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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Interview with Author Jerusha Agen and a Giveaway!

Kristen here. I'm thrilled to welcome my friend, Jerusha Agen, to the Suspense Sisters blog! Enjoy getting to know Jerusha and learning about her latest release, Lethal Danger, available now. She’s also giving away one paperback copy of the book, so keep reading to the end.

1. First, tell us about your recent release.

Lethal Danger
is a thrill-ride romantic suspense novel about Jazz Lamont and her K-9, Flash, who need to catch whoever is trying to sabotage the Tri-City Fair while evading someone who wants Jazz dead. 

Jazz has some help from her fellow agents at the Phoenix K-9 Security and Detection Agency, but she keeps feeling like she doesn’t fit in with them. She’s never really fit in anywhere her whole life. Except at the Tri-City Fair, where she spent much of her childhood.

The rejection that’s followed Jazz since she was a child is one reason she found joy through escaping into books. Her favorite reads are the thriller novels from author Hawthorne Emerson.

She never imagined the guy she climbs a Ferris wheel with to rescue a victim is none other than her favorite author. Or that he would be quite so handsome in person.

When the famous author teams with Jazz to catch more than one dangerous criminal, both of their lives may soon be on the line.

2. What was your inspiration for this book?

The inspiration for most of my books comes from the characters themselves, and Lethal Danger was no different. Jazz Lamont is a courageous woman skilled in defending herself and taking down bad guys. But she can be insecure in social settings, including around the other members of the Phoenix K-9 team. When I started to explore why that is, Jazz’s story unfolded into a tale of rejection and eventual redemption that is resonating with many readers!

3. What is your favorite part of the writing process?

Having written! Honestly, there’s nothing like holding the published book in my hands and, prior to that, just reveling in the satisfaction and relief that I’ve completed another novel. 

Writing is hard. But it’s one of the most rewarding tasks I know, especially when you reach the finish line through God’s power.

On the other hand, what is your least favorite part?

I used to say outlining was my least favorite part of writing, though I learned long ago that the benefits of plotting and outlining in advance far outweigh the negatives. Now, I’ve revamped my outlining process in ways that make it quicker and more fun. 

I think my least favorite part of the process is getting started writing a particular project. Thanks to outlining, I don’t have any writer’s block preventing me from filling the blank page. But the first day or two can be rough until I start to know the character’s voices better, shake off the dust from not having written for a bit, and find my stride again.

4. Tell us three things about yourself that might surprise your readers.

I’m a perfectionist. I don’t like cheesecake. I’ve never encountered a dessert too sweet for me to love.

5. What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

So many things, but I don’t have time for most of them! My favorite way to unwind and relax is to watch movies and read Christian fiction. If I ever find more time, I love to bake yummy desserts, paint or draw, and, in winter, cross-country ski.

6. What are you working on now?

I’m diving into the outlining phase for Terminal Danger, the next and final book in the Guardians Unleashed Series. I’m so excited to finally bring to readers the story of Phoenix Gray, the mysterious and intriguing leader of the Phoenix K-9 Security and Detection Agency.

7. Where can your readers learn more about you?

I’d love to connect with readers and learn about them, too, through my newsletter emails! Join my Fear Warrior Suspense community and get a FREE romantic suspense novella at FearWarriorSuspense.com.

Thank you, Jerusha, for sharing your time and story with us! 

Fellow readers, you can get your copy of Lethal Danger directly through Jerusha's bookstore: https://jerushaagen.com/books/lethal-danger/

Keep reading to learn more about Jerusha and this must-read story. 

Jerusha Agen imagines danger around every corner but knows God is there, too. So naturally, she writes romantic suspense infused with the hope of salvation in Jesus Christ. Jerusha loves to hang out with her big furry dogs and little furry cats, often while reading or watching movies. Find more of Jerusha’s thrilling, fear-fighting stories at JerushaAgen.com.

More about Lethal Danger:

This K-9 team is trained to eliminate threats. This threat could eliminate them.

Being a loner is getting old. Jazz Lamont still can’t fit in at the Phoenix K-9 Agency, and she’s losing her best friend. At least providing security with her K-9 partner at the Tri-City Fair will mean revisiting the only place where she once belonged. But a series of accidents threatens her beloved fair and puts lives at risk.

