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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Everything about Bundled Books, Collections, Anthologies, or Co

Bundling books isn’t a new concept. Back in college, a LONG time ago, I subscribed to an Agatha Christie collection, getting three books in one binding every month. And back then, they were actual, physical books. Today’s bundles can still be found as physical books – like three-book collections from famous authors or an anthology of short stories from romance authors. But much more often, they are e-books. E-books are perfect for bundled books because there’s no worry about the book being too flimsy or the spine splitting in two.

You can find all sorts of book bundles, but they usually fall into three categories.

Multi-Author Anthologies or Collections According to Genre

These are often collections of novellas or short stories that are all in the same genre. There are all sorts of options. In fact, a couple of our Suspense Sisters are part of these.

Mary Alford has a 2-in-1 collection where her book AMISH COUNTRY KIDNAPPING is matched with author Katy Lee’s book, AMISH COUNTRY UNDERCOVER. You can find it at THIS LINK!

She has another 2-in-1 collection with author Alison Stone in the book AMISH COUNTRY HIDEOUT. Find the link to that book HERE.

And Patricia Bradley is part of a collection of twelve heartwarming Christmas stories. Though not suspense, they sound like a perfect set of books to enjoy with a warm cup of cocoa! You can find it HERE!

Single Author

This is where the classics often fall into place. I even have an e-book of the complete works of Jane Austen. Today’s authors are also jumping on board with these. I had such a great time last week indulging in one of these bundles.

I’ve been slowly but surely making my way through Christie Barritt’s Lantern Beach Universe. She has a number of multi-book series in this universe and all of them are so good. Last week, I made it through the four-book bundle of “Lantern Beach Blackout – The New Recruits” series. Each book picked up the story of one of the four team members and the women who entered their lives and changed the forever. And that little romance is only part of the exciting suspense and mystery series! Such a good read. Find it HERE!

Mary Alford also has dipped her toe in this type of collection. She has a six-book series called "Courage Under Fire." They are included in two different collections by the same name. The first is available HERE and includes books 1, 2, and 3. The second of books 4, 5, and 6 is HERE.

There are also book bundles from popular authors like HL Wegley, Alana Terry, and Margaret Daley.


This last type seems to be the most difficult to find. Sometimes, they aren’t exactly bundles but one book written by two or more authors. This type of book is the way I got my start as a published author with THE CHRISTMAS TREE TREASURE HUNT. Though the single story was written by nine different authors, it is described as "seamless." We were all shocked when it stayed at the top of the Amazon rankings for almost a month, catapulting all of the authors into the top 100 authors. For eight days, I was in the 48th place, in front of Leo Tolstoy! Crazy! HERE is the link for THE CHRISTMAS TREE TREASURE HUNT. 

I’ve also seen very popular collaborations between suspense authors like GHOST HEART from “The Agents of Mercy” series by Lisa Harris and Lynne Gentry. The authors worked together on each of the four stories. You can find the link for GHOST HEART HERE.

There is also BEYOND THE SILENCE by Tracie Peterson and Kimberly Woodhouse. This team generally write historical romance, but this book seems to have suspense involved as well. Find it HERE.

I got to do another type of collaboration like that. In this one, seven different authors wrote a mystery or light suspense using the same central character. She was sort of like Jessica Fletcher. “The Visitor Mystery Series” follows the CEO of a charitable organization all over the country as she visits branches of her company and members of her family. “She doesn’t invite murder or mayhem to join her; they just sort of show up.” In this collaboration, each author wrote a separate book from the viewpoint of the family member embroiled in the trouble. You can find THE VISITOR MYSTERY SERIES BUNDLE at THIS LINK!

So have you ever read a book bundle? Which type would you like the most:  a collection based on genre by many authors, a single author collection of a series, or a collaboration in one book or series by many authors?

I’m giving one e-copy of THE VISITOR MYSTERY SERIES BUNDLE away to a reader who answers my questions and leaves an email address!

Good luck!


  1. I prefer a single author collection, but the collaboration kind sounds fascinating! watts.vickie@gmail.com

    1. All of the collaborations that I did were definitely challenging. I'm looking forward to reading some of these two-author collaborations!

  2. Thank you for the mention of the Heartwarming Christmas collection! It was so much fun...I have “The Visitor Mystery Series” in my library! Hope to get time to read it SOON!

  3. Glad you're reviving this tradition. Great idea!

  4. yes, but not a fan of incomplete stories
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  5. Thank you for explaining this. I have several bundles on my kindle. From how you described them, I think I would like the collaboration type the best. It offers a fun way to read multiple authors. I love the idea of The Visitor Mystery Series, following on character from different perspectives of additional characters.

    1. Ooops, forgot the email. L Cisson @ gmail dot com

  6. I think Book Bundles or Collections are fun to read, although I just read print copies!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  7. I actually have read all of these types of book bundles, and have enjoyed them all. I just finished Cold Escape, which is 5 stories in the same genre by different authors. It's so good!

    The Visitor Mystery Series Bundle sounds so good! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

    Heather Mitchell crhbmitchellfam@gmail.com

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thanks for the explanation of bundles. I recently purchased A Summer of Suspicion--12 novels in e-book format. I like Anthologies because I can usually read some of my favorite authors plus discover some new authors.
    The Visitor Mystery Series bundle sounds intriguing.
    My email address is smartrobin2003@yahoo.com.

  10. I think book bundles are awesome! Alicia Haney. aliciabhaney(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  11. At the moment I prefer a collection based on genre because I can discover a new author or more from my favorite genre. A collaboration is great, too. Each author has his own strengths to make this a great read. Thank you for the giveaway!

    char loves mark at gmail dot com

  12. I am not sure that I have read any of the above. I have been busy reading ARC's. I am in three book clubs as well as devotional books and the Bible. dpruss@prodigy.net.

  13. I have read all these types of books. I was surprised that I liked collaborations as much as I did!

  14. I love collaborations! & series with shared worlds. Ty for the chance! Andreadrake1@yahoo.com

  15. Thank you for the insightful information about book bundles, collections, anthologies and collaborations!! This is so interesting! I have Hotel California: An Anthology of New Mystery Short Stories by several authors and I loved it!
    I would read all kinds of these book bundles; however, Collaborations is new to me! It fascinates me how several authors collaborate to write a book!

  16. I read book bundles and prefer a single author collection of a series. Usually when it's a multi-author collection, each author includes a first book in their series, which is hard for me to go and find the whole series later...

  17. I read book bundles often, I prefer a single author when I want to binge a series. I don't mind multiple authors, especially when its to support a cause or it's a favorite genre.

    Msredk at aol dot com
