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Thursday, June 27, 2024

On Dreaming Big Dreams

Back in 2001, I was at the beach with one of my friends, having a rare girl trip.  We had been joking around and cutting up most of the week, and one of the inside jokes we'd had had for years had to do with being rock stars.  We were in a shop, and I happened across a bumper sticker that said, “Rock Star.”  So... I bought two.  One went directly on the back of my car.  The other has hung on my office bulletin board ever since.   Yep, right next to Calvin and a quote by Jon Acuff.  (Whom you should read, by the way.  He manages to make you laugh while he steps all over your toes.)


At that time, I wasn’t writing.  At least not for real.  I wrote all of the time, mostly for myself. It was my outlet, and I loved wandering around in stories. I'd done it since I was a kid.  But, you see, I had never considered writing as a career.  I mean, publishing a real book?  Really?  I might as well say, “I want to be a rock star.”  Seriously. Who gets to do that? The odds of it happening, were, uhm…  zero?

Of course, God had other timing and other plans.  That’s another story.  But His plans led to this…


Ten years after that beach trip, my first novel released.  Twenty-three years after that beach trip, there are over half a million copies of books God and I wrote floating around out there. Honestly, I never saw that coming.  When He told me it was time to start writing “for real,” it took me months to truly listen and believe.  It took me even longer to tell anyone else.  Honestly, it made me feel like I was saying, “I want to be a rock star.”  Again, who does that? I could just imagine people patting me on the head, all the while thinking I was slightly imbalanced.

God had bigger plans than I ever dreamed, and if we ever sat down and talked about how He made them all come true, you simply wouldn’t believe me. When I was teaching, I would tell my students... Don’t be afraid to dream.  Don’t be afraid to dream BIG dreams.  God’s a big God, and if it’s His will, even the biggest of big dreams can come true.  Somebody has to be the rock star, or there would be no music. Somebody has to be the NBA basketball player, the Major League Baseball player, the choreographer, and the filmmaker. (Cool thing? I've had students do all of the above.) Some of us have big dreams of being parents, nurses, teachers, IT geeks, graphic designers, farmers, or electricians. (Other cool thing? I've had students do all of those, too.) 

It might take a day, a year, a decade… But if He’s given you the dream, then He means for you to pursue it to His end, whatever that might be.  I often think of author Cec Murphy and something I once heard him say at a conference, “Sometimes you write for an audience of millions.  And sometimes you write for an audience of one.”  Whether God's called you to millions or to one, obeying Him is success... and it's a dream come true. It's truly becoming a "rock star."

Oh, I have other dreams. A house in the mountains. Grandchildren... someday in the future. A novel based on one of my favorite songs. (I'm constantly thinking on that one.) Here's the thing, when it comes to what God can do, I’m not afraid to dream.

What is your “I’m a Rock Star” dream? Comment below, and you could win a copy of Montana Abduction Rescue, coming out next month.  I'll choose a random comment on Monday, July 1, 2024 and post the winner here. US winners may choose either a print copy or an ebook. Overseas winners will receive an ebook.  


  1. retirement
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  2. I lasted less than a week at BN's dream! I don't think I was meant to ever retire. lol My dream is for one of my books to be made into a movie...

  3. I have many. Retirement, graduation, trips around the world I want to take. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  4. I really like the big story behind your "Rock Star" Dream!! That's so inspirational!! Yes, I believe in God's faith and guidance. I have wanted to visit seven wonders of the world (I am not sure what they are now..), and I have visited some. One of them is Grand Canyon, and I made it (but it was so foggy that day, may go back again)! I still have yet to visit the rest of the wonders, and I would love to travel around the world as well - this is my "Rock Star" dream!

  5. I have to be honest here. At 77 (next month), I'm not sure what my "dream" is anymore (I know what tgey used to be, but...).. I need to think and pray about this. Thank you for making me examin myself and THINK. God bless!