Thriller author Hawthorne Emerson suspects foul play after the first “accident.” Moonlighting as fair security to investigate the death of his sister’s boyfriend, he’s eager to find the truth. He doesn’t expect the task to lead him to the cult he escaped.

Finding the culprit behind the sabotage is personal for Jazz and Hawthorne. But someone else has a personal stake, too. Someone who wants Jazz dead. When everything she thought was true is dismantled, can Jazz risk trusting others—including God—to survive? 

For a chance to win a paperback copy of Lethal Danger (US only or e-book to a non-US winner), leave a comment answering this question: Which author would you want to climb into a Ferris wheel with you? You could mention your favorite title by the author or a question you'd like to ask him or her.

Be sure to include your email address in your comment.


  1. Stephen King
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    1. Wow, that would be an adventure!

  2. Mitch Albom,chicowill57@aol.com

  3. I would love a book,jcisforme@aol.com

    1. Glad you'd like to win Lethal Danger!

  4. Nancy Mehl! We are around the same age so it would be fun to take that adventure with her.

    1. Ooh! That sounds like so much fun!

  5. Lisa Phillips. I would just like to get to know her better.,

    1. I'm blessed to be friends with Lisa, and I can say for sure you would have so much fun getting to know her!

  6. Dana Mentink. jrs0350@yahoo.com

  7. Great book! In fact, the whole series is outstanding! Not entering since I purchased the books already. But everyone who loves romantic thrillers needs to get these books! Vickie W

    1. Thanks so much, Vickie! I'm so glad you're loving the Guardians Unleashed Series!

  8. New author ......wilma

    1. I love "meeting" new-to-me authors! I hope you check out the Guardians Unleashed Series!

  9. Fantastic book and series. Loved all of them. And I’m dying to read the Terminal Danger when it gets written! . So, I’m not entering the contest either.
    No more Ferris wheels for me. . .vertigo.
    Barbara Diggs

    1. I'm so delighted you've enjoyed the Guardians Unleashed Series, Barbara! Thank you!

  10. I’m sold on the series just from this interview.:) Thanks. Lonzine Lee, MsL3Lee@gmail.com

    1. Yay! Kristen conducts a fabulous interview, doesn't she? So glad you're sold on the series. :-) Hope you enjoy the stories!

    2. Congratulations, Lonzine! You won the drawing for a copy of Lethal Danger. Jerusha will be in touch.

  11. I kept hearing about this books and after reading the interview, I am going to have to read the series! I would like to ride a Ferris wheel with Irene Hannon. I would love to know how she switches her mindset from writing romance to romantic suspense.

    1. So glad this interview has made you want to read the Guardians Unleashed Series! Great pick for a Ferris wheel companion. And that would be a great question to ask her!

  12. Replies
    1. Ooh! You would have SO much fun with Jessica on a Ferris wheel! :-)

  13. First off, I have to tell you that "Lethal Danger" has been on my TBR list since it was first discussed. Love K-9 stories and combine them with romantic suspense and I'm all in! Can't wait for the opportunity to dive into Jazz and Flash's story!

    Enjoyed reading the interview, but I need to talk to you about cheesecake - what's not to like. Ok everyone has their one thing they either like or dislike, so I'll let you slide on that. :)

    Thank you for the very special chance to win a copy of this what I know is going to be an amazing story!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. So glad to hear you're eager to read Lethal Danger, Kay! I hope you enjoy it! As for cheesecake--it's the cream cheese. Yuck! LOL

  14. Ohhh, that's a tough question since I love so many authors! I think I would choose C.C. Warrens.

    I'm just waiting on this series to be fully published to dive into the books (I'm a serial binge-reader!😉) But I am anticipating them so much!

    Heather Mitchell crhbmitchellfam at gmail dot com

    1. A serial binge-reader? Love it! LOL :-) I'm thrilled to hear you're wanting to read the whole series at once, Heather. Not long to wait now--October (and Terminal Danger's release) will come quickly!

  15. I would like to ride with Patricia Bradley. Thank you for sharing this interview. Blessings

    1. Good choice! Such a fun and smart lady!

  16. I would ride with Jaime Jo Wright!

    1. I bet she'd have you laughing and/or spooked out of your skin by the time you reached the top! ;-)

  17. My favorite author is Brenda Novak


    Rose Ward

    1. I haven't read anything by that author yet! Thanks for mentioning her!

  18. I would love to spend the time with Joanne Fluke and ask her questions about her Hannah Swensen series and talk about some of the recipes she includes. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Ooh! I enjoyed watching the Hannah Swensen movies based on the books.

