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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Along for the Ride – And a Giveaway!


As authors, we THINK we’re in control of our stories. We carefully map them out. We create detailed character backgrounds, and we TRY to work through every possible problem that might arise long the way before we sit down to write our books.

But then. . .  

Those pesky characters that we create come to life and they seem to have a mind of their own.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve mapped out a story down to the ending and knew exactly how it would turn out only to start writing it and realize the characters had a much better idea for the book than I created.

And I’ll let you in on a little secret, I love that! It’s exciting to see a story take a twist that I didn’t originally have planned.

In my upcoming July release, Ambush in the Mountains, the same is true. The way Axel and Summer were to meet was completely different as was the danger they faced.

I had a different outcome in mind when I started writing it, but they knew where they wanted their story to go and as it began to take shape, I agreed with them.

I’ve learned through the years not to fight this process. Writing can be challenging at times, and sometimes getting the words to come isn’t easy, but I love the adventure I get to embark on with my characters in each new story. I live and breathe their danger, their fear, while always knowing that in the end the bad guy will be brought to justice. Their faith will see them through. And all my future characters—like Axel and Summer—will get their happy ending because I’m in the passenger seat, typing away, and I'm just along for the ride.

Here's a little about Ambush in the Mountains, which comes out July 23rd.

Innocent lives at stake…

Can a former soldier and canine save them?

Helping a pregnant woman he comes across in a mountain storm puts Axel Sterling right into the path of ruthless human traffickers. Now it’s up to the ex-soldier and his dog to keep Summer and her unborn baby safe from the abductors she’s finally escaped. But between the icy wilderness and the armed gunmen following them at every turn, one wrong move could cost Axel and Summer their lives.

I’ll be giving away a copy of my upcoming July Love Inspired Release, Ambush in the Mountains. Print for US and e-book outside of US. To be entered, tell me where you’d chose to visit if you could go anywhere in the world for vacation?


Until next time dear friends, Happy reading!

All the best. . .

Mary Alford



  1. Rio
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  2. I really want to visit Hawaii. But I also really want to just do the Royal Carribean around the world cruise for a year, lol.

    blessedmommy3x AT gmail DOT com

    1. I've never done either, but the around the world cruise sounds pretty nice.

  3. I would love to visit Australia, just because it’s Australia and I have heard so much about it. But in the U.S. I would go to Colorado to see my brother and the Rocky Mountains. Those are the most beautiful mountains I have ever seen and I cannot see them enough! It has been over fifteen years since I have visited my brother. He comes to the east coast every year, but I want to see him and his new grand baby that’s arriving next month! watts.vickie@gmail.com

  4. I would love to visit Scotland and Hawaii

    1. Oh, I think those would both be fabulous places to visit.

  5. I would love to visit Ireland

  6. This summer I'm going to Spain to visit my brother and his family who live there now.

  7. Hawaii is on my bucket list…

  8. I'm pretty much a homebody, but if I'm going to travel it's going to be big! :) My family traces its roots from Scotland, so I've always dreamed of going there.

  9. Two places on my list are England and Japan. cherierj(at) yahoo(dot)com

  10. Norway cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

  11. If I could choose any place to visit for a vacation, I'd love to go to Jerusalem.

  12. Lately I have longed to see Israel and walk where Jesus walked. I would be in the place where He’s returning soon. Yet because of the Hamas, I know it’s best not to travel there now. It’s such a shame that Satan has invaded this area trying to destroy it. But God wins! Nothing will change that! AMEN

    char loves mark at gmail dot com

  13. I've always had Hawaii on my bucket list, would love to go there! tWarner419@aol.com

  14. That's a tough one - there are a few places I want to visit again and some I'd like to go to for the first time! Ireland, I think - my ancestors are from there and I'd love to see it.

  15. Thank you for listening to your characters! Ambush In The Mountains sounds perfect for summer read!! Oh man! There are so many places that I would love to visit! I would love to visit Niagara Falls like for a long time since I learned about it in high school!

  16. Enter me please jrs0350@yahoo.com

  17. I would love to see England and Paris. dpruss@prodigy.net.

  18. I would love to visit anywhere out of the country I’ve never traveled outside of the country. My email is andreadrake1@yahoo.com

  19. The book sounds good! I’d love to go to Italy. legallyblonde1961@yahoo.com

  20. Switzerland Positive.ideas.4youATgmail

  21. I love this behind-the-scenes look at your author life. Thank you for sharing! I’ve always wanted to visit the Mediterranean. I’ve heard it’s beautiful.

  22. Ambush In The Mountains sounds good. I would love to go to visit Niagara Falls again.

  23. Hawaii is my 1st bucket list dream vacation! But there are a LOT of places that I would love to go!

    Heather Mitchell crhbmitchellfam@gmail.com

  24. Australia or Ireland. Australia because I've lived in Hawaii and I've always been curious about the similarities and differences in the 2 places. Ireland because my family has been traced to there and I would love to visit.

    Msredk at AOL dot com

  25. I would Love to visit Montana Sarahbaby601973(at)gmail(dot)com

  26. I always have dreamed of visiting Hawaii!

  27. I wuold love to go to Italy & visit where my Mom's, Mom's side of the family came from.