    1. Mary, don't let age stop you! I was 69 when my first book was released...and I'm working on book 18 now!

  6. I'm not sure what my "Rock Star" dream is.
    dianah7272 at gmail dot com

  7. My dream years ago was to be the owner of a bakery because of my love to bake. Sometimes God answers are prayers in ways we didn't expect. Although I didn't open that bakery, I've been able to improve and use my skills to share the bounty of my kitchen over the years to bring a smile on a birthday, bring comfort in the time of sorrow, bring love to friends and family with a just because dessert and many other forms of emotions to both the receiver and to me through my joy of baking. I've found that although I still love to bake, that the real joy isn't the actual baking, but the joy I get when I see the smiles on the face of people I shared with. This "Rock Star" will continue to bake and share with others as long as God sees fit for me to do so.

    Thank you for the fabulous chance to win a copy of MONTANA ABDUCTION RESCUE! On my TBR list and would love to read an review it.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  8. I know this may sound silly, but my "Rock Star" dream was always to be a stay-at-home wife and mom. I had to wait almost 20 years for that dream, but now I am "living the dream!" My almost 4 year old daughter (she'll be 4 on the 4th of July) was born in 2020. The plan was always for me to stay at home with her, but... 2020! My husband was furloughed from his job when she was born, and I had a steady paycheck from my job. She is adopted, so I had 2½ weeks of bonding with her before I had to go back to work. I officially "retired" September 28, 2022.

    My "rock star" dream now, I guess, would be to travel. My husband and I have dreamed about homeschooling our daughter and just being able to travel to places she's studying and do more "hands on" learning that way.

    Heather Mitchell crhbmitchellfam@gmail.com

    1. Heather, my sister's birthday is July 4...you will not believe how jealous I was that EVERYBODY celebrated her birthday. lol

  9. I don't know that I had a "rock star dream". My life has not turned out how I thought it would but I am sure it has been more than I dreamed. We raised 2 boys who have become great husbands and fathers. Now we have 2 daughters-in-love and 3, soon to be 4, grandchildren. I am a retired high school chemistry teacher and love hearing from former students.
    Carolyn Frazier. frazierhlhs@yahoo.com

  10. Not sure what my dreams are at this moment, but I sure enjoyed reading about yours.

  11. What an inspirational story about fulfilling your dreams. I would like a home in the mountains that my grandchildren would look forward to visiting. watts.vickie@gmail.com

  12. As a former teacher, I wish I would have been introduced to the ROCK STAR DREAM concept. My students would have identified with it and most likely would still remember it. I ended my career at a Christian school so I always encouraged them to listen to God as He directed their futures. To me it’s a ROCK STAR DREAM listening to God and obeying. His rewards are bigger and better than any dreams we might create. I know because I have lived such a life.

    char loves mark at gmail dot com

  13. I cannot think of anything that I would say would be a Rock Star dream. I just want to be the best for the Lord that I can be. I ask Him to guide me in the way He would want me to go. I want to encourage my sisters and brothers in the Lord to keep their hearts and minds on the Lord. dpruss@prodigy.net

  14. Getting to travel and see many places.

  15. I'm in therapy for PTSD, so is like to come out on the other side of this process a better whole 'Me'!
    Msredk at AOL dot com

  16. My rockstar dream is writing my own books not just reading them! I know one day I’ll get there I just haven’t done it yet! Thanks for sharing your inspirational story! It’s amazing!

  17. I just started going back to graduate school after I couldn’t finish my degree 20+ years ago. I had given up on the dream but God opened doors and now I’m working toward becoming a therapist. I’m still in awe!

  18. I am not sure but I know that whatever it may be the Lord will lead and guide me Your book sounds amazing Sarahbaby601973(at)gmail(dot)com

  19. I am 52 and a mere 4 weeks away from my BS in Accounting. I am approaching the finish line for my first calling as homeschooling mom.
