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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The most asked question

When I tell people I'm a writer, there is one questions that always seems to come up. "Where do you get your ideas?" I could write a book about this because the the truth is from just about everywhere. But today I will talk about one particular moment when the ideas sparked and I knew I had a story worth writing. It was a news story that was not run over and over and it probably died out fairly quickly. A man held a news conference outside his mother's house where he was staying. He had been a reporter in a war zone. Instead of reporting the news, he became the news when he was kidnapped. Somehow he got away. I don't remember the details. What struck me as the man was talking was the level of humility he showed. Though he was articulate he was not a man who liked having the cameras on him. He expressed a comradeship and a thankfulness for other reporters. He seemed relatively calm, but it was clear that he had been through a horrific event that had changed him. There was also an underlying message in his delivery. Holding a press conference wasn't his thing. The message I picked up on was that he wanted to report the news, not be the news. 

That is where the inspiration for the book I am giving away today came from. Fatal Vendetta is probably one of my least favorite covers and two of my favorite characters. The ugly trailer on the cover belongs to the bad guy in the story. As I watched that news conference on TV, I got the idea for a character. Zachery Beck is a news reporter who escapes to a small town in Montana because he wants to report the news, not be the news. He changes his name and keeps a low profile. Elizabeth Kramer is an ambitious small town reporter with a secret of her own. Zach and Elizabeth are in competition to get the scoop on the news stories until Elizabeth becomes the victim of a stalker. Not only does she find herself in the same dilemma as Zach (becoming the news when she would rather report it) but she needs Zach skills to stay alive and figure out why she is being stalked. 

It always amazes me what sparks creativity in all its forms. Recently I have started to try to learn how to paint watercolor and acrylic (a topic for another blog in the future) I am amazed at what make me want to pick up my paintbrush from a color I see in clothing, the the way the wind blows the leaves around, to a picture in a book. How about you, what sparks your creativity? How do you like to be creative? Leave a comment with your email address below. I will draw a winner for Fatal Vendetta from the comments.  


  1. Sometimes it is seeing a picture posted sparks an idea. I like to be creative by doing crafts which I don't find the time to do as much as I like.

    1. that is always the challenge. trying to find time. can't wait for retirement. I don't think I'll have any trouble staying busy.

  2. Sometimes, like in ideas for a painting, I'm sure in a story as well, anything could bring an idea forward, something that happened to a friend, or maybe a tough situation that the author lived through themselves. Thanks for the opportunity to enter a giveaway! Would love to win a print book, especially since CF RS is my favorite:) Lual Krautter krautter12@bresnan.net

    1. for the creative mind. Ideas come from everywhere. In a way, we are working 24/7 even when we are asleep and dreaming.

  3. How interesting to read about your motivation for writing Fatal Vendetta! I would love to read it.

  4. I don't have one single creative bone in my body! I'm often in awe of & totally enjoy other folks creativity.
    RW620 AT aol DOT com

    1. When I want to be creative I sew. I like to sew quilt tops. Thanks for the opportunity to win your book.
      Anne at Rightler dot com

  5. I create through card making and scrapbooking. I love nature, so what I see there inspires me.

    1. I've fooled around a little bit with multi media with my painting. Using tissue paper, old patterns and envelopes. It's fun. I'm not very good at it. But I started painting in the first place to learn to relax

  6. I love crafts and making things. I get inspiration from seeing what others do. Unfortunately I don't usually come up with the ideas myself. I'm not creative in that aspect. The book sounds great. Thank you for the chance to win it.

    1. I know when I started to learn how to paint. I watched tutorials on you tube. So much on there. I still go there for ideas.

  7. Oh, this book sounds like one that will keep me reading until the end! I grew up in MN, and my parents had a cabin in northern MN--my siblings & friends & I would walk on the dirt road down to the resort to get a treat, and we'd pass an abandoned cabin... we didn't know who owned it, or why it had been abandoned, but I created a lot of stories (some written down) as a teenager about the possibilities! Lakes, and being in the woods inspires me, as do snow storms! :) Badawson16 at aol dot com

  8. Nature, God's handiwork, sparks my creativity. Hubby and I love photography - both critter and landscape. It's amazing that once you put a camera in your hand how you look at the world differently. You see the little things that go unnoticed or the ordinary become fascinating. The challenge is to capture what the eye sees with the lens which is usually a lot harder than it sounds. Pretty much like trying to get the story on paper from what is rumbling around in a writer's head I am sure. We are fortunate enough to live in the Ozark Mountains so the abundance of both beautiful scenery and critters seem to be endless. However, we take great joy is exploring this nations wonder parks and exploring parts of the country we have never seen before all the while with camera(s) in hand and lots of camera cards to snaps up snippets of memories to enjoy again and again at a later time.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of "Fatal Vendetta"! Definitely a book I would enjoy read and on my TBR list. I for one, love the cover. It may not be flashy but boy does it make the imagination run rampant.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. my late hubby was a photographer. we actually met in a photo class. I love Black and white photos.

  9. I used to draw, Zentangle and making cards, but after a rabbit bit me and severed a nerve in my pinkie and arthritis, I no longer can do any of those things. I'm still looking for something that will help me be artistic.

    1. yes I think we all need to find ways to be creative. so sorry about the nerve damage.

  10. The cover definitely caught my eye. My husband and I are avid campers so seeing the cover intrigued me.
    I crochet and do some counted cross-stitch but I’m not creative. I follow patterns only. But it is relaxing and fulfilling in that I have homemade gifts to give family and friends.

    1. I'm so glad to hear the cover caught your attention. I was worried that the trailer is so run down looking (which it is in the story) that readers wouldn't be attracted to the cover. I suppose it does create a sense of suspense and that bad things could happen

  11. First of all, your book sounds very intriguing and like a very good page turner! Thank you for sharing about it and how you came about to writing it. I like to do all kinds of crafts with my 3 grandchildren, we thing we always do for sure is in the summer and not too long before school starts for the new year, we will paint rocks with different sayings on them and the day before school starts we will take them to the different schools here in town so that kids will find them so that it will be a good start for their school year. We also love to paint birdhouses, claypots and different things. Thanks for the chance. Have a Great rest of the week. God bless you. My email is aliciabhaney(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

    1. I've painted a little on rocks too. The fun part is finding rocks that will work. I love that you take them to the schools.

  12. Right now I’m trying to be creative by making a rag quilt out of scraps of fabric I have kept...just in case. Haha
    This book sounds like I would love to read it. Thank you for sharing. Blessings

    1. One of my favorite things to do is to recycle stuff and turn it into art of some sort. But I have to keep he saving of stuff for future projects to a minimum.

  13. Right now I was creative in 2 ways. I made a Snowman No Sew fleece blanket that was a gift to me for Christmas and 2nd, I'm attempting to write my first box set for fun just to see if I could do it. I'm almost done.
    I really like like the cover of the book. Love these types of books. The cover calls to me Read Me, Read Me. Read several different Love Inspired Suspense books.
    Hope I win.
    My email is: don(dot)stewart(at)zoominternet(dot)net

    1. Glad you like the cover. I think other people might have a different response to it than I did. good luck with the writing.

  14. I draw with pastels. My favorite are shades of black on white. I get inspired by the books I read. I love historical books and can picture scenes in my mind. If one inspires me, I love to put it on canvas.

    1. wow that is a gift. I see pictures in my head too but can never make them look right when I draw them.

  15. I like to paint, cook, write, and teach. I think it's possible to be creative with all of those things.

  16. nature
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    1. me too. I love to walk the trails by my house and listen to the river. It gets the ideas flowing and clears my head at the same time.
