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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Gift of Gratitude

 Unlike people with a strong sense of perseverance, I've never been able to post one thing I'm grateful for to social media every day in November. I love the idea, and I even challenged myself to do it once many Novembers ago, but much like New Year's resolutions, the practice faded away by the third or fourth day I attempted it. 

Even though I'm sadly incapable of following through with posting the things I have to be thankful for, the idea of gratitude has been on my mind often. I'll be real with you ... life isn't always easy. If you haven't been to the grocery store lately, you may not understand just how not easy it is on the most simple of levels. I mean, good gracious! Is someone trying to retire off the sale of eggs? But I digress. Sometimes, when I look around at circumstances: friends with terrible diagnoses--some who have even passed away. People hurting. Things not working out according to my little plan. It's a lot. I can feel like I'm caught in a blender of emotion, and I'm not always sure what life will look like when the churning stops. It's times like this that gratitude is so important. Not just in November, but every day on the calendar. 

Gratitude reminds me that even when times are hard, I am so blessed. 

I have a family who cares for me, and we build each other up. 

I have the best, most encouraging friends. To be honest, this last year I have been blessed with some friends that have enabled me to grow. Friends that point me to Christ and pray for me. 

I have a job, a home, cats that keep me very warm on cold nights, coffee, good books, I could go on forever. 

Most importantly, I have the assurance that no matter what unforeseen things might be coming down the road, they aren't really unforeseen. They don't take Jesus by surprise, and I don't have to go through anything in my own strength, because He has an endless supply.

I saw a quote a few years back, and it still rings true. "Gratitude turns what we have into enough." Let that sink in. When you're focused on all the ways you're blessed, there isn't time to worry about whatever you might not have. This season, and all year long, I want to be a grateful person. Someone who sees that Christ has blessed me beyond comprehension. When my eyes are glued on Him, I won't lack anything. What I have will truly be enough. 

Caryl Kane won the Amazon gift card last month! Keep an eye on your inbox for the link. 

Share something you're grateful for in the comment section for a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card!


  1. ❤️ THIS!!! I attended a woman’s retreat on Monday & the theme was on thankfulness & gratitude. Being thankful for not always the situations I find myself in, but being thankful for what I have in spite of the circumstances. So hard to do, but necessary on so many levels. Thank you A.D. for your transparency! 💜

  2. I am also thankful for enough. You’re right about the price of groceries. My husband and I are retired and God is providing.
    Vickie Watts

  3. I'm grateful that a surprise rollercoaster pregnancy that ended in preeclampsia and extra hospital time for me also gave us a tiny but beautiful, healthy baby girl. With all the worries, concerns, and potential problems our medical team was watching out for she is perfect and I am so grateful and thankful!

  4. I’m thankful and grateful for tough times. We’ve gone through a difficult two years and Jesus has shown Himself faithful to us. So thankful for Jesus!

  5. Oh and I’m cluedn@mac.com my info didn’t show ^^^^

  6. Going through a bad health problem.but I'm hanging on to
    Jesus.so thankful I have God watching over me.

  7. MaryEllen AshenfelderNovember 16, 2022 at 11:28 AM

    I am grateful for my wonderful family and friends. They are are my strength as I continue to battle cancer for the second year. I am grateful for the treatments that help to fight the disease.

  8. I am grateful for our readers on the Suspense Sisters--They are the best!

  9. authors
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  10. Pat Bradley took the words right out of my mouth. I'm grateful for all our Suspense Sisters readers.

  11. I am an avid reader, and am very excited to find the Suspense Sisters! Also, I am very grateful for my family - they are the best <3
