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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

When Publishers Republish and Giveaway by Elizabeth Goddard

by Elizabeth Goddard

Hey, friends! Thank you so much for joining me today!

I’ll be giving away an eBook copy of Freezing Point to one lucky winner. Please remember to leave a comment and your contact information.

In late 2010 I heard from my agent that Love Inspired Suspense wanted to contract Freezing Point based on my proposal. They were interested enough in the story that they didn’t require a completed manuscript from me, even though I had never written for them. Plus, they wanted to keep the title (a rare event, at least for me!).

But there was a problem . . .  They needed the manuscript in six weeks.

Six weeks? The time-frame meant that I would be working like crazy through the holidays. But I’d wanted this chance to write for LIS so I took it. For Christmas my peeps got me giant bags of Peanut M&M’s. (Makes you wonder if they were trying to kill me.)

So I ate those M&M’s while I wrote Freezing Point in six weeks and, um. . . I gained 15 pounds. 

FIFTEEN POUNDS! Can I just say that every time I think about Freezing Point, I think FIFTEEN POUNDS.

In this brave new world of self-publishing, indie publishing, small presses, traditional publishing and every combination, some authors try to get their backlist titles reverted to them so they can tweak the manuscript and put that back up on the market.

In 2019 I asked for rights back for Freezing Point, and that’s when I learned that Love Inspired Suspense planned to re-issue the book in 2020. Yup. Freezing Point even has a brand new cover!


Casey Wilkes didn’t realize her simple human-interest story would put her life at risk—again. After fleeing her home and journalism job in Washington state, she wanted to live under the radar for a while. But when her interviewee starts dodging her questions, her reporter instincts kick in and she can’t resist digging deeper…

Homeland security agent Jesse Mitchell has been undercover as an ice sculptor for months, trying to infiltrate a smuggling ring. He wants to avoid trouble, and that’s just what Casey brings. Now someone has a target set on Casey. Saving her could blow his cover, but leaving her unprotected endangers him even more—especially his heart.

Originally published in 2011

Here’s the original cover with an ice sculpture. Intriguing, huh? If you’re leaving a comment, tell me your thoughts on the covers.

Freezing Point is officially re-issued and available for purchase February 10th. You can pre-order today.

Happy reading!

P.S. If you’d like to receive book news, updates and exclusives, please sign up for my newsletter at my website.


With over a million books in print, Elizabeth Goddard is the bestselling author of more than forty books, including Never Let Go, Always Look Twice, and the Carol Award–winning The Camera Never Lies. Her Mountain Cove series books have been finalists in the Daphne du Maurier Awards and the Carol Awards. Goddard is a seventh-generation Texan and can be found online at www.elizabethgoddard.com.


  1. Ohh.... I actually like the original cover. It’s intriguing and makes me wonder how the story will play out. But the new cover is nice too. Kind of goes along with the Uncommon Justice series covers.
    mindyhoung at msn dot com

  2. I think the original cover gives more insight into what the story is about. csilyd (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. I like the new cover better. For me, just more visually appealing.

  4. interesting original cover
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  5. I think the new cover reminds me of your Uncommon Justice series covers. Thanks for having the giveaway!! ddwilliams13@gmail.com

  6. I love the ice sculpture. I cannot imagine being able to do that.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  7. The cover is beautiful! I love your books and never miss a new one when released

  8. The story sounds great, and as pretty as the old cover was, I definitely like the new one more.

  9. As intriguing as the original cover is, I believe that the new cover will catch the attention of readers who are familiar with your Uncommon Justice series. Thanks for the chance to win & Congratulations!

  10. This sounds so good. I love your books. Thanks for the opportunity. jillpottsjones(at)gmail(dot)com

  11. Another new author to read. ❤️
    janeen dot bair at gmail dot com

  12. I do like the ice sculpture and imagine it fits the story but the new cover probably catches my attention more and does remind me of your Uncommon Justice covers. jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com

  13. wow sounds to be a good read! thanks for the chance to win! amandasmother (at) aol(dot)com

  14. I love that cover! LIS has great covers. Don't enter me in the drawing as I just preordered. :-)

  15. I like the new cover! Thanks for the giveaway! chendryx(at)nctv(dot)com

  16. I like the new cover, the expression on the lady’s face. The original is intriguing.
    ozarkharness at gmail dot con

  17. I like the new cover the best but the original is interesting. I would love to read this book. bands0427@gmail.com

  18. The new cover is definitely better ��

  19. The old cover is too beautiful to be suspenseful in my opinion. I like the new cover better. :-) patchesdanny (at) yahoo (dot) com

  20. I agree that the old cover looks intriguing but I like the new cover much better. I actually thought this was one of your other series! clhutson1016(at)gmail(dot)com

  21. I like the second cover because it looks more suspenseful. I can't wait to read it. irishrose157 at hotmail dot com

  22. Love the new cover, it looks do intriguing.
    Judy M

  23. Love the new cover - loved the old one too. Both look intriguing. Congratulations and keep writing stories that keep us in suspense.

  24. Elizabeth Goddard writes amazingly.
    I like the ice sculpture.I rather not
    see a face to a story. Animals and scenery are fabulous.

  25. I love the new cover. And a new author and a mystery/suspense story!

  26. I like the first cover best. It seems to add suspense and intrigue to the story. Thanks for an opportunity to enter a giveaway! Would love to win a print copy! God bless! Lual Krautter Email: krautter12ATbresnanDOTnet

  27. This sounds like another one of Elizabeth's books that I'd better NOT start just before bedtime! :)THANKS for an opportunity to win one of your e-books! badawson16 at aol dot com

  28. The new cover is intriguing. Definitely a step up. I do love ice sculpture so the older cover is nice too. The premise sounds really good. Nancy Darby 2007 at Yahoo

  29. I love seeing book cover changes, especially the new Love Inspired ones! I have to agree, Freezing Point goes well with your new Uncommon Justice series.
    Thanks for the giveaway chance!

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

  30. The new cover is perfectly in line with your neer suspense! A new favorite author for me!

  31. I don’t know about peanut M & Ms but I read one time that to work off the calories in one plain M & M you’d have to walk the length of a football field, yikes! Makes you think....

  32. Both covers are pretty but the new one really catches your attention! Love M&m's too!

  33. I really like the new cover so much better. It tops. I find it so much more interesting, intriguing and the book cover are better too. The book cover with swan is OK but the cover is just way to dark. The new book cover for Freezing Point is perfect. It call my name and says Read Me, Read Me!! If I were to walk into a bookstore and the bookstore was selling Freezing Point in both original cover and the new cover and they were side by side, I would be more apt to buy the new cover because it's more interesting, intriguing and makes me want to read it. Although it would be tempting to get both.
    My contact info is: don(dot)stewart(at)zoominternet(dot)net
    Hope I win.

  34. Both covers are attractive, but the original is my preference. Happy relaunch.

  35. I like both covers but the new one draws you in as suspenseful. Thanks for the chance.


  36. I love the new cover. Thanks for the opportunity to win.


  37. I like the one with the uce sculpture on it.
