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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Interview with Author DiAnn Mills and a Giveaway!

Kristen here. I am so excited to welcome my friend, DiAnn Mills, to the Suspense Sisters blog! I have had the privilege of getting to know DiAnn through writer's conferences, and she has such a heart for readers and her fellow writers. Enjoy this interview with DiAnn where she shares about her latest release, Lethal Standoff, now available. She’s also giving away one paperback or e-book copy of the book (winner's choice), so keep reading to the end.

1. Tell us about your recent release.

Lethal Standoff: Hostage negotiator Carrington Reed is called to the scene when reports come in that fifteen hostages are being held by the Kendrix brothers in an abandoned house in south Texas. When she arrives on site, Carrington quickly learns that the brothers are armed and refuse to release their victims, a group of undocumented immigrants, until the local police identify their father’s murderer.

Working closely with Levi Ehrlich, a handsome investigative reporter who has covered some of Carrington’s negotiations in the past, she finds herself being undeniably drawn to him. Carrington digs deeper into the death of the Kendrix brother’s father and begins to notice that some details surrounding his death aren’t adding up.

2. What was your inspiration for this book?

Researching negotiators. I’ve interviewed negotiators and watched documentaries showing how they can diffuse volatile situations and people. Thoroughly fascinating and appeals to my love of psychology. So the thought came to me: What if a negotiator is called to a dangerous situation in which two brothers hold hostage 15 undocumented immigrants? 

3. What is your favorite part of the writing process? Your least favorite?

Favorite part: Developing the character. I’m a seat of the pants writer with a strong emphasis on characterization. The process involves a fifteen-page characterization sketch and takes me a week to complete one POV character. The advantage is I know who my character is on chapter one, line one. That way, I can toss them into an adventure and danger by using their fears and weaknesses against them, forcing the character to change. 

Least favorite part: I have a huge list of weasel words: overused, telling, and fillers. I go through the entire manuscript and look for every usage. But, I will say my least favorite part is the muscle behind a tightly woven story.

4. I can relate to those weasel words. Tell us three things about yourself that might surprise your readers.

1. I’d like to one day parasail. I’ve done ziplining, and now I’m ready for the next adventure.

2. I’m a very picky eater.

3. I’d like to one day write a dystopian novel.

5. I'll be watching for that dystopian novel one day! What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Read, cook/bake, garden, spend time with family, hike, travel

6. What are you working on now?

Canyon of Deceit is a September 2025 romantic suspense release from Tyndale Publishing. A survival expert and a Texas Ranger trek into an off-the-grid area to free a seven-year-old little girl who’s held hostage to silence her Russian father from revealing terrorist information.

7. Your story premises are always so intriguing. Where can your readers learn more about you?

I love to hear from readers! They can contact me through my website at all my social media platforms. https://diannmills.com

Fellow readers, you can get your copy of Lethal Standoff here: https://diannmills.com/books/lethal-standoff/

Keep reading to learn more about DiAnn and how to enter for a chance to win a copy of Lethal Standoff.

DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She weaves memorable characters with unpredictable plots to create action-packed, suspense-filled novels with threads of romance. DiAnn believes every breath of life is someone’s story, so why not capture those moments and create a thrilling adventure? 

Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards, Selah, Golden Scroll, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests. 

DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, an active member of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Mystery Writers of America, the Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild, and International Thriller Writers. DiAnn continues her passion of helping other writers be successful. She speaks to various groups and teaches writing workshops around the country. 

DiAnn has been termed a coffee snob and roasts her own coffee beans. She’s an avid reader, loves to cook, and believes her grandchildren are the smartest kids in the universe. She and her husband live in sunny Houston, Texas. 

DiAnn is very active online and would love to connect with readers on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Goodreads, BookBub, YouTube, LinkedIn or her website: diannmills.com 

For a chance to win a copy of Lethal Standoff (U.S. winner's choice of paperback or e-book; international winner will receive e-book), leave a comment answering this question: What is the toughest thing you've ever had to negotiate or something you hope you never have to negotiate?

Be sure to include your email address in your comment.