  19. Due to my fear of edges I’d never climb. Ferris wheel, but I’d love to ride one with Madeline L’Engle and say thanks for the hours of reading pleasure. Her work followed me from Wrinkle as a child through to her adult novels and memoirs. Fascinating mind and I never sent that fan letter while she was alive. Your series is now on my TBR list - sounds great! Congrats on the newest release. Becca12901 at yahoo

    1. Such a unique pick of author, Becca! And I'm so glad to hear Lethal Danger has been added to your TBR!

  20. Jessica Patch. She's so funny and there are so many questions to ask her. lesncyn@att.net

  21. Definitely Jessica Patch. She seems like she would be a hoot!
    nstotts at sbcglobal dot net

    1. Absolutely a hoot! :-) She's hilarious.

  22. I am having too difficult of a time deciding but would choose from: Lynette Eason, Christy Barritt, Colleen Coble, Luana Ehrlich, Robin Patchen, Susan May Warren, among others. The more the merrier! dawn dot nicol at gmail . com

    1. That's a great list! Maybe you could do one time around the wheel with each one! :-)

  23. I would love to ride with Jerusha. We have been emailing for so long I would love to meet in person and have a grand visit! This is a fantastic book that I have already read and enjoyed 😊

    1. I'm honored you'd pick me, Betti! I would so LOVE to meet and visit with you in person, too!

  24. I think I would choose Patricia Bradley.
    dianah7272 at gmail dot com

    1. Great pick! She's such a nice lady and great author!

  25. I would like to ride on a ferris wheel with Agatha Christie.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    1. Ooh! Now that would be a fascinating ride, Nancy! She must've been so clever.

  26. Will be checking the library for the series. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

    1. Yay! Thanks for looking for the Guardians Unleashed Series at your library, Kim! If they don't have it, many librarians are happy to get the books you want if you request it, too.

  27. Jerusha Agen! I’d love to talk to you about managing anxiety, since I have it. I also love dogs, so I’d want to hear about hers! rochellemp@gmail.com

    1. How lovely that you would want to ride with me, Rochelle! I'm sure I'd enjoy visiting with you, too. And you've picked such great topics to chat about! :-)

  28. I’m also a binge reader. I can’t stand to wait for the next book. I would choose to ride in a Ferris wheel with Terri Gillespie. She loves laughing and is so cheerful. I love her advice choosing new books each month on AUTHOR 2 AUTHOR. The interviews each month are something to look forward to!!

    1. I'm not familiar with Terri Gillespie, but I just checked out her website, and her books look fun! I can see why you'd want to ride with her. :-)

  29. Janette Oke since I love history and talking about research. oak33842@yahoo.com

  30. Nicholas Sparks! tWarner419@aol.com

  31. Oh man!! This is like asking me which cat is my favorite - I have two overly spoiled cats! Ok, I would invite Edgar Allan Poe to climb into a Ferris Wheel with me!

  32. What a fabulous interview. Thank you so much. That is a hard question. There are so many that I would love to climb into a ferris wheel with. I am going to say James Patterson. dpruss@prodigy.net.

  33. Oh that’s hard! Maybe G. Bailey I’d love to pick her mind about her series Demons Fall it’s one of my faves! Email- andreadrake1@yahoo.com

  34. James Patterson—how many of his books does he write himself these days?

  35. I’m not sure I could pick just one. I’d love to chat with Nancy Mehl or Jamie Jo Wright or Pepper Basham. Maybe Elizabeth Goddard or Lynn H Blackburn. But to be honest, I don’t like heights so I’d rather have our chat on the ground rather than on a Ferris wheel! Lexihenegar (at) gmail (dot) com

  36. I am sorry I could not pick just one It would be amazing to ride on a Ferris wheel with any of these amazing Authors! Sarahbaby601973(at)gmail(dot)com

  37. Hmmm ... Since she writes so many adventure stories, I'd pick Susan May Warren.

  38. I would like to ride with Lynnette Eason or Dani Pettrey.

  39. Looks interesting. Fantastic cover.

  40. I would like to ride a Ferris wheel with Susan May Warren. She’s a great author, and seems like an adventurous, fun-loving, and kind person.

    I enjoyed reading this interview with Jerusha. I always like learning more about an author. Lethal danger sounds very good! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of it!
