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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

What's HOT in Inspirational Suspense by Mary Ellis

Wondering what's new in inspirational suspense and mystery? Steven James has a brand new suspense, Fatal Domain, releasing in one week from Tyndale.

Here's a little bit about the story: When Department of Defense redactor Travis Brock receives cryptic clues related to his grim past, he must use his eidetic memory and newly formed team to circumvent terrorists intent on stealing a highly guarded military innovation. Fighting high-stakes espionage, Travis finds loyalties tested, secrets exposed, and betrayals at every turn. Can he forgive what he can't forget? 384 pages, softcover from Tyndale Publishing. 

You can buy Fatal Domain HERE from Christianbook.com

Have a great week of reading, lovers of inspirational suspense and mystery! ~ Mary Ellis


  1. Steven James is so good at having the reader on the edge of their seat!

  2. Duell-Moore BeverlyApril 2, 2024 at 1:11 PM

    Where’s the link to sign up for the April contest? I saw the picture on yesterday’s page but it just the picture when I clicked on it.

  3. Ooohhh this looks so good 😍

  4. "Fatal Domain" definitely sounds like a book I would very much love having the opportunity to read and review.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  5. This sounds like a very exciting story! I would like to read it!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  6. Sounds intriguing! Looking forward to checking this book out!

  7. Fatal Domain sounds like mine and my husband's kind of book!

  8. This book sounds so intriguing and fabulous.

  9. This sounds right up my alley!