  1. Would hope to never have to negotiate moving vs staying for that better job. That's a hard question!! 🙂 teramon32@gmail.com

    1. It is a tough question. It would take lots of prayer.

  2. Nothing as extreme as being a hostage negotiator for sure, but had to negotiate with hubby about selling our home in CA to move to SC. And that was tough for me to do! I'm glad we obeyed God & moved, but I do miss that beautiful CA weather!

    dianalflowers at aol dot com

    1. I think marriage takes the art of negotiation from the wife and husband. But it can be tough.

  3. Wilma mamawings@hismercy.org

  4. I know it’ll be another good one! DiAnn’s books never disappoint. I love the intrigue that a negotiator brings to a story. This is going to be a great read.
    Barbara Diggs englishathome01@gmail.com

    1. Thank you, Barbara. I learned so much about negotiating while researching and writing this book.

  5. hostage negotiator
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  6. Toughest thing I have ever had to negotiate is my salary. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  7. Wow! I love reading about hostage negotiators, but I would never want to be in that position where innocent people who can't defend themselves view me as their only hope of staying alive and getting free.

    eclitton at gmail dot com

    1. Elizabeth, I think I'd like it - if properly trained - but my heart pounds at the thought of the pressure!

  8. This is an author I love to read. God bless. Jane Squires jrs0350@yahoo.com

    1. Jane, you've read my books for years. Thank you so much!

  9. Absolutely love her books! They are so riveting and I can't put them down! Thanks for hosting the giveaway 😁 kheldreth@neo.rr.com

  10. Thanks, Kelli, I appreciate you!

  11. I would never want to be a hostage negotiator Thank you for the chance Sarahbaby601973(at)gmail(dot)com

  12. My mother was mentally ill and delusional so it was tough dealing with that. I kind of felt like a hostage negotiator, but wouldn't want to be one. I would play one if I were an actress.

  13. Dealing with the death of a parent by myself. Fortunately, they are still both around right now.
    dianah7272 at gmail dot com

  14. The toughest thing I've ever had to negotiate is care for my dad, who is 87 and dealing with Alzheimer's. Trying to help manage his daily care is difficult when you add in he fell and broke his hip. He's so sweet, but doesn't remember he can't go outside by himself or that he needs help with dressing and bathing...It's heart wrenching to see a strong, able father you have adored and looked up to for so long struggle so hard day to day.

  15. Thank you so much for the giveaway! I'm really looking forward to reading Lethal Standoff! I'd never, ever want to be put in a position to have to negotiate for someone's life. It would be too heartbreaking for the negotiations to "go south". wileyluvstabby(at)comcast(dot)net

  16. This summer my only brother passed away then a month after my 16 year old cat Penny passed away.

  17. Absolutely loved this book. One of the top picks for my reading list this year.
    I try to be a peacemaker but I don’t like conflict.
    Paula Shreckhise

  18. Not much of a negotiator. Love your books.

  19. I am certainly not looking forward to negotiating near-future plans for my parents. They have both been very sentimental about their home for many years!!! My dad was born in the home. It is not handicapped accessible at all. If they need home care, I don’t believe it be acceptable. I don’t want to negotiate any move with them!
    char loves mark at gmail dot com

    1. That does sound like a challenge for sure! I hope you will all have wisdom when that time comes. For now, I'm happy to share that you are our giveaway winner! DiAnn will be in touch. Congrats!

  20. Thank you for the insightful interview, and I got to know more about DiAnn Mills and her Lethal Standoff which sounds suspenseful! Hmm.. I wish I had never had to plead with The Almighty for my parents’ lives against their illnesses. They both passed away during my teenage years and young adulthood. However, I thank God that I am now quite independent and am able to manage my life at my best.

  21. Sometimes just negotiating basic life stuff about being married is hard. I don't like conflict but don't like waiting in the unknown while stuff gets figured out, either.

  22. I don't really feel like I have had to negotiate much of anything serious... unless you count negotiations with my 4 yr old daughter!!!🤣😂

    Heather Mitchell crhbmitchellfam@gmail.com

  23. Toughest thing to negotiate for me was when we were getting a new mattress set and my husband want to continuously put it off until a later date.

  24. Toughest thing that I had to negotiate was the loss of my Mom. I am still struggling with the loss. She has been gone since January 2023. I would also say dealing with surviving an apartment fire that the fire chief said I was lucky to survive. Our dog saved me. dpruss@prodigy.net. God bless you.

  25. The hardest thing I've had to negotiate and hope to never again is the death of my hubby's aunt, father and sister in less than 3 years. Hubby shut down and we had to find ourselves again. books4me67 at ymail dot com

  26. Negotiate eveyday with dealerships,

  27. When I was pregnant with my last son, the doctors wanted to run tests to see if something was wrong with him after a car accident, A fall and meds when I hadn't know I was pregnant to see if he was ok to continue to carry to term.

    I refused the tests because I believed that God would make that determination. It was a hard pregnancy and they had to take him a month early because my heart was failing and so was his. Today he is now 26 and has a 1 year daughter! I'm so glad that I kept my Faith!

    msredk at aol dot com

  28. Car accident settlement.
