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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Here in Montana, we had our first below zero temperatures of the winter. It was minus fifteen for the weekend and into Monday. This is actually balmy for a Montana winter. I've lived in Montana most of my life and it has been fifty below at times. As my late husband used to say, "That is no foolin' cold."  Going out in those kind of temps makes your face freeze. I can remember as a kid waiting for the school bus when it was below zero and the snot in my nose froze. 

It seems the whole country is in a bit of a deep freeze. My friend who lives outside of New Orleans sent me pics of the snow falling at his house. The cold temperatures were mentioned Monday at the presidential inauguration.  I'm sure it's warm somewhere in the United States. 

It's no surprise that many of my Love Inspired Suspense books take place in the winter. I received a letter from a fan who said that she could feel the cold in my book Zero Visibility despite living where it was warm. Write what you know, I guess. Some of my other winter books include Mountain Captive and Hidden Away. 

My book that released yesterday, Defending the Child, begins in the middle of an intense winter storm. Marielle flees her house with her foster child Ian in the middle of a blizzard when a home intruder threatens to harm them. Ian was a witness to a horrible crime and now people are after him. He went mute as a result of what he saw. Marielle seeks refuge at a Bible camp in the mountains but the camp's caretaker turns out to be the man who left her at the altar years ago. Graham has his own reasons for needing to hide out at the isolated camp. 

I'd love to give away a few copies of Defending the Child. Let me know what the weather is like where you are at and leave your email address (USA only). Or tell me about a memory you have connected to extreme weather of any kind. 



  1. We’ve warmed to to 1😜. I remember as a kid being delighted by extended Christmas break due to snow. My aunt had come to visit and stayed longer and my dad had to take a tractor to a main road to get the vet as our road hadn’t been plowed. The adults may have been less pleased. πŸ€”. Have a great day. Becca12901 at yahoo.

  2. We had -13 in my neck of Ohio this morning. Yuk
    Just read this book recently, and loved it. Don't enter me, as I have a copy :)

  3. The coldest I have ever been was when we lived in northern Maine. The temp went down to -35 but the wind chill made it even colder. It’s 19 in central VA now. Brrr! I preordered your book and really looking forward to reading it! watts.vickie@gmail.com

  4. The last time I looked the temp here felt like -10! It gets that cold and colder some years.

  5. We are in Florida and it is 50*. However, we did not get the snow they got further north for which we are grateful!
    The story sounds fantastic - makes me cold just thinking about it.
    bettimace AT gmail DOT com

  6. Snow cold ice here in Colorado springs. Your bok sounds great.would love to win and read it. tybenwesmom@ yahoo.com

  7. We also have warmed up to 1 degree. No school yet this week which we're loving. :) This book sounds amazing. I was a foster care worker and these types of books are right where my heart is. Thank you for this opportunity. clSwalwell99@gmail.com

  8. I love in Michigan and it has been in the single digits for the last three days. tWarner419@aol.com

  9. Record breaking snowfall on the gulf coast... 9 inches of snow ❄️ here in Bon Secour, Alabama...

  10. Record breaking snow here in Pensacola, Florida. The record broken was from 135 years ago. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  11. Weather has been very cold, at least for us, here in the Ozark Mountains. We had one snow of 10 1/2 inches the first go round. It had barely melted (except places in the shade) with a couple of sunny days, before we head back into frigid single digit numbers and more snow. At least this time it wasn't much - 1/4 inch. Temperatures are to go up for a few days BUT bringing rain with it. Love seeing the snow and blessed that hubby doesn't have to work out in it any more, but neither the cold or the dampness of the rain are good for this old body with so many aches and pains. Not wanted to live entirely on medication, I greatly limit when I can and just suffer through. That's one of the reasons I love to read. I can escape into the story and forget what's going on in my world for a spell.
    Thank you for the fabulous chance to win a copy of DEFENDING THE CHILD. I would LOVE the opportunity to read and review this book on my TBR list.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  12. I'm in southern California near the coast and it's sunny and in the mid-60s.
    dianah7272 at gmail dot com

  13. I live in Las Vegas and we have had freezing temps at night. When I was in high school, I lived in MN, and we had a huge blizzard. I have a picture of my brothers shoveling huge snowdrifts almost as big as them off of our roof.
    To the other extreme, again, I live in Las Vegas. We hit a record high of 120°F this summer. It was a little toasty!

    Also, your book sounds amazing! Added it to my TBR pile!

    Heather Mitchell crhbmitchellfam@gmail.com

  14. cold
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  15. 46°F this evening. We're actually having a warmer, sunnier week in comparison to the rest of the winter so far!

  16. Great cover!
    It's 61 degrees in California today.

  17. Love that cover! And it sounds so interesting...

  18. (Cindy Merrill): I remember the Blizzard of 1996- it was so bad that everyone at work wasn't allowed to go home, so we slept in a visitor's lounge: This was Brighten Medical Center in Portland ME.

  19. We had .1 inch of snow last week. Lasted till almost noon of that day. So sorry for your other descriptions. South Texas doesn’t get much winter. However, we’ve had enough my delicate plants all froze back. Looking forward to your new book

    1. Another opps. Email julia.inman@sbcglobal.net

  20. It’s been in the 20’s here, which is plenty cold for me! My husband was saying the other day that places that get colder than us should just be considered uninhabitable!πŸ˜‚
    Love your books and can’t wait to read your new release!

  21. Good morning Sharon!
    Defending the Child sounds and looks very good!
    The weather here in Indiana has been very cold!! I’m already wanting warm weather again. lol!
    Sherry Brown

  22. This sounds like a book that I would enjoy reading.

  23. Oops! lraines78 at gmail dot com

  24. I’m in Texas and earlier in the week it was freezing and snowing. Now we are back to temperatures in the 60s. Got to love bipolar Texas weatherπŸ˜‚ katieoliva20@gmail.com

  25. The weather here in Arkansas has been cold this week. We had snow the first of the month about 10 inches and it has not all melted yet. It is supposed to be 50 today . linda - henderson@att.net

  26. I am in Tennessee and on Tuesday night it was 8 degrees. It is warming up again so I am truly thankful for that.

  27. It’s 22 degrees above zero in Billings, MT at present. The nicest all week, because the wind has been blowing nonstop. We have snow drifts in the yard because of all the wind!!!πŸ’¨ I’m ready for SPRING!!!😊

  28. This looks like a really good book. And it’s perfect reading weather here in Michigan because it’s frigid outside.

  29. I am in Swansea, South Carolina and today at 12 noon the temp is 51 degrees and I am miserable. I hate the cold...my cats hate the cold...even my car hates the cold. I am so excited to read this book. Sharon Dunn's books are some of my favorites. (jozywails@gmail.com)

  30. I Live in Ohio with the tempts. being in the - 0 so that is pretty cold here I would love to read your new book! Sarahbaby601973@gmail.com

  31. It's been cold here but not really a lot colder than normal.

  32. We have been bitterly cold in central Kentucky, unusual for the number of days we've had. On the bright side our snow STAYED!! yay!

  33. It is 26 degrees. We have had sun and clouds today. dpruss@prodigy.net
