Dunn

Tomorrow I'll be leaving on a short road trip. Two of my sisters and I have gotten a vacation rental in a little mountain town. The plan is to do nothing. We might wander downtown or hike a trail but we are not going to fill up our days with going, going, going. We'll hang out at the rental, cook, read, relax, talk, maybe soak in the hot tub in the cool of the evening. Whatever we feel like doing.  

Getting away from routines, work and familiar surroundings has enormous value. I know for me the times that I have done this I get a new perspective on my life and maybe wisdom on how to change something in my life. At the very least, a trip away, even if it is just for a few days, resets my tightly wound clock. I come home with energy and direction I did not have before. 

The purpose of this trip is to have some time to visit with my sisters, but I also think that doing a vacation like this alone has value. I'd love to get a cabin or a house by the ocean so I could spend my days, walking, reading, journaling and praying. Not putting pressure on myself to do anything other than to eat well and rest. 

How about you? Have you ever taken a vacation that was just about renewal and rest? Do you have a fantasy vacation that you would like to take along those lines? Where would you go?

Leave a comment with your email address. I will be giving away a copy of both Montana Witness Chase and Kidnapped in Montana for three randomly drawn winners (USA only). 


  1. Would love yo read theses books

  2. I have not taken a vacation in years, and would love to go somewhere and just relax without the constant push to get things done. Thanks for the giveaways.
    bettimace AT gmail DOT com

  3. Duell-Moore BeverlyJune 12, 2024 at 8:58 AM

    My fantasy vacation would be going to Armenia! To visit and meet in person my Armenian cousins that my brother found a few years ago. We lost track of the family almost 100 years ago! There’s a story to how we found them. It’s a fantasy because I’ll never meet them other than on Skype or Face Time.

  4. I love Sharon's books. Would love to read and review

  5. Anonymous I'm not - Jane Squires jrs0350@yahoo.com

  6. This summer I'm going to Spain to visit my brother and his family who live there now.
    dianah7272 at gmail dot com

  7. If Nancy Mehl recommended you,then it must be good! mkwill75@gmail.com

  8. Haven't traveled in years. I liked shopping and seeing the sites like museums or zoos.

  9. I’ve never taken a vacation that is restful. My fantasy vacation would be sitting on a porch overlooking a lake and enjoying God’s peaceful creation. No bears or snakes!
    marypopmom (at) yahoo(dot) com

  10. When we go on a trip, it is usually to visit family, especially children and grandchildren. I would love to have a getaway vacation with my husband or daughter, just to read, relax, talk and enjoy each other’s company. I have in mind a little cabin we stayed in as a family at Smith Mountain Lake. It was many years ago, but it was so serene, right on the lake, with a wide porch with rocking chairs. I could easily see myself just resting there and watching the sunrise and sunset each day. watts.vickie@gmail.com

  11. Unfortunately, none of my vacations have been completely restful. Most times it is with our kids who we are making memories with. I figure there may be more restful vacations when they are grown and gone. I would love to do an Alaskan cruise in the future. I have heard it is beautiful. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. you'll get the restful vacation sometime in the future.

  12. Getaway trips, either by oneself or with a treasured friend, are often not only wanted by badly needed. When we were 24/7 caregiver for my Mom with Alzheimer, it had a way of draining us of energy leaving our body and spirit about as low as it could go. We tried to keep up with the routine and needs for months, before a dear friend could tell by our conversations that I was about at the end of my rope. It took so advance moving things around and scheduling, but for my first journey I met her at a location half way between each of us. To be able to not be responsible for anyone else and to pamper myself in doing what I wished to was positively revitalizing. I returned ready to face each day with a smile and the strength to carry forth. It taught me that getaway trips weren't a desire, but a must. Hubby and I started arranging alternating every couple months for little getaways since one of us had to be with Mom at all times or she got so frustrated it affected her health way. Sometimes my friend would meet me, but others I just went by myself. I did some shopping, had a spa day, got my nails done, ate what I wanted or even just had the ability to sleep in. It was just feeling like I was in control and could pamper myself for a day and a half. Worked wonders! I greatly appreciate even now what my friend told me - "You can't be of help to anyone else IF you don't take care of yourself first."
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  13. Most of my get away trips involve writing, either conference (which are not restful) or hanging out with other authors. I could use one now...

  14. go anywhere
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  15. We had a lovely trip staying with the whole family in a large rental home in the NC mountains. We enjoyed the time together.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  16. When I'm house/dog sitting for my friends, I consider the time away a vacation. I enjoy helping out my friends.


  17. blessedmommy3x AT gmail DOT com

  18. Would love to get a cabin in the woods that is isolated.
    Spends lots of hours resting/ reading

  19. When you speak of restful vacations, I am reminded of my honeymoon taken to Sedona, Azizona. I enjoyed seeing the beauty of God .aznelson@hotmail.com

  20. I've never gotten to do that but I've wanted to for years! A simple cabin in the mountains would be fabulous, some place with water nearby. New England, the Poconos, Shenandoah - any would be great. To be able to read in my hammock near a creek and not have a schedule would be amazing.

  21. dpruss@prodigy.net. Yes, we have some friends that have a house on Lake Superior. It is very relaxing.

  22. These look really good. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. Email: SidLaw0425@yahoo.com

  23. I'd love to vacation in Hawaii one day!

  24. Only had 1 vacation, and it was a nightmare.
    From IN to CA 9 in RV, me & 3 other's motion sickness really bad. Spend 3 days of it in the bathroom throwing up.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. My fantasy vacation involves a beach, a book, and a glass (or two) of wine. dwellenstein at cox dot net

  27. Yes, it's important to getaway from everyday routines. We find going on a cruise the most relaxing getaway. We can each do when we want which for me meant relaxing by the pool.

  28. Whenever I need to renew and rest, we escape to Carmel-by-the-Sea for a weekend. I love the ocean and hiking trails!

  29. We went on one vacation to my husband's family "cottage" in New Hampshire in 2006. It was just the 2 of us, and while we connected with some extended family during that time, we mostly just slept in and spent our days on the beach at Newfound Lake. It was glorious!

    Heather Mitchell crhbmitchellfam@gmail.com

  30. Love her books. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

  31. I hope you have fun on your road trip
