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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

THE GIRL BEHIND THE RED ROPE - Review by A.D. Lawrence

I read my fair share of books, but it isn’t often a story sticks with me for very long, because my memory isn’t great. Maybe I should take Ginkgo Biloba for that, but hey, I’ll worry about it another day. That being said, The Girl Behind the Red Rope by Tedd and Rachelle Dekker left a deep impression, and I won’t soon forget it.

Without giving spoilers, I will say that the main character, Grace, grew up in a cult environment. Good deeds were done out of fear rather than love for the Lord, and even though the members of the compound were doing the right things, darkness hung heavy over the community. This story showed Grace’s inner struggle with the truth and what she’s been taught in a haunting allegory. It kind of reminded me of M. Night Shyamalan’s The Village.

Honestly, I feel inadequate to review books. Some write beautiful reviews that are so heartfelt they bring a tear to my eye. My klunky reviews sound a lot like Lloyd Christmas when he says, “I like it a lot,” with a dopey grin, but I’ll give it my best shot. The spiritual theme of love vs. fear was a huge blessing. When life gets crazy it’s easy to forget and good to be reminded that God doesn’t give us the spirit of fear, and his perfect love casts fear away. On top of that, the emotions were very well-written, and I wondered up until the last chapter if things would really be okay by the last page. The ending was satisfying, since it wasn’t an over-the-top happily ever after. It was realistic and that’s my favorite kind of ending. If you haven’t read The Girl Behind the Red Rope yet, I’d recommend it!

Leave a comment below about fun plans you have for the summer for a chance to win an ebook copy of your very own.

The winner of Justice Undercover by Connie Queen is Rachel T.! I’ll get a Kindle copy headed your way.


  1. I love Ted dekker books he is one of my favorite aouthor

    1. This is the first I've read of his, but it won't be my last :)

  2. I haven't read it, but your review makes me want to!

  3. no plans
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  4. Haven’t read but this prods me to. NJ beach soon with family that we haven’t see in way too long.

  5. No big plans for us.

    The book sounds amazing.


  6. sounds wonderful! sheliarha64(at)yahoo(dot)com

  7. I'm spending my summer planning book clubs and writing lesson plans for my kids.

  8. I'm currently enjoying my summer plans while on vacation. Also hoping to do some weekend getaways near the shore. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book. Sounds like a winner. boxtopscrazy at gmail dot com.
