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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Pets Add so Much to Our Lives

 by Sharon Dunn

My book that is due to be released in June Kidnapped in Montana features two female border collies Liz and Betty. The main character formerly had a farm where she bred and trained border collies. The dedication for this book is to my border collie Bart. I also dedicate my next book that will be released in the fall Tracing a Killer to Bart. In that short time between books, Bart died after living for 13 years. I was hopeful he would be one of those dogs that lived to be 16 or 17 but it was not to be. 

Bart was my constant companion after my husband died. He was always tuned into the emotions of the room and enormously entertaining. I so appreciated the way he jumped up on the couch at night when I sat down to watch TV. Dogs know how to just "be" with their owner. It filled my heart with delight to take him to the park and see him with the other dogs. 

After he died, I knew I didn't want to get another dog. I had cancer the last year of Bart's life and I saw what it was like to try to take care of a pet in a weakened state. I was concerned as I got older that I would not be able to handle a dog of any size. Plus, the condo where I live is not the best for having a dog. 

Still, I like having a pet around. I got Lilly at the shelter, a gray and white cat, small for her age. They said she was found as a stray. She's a sweetheart and sleeps with me at night. Cats are not dogs, so she has her moments. She likes to ambush people by wrapping her paws around their legs. I like the company and it gives me someone to talk to during the day as I work from home writing. 

There has been only short periods in my life when I didn't have some kind of pet. 

Until  Bart, I had mostly cats as pets. Growing up, I lived out in the country and we had cats that were somewhat feral and the Siamese cats my mom loved who stayed inside. We also, had a parade of dogs that followed us around when we played outside. There was even a pig named Petunia. My sister who later worked as a vet tech had hamsters and rabbits. I am so grateful for a childhood surrounded by animals and for the pets I've had in my life. 

How about you? What was was/is your favorite pet? Was it hard when they died? How did they add to your life? 

Leave a comment with your email address (U.S. only) I will select two people to receive a copy of the soon to be released Kidnapped in Montana. 


  1. I have two cats— Suzy a rescue from the animal shelter and Tux who just showed up and wouldn’t leave. Of course feeding him might have something to do with it. Lol

  2. Barbara Diggs englishathome01@gmail.com
    My favorite pet was Curry, a 38 lb fluffy mut, who kind of looked like a huge Benji dog. At 15, she had a stroke and was not doing well, so I had to have her put down. I held her during the final procedure. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Even though she’s been gone 24 years, her dog house is still in the yard. Loved that dog with all my heart! ❤️

  3. Duell-Moore BeverlyMay 10, 2024 at 8:45 AM

    I love dogs!. ’t allowed pets where we live no My brothers and grew up with them! The dogs always lifted my spirits when I was down. They are so giving of their love. We aren’t allowed pets where we live.
    duellonlysis at aol dot com

  4. n/a
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  5. We have had a variety of pets through the years, and they have each touched my heart in different ways. We currently have a cat named Luna who was a rescue, and she is so precious and like all the pets who have come before brings us so much joy. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  6. I will look for your books, especially your new one coming out soon. I agree. I love everything animals bring to our lives, even the occasionalheadache. I currently have 9 dogs, 3 horses (just big dogs that eat hay ;) ), and chickens. I'd been very ill for about 3 yrs (nothing as serious as cancer) and knowing I had to get out of bed each day to care for them is the only thing that made it worthwhile to get up... if that makes any sense. LOL Animals are God's gift to us because (for me) they exemplify His unconditional Love. And I will keep you in my prayers. PS I will be 77 in 2 months and part of loving and caring for my pets is making sure they will be well cared for when I'm gone, which I have done. Thankfully, though, God has restored my health and except for minor eye surgery I need, I'm in good health now. God bless you and your small furbaby! 🥰

    1. I have to amend one word: pets. I've never cared for that word, and recently learned a word that more aligns with Scripture when having animals. It's Kahu. The Hawaiian word for having animals and it means "guardian, protector, steward, or someone entrusted with the care of something precious or cherished." We are the Kahu of this earth and all that's in it.

    2. Mary, I love the work Kahu. much better than pets. you have so many to care for. That is wonderful.

  7. I don't have any pets now. We did have a dog when I was growing up. We got him when I was 5 years old and he lived for 17 years. So we had him for practically my whole childhood. We loved him very much.
    dianah7272 at gmail dot com

  8. I have both cats and dogs. Good moment and aggravating moments with them. But they are family. Jrs0350 at yahoo dot com Jane Squires

  9. First I just give a bit of back story. When our daughter was suddenly killed at 17, her dog Haunky became our last link to her. We did everything we could, even taking him to a specialist 2 hours away when needed, until his quality of life couldn't be maintained. Losing him was like losing part of Jenet again. It took several years before we could fathom having another dog. Then in the first days of 2005, Snickerdoodle, a little chihuahua came into our home and our hearts. He was Dad's faithful napping companion while Mom and I did chores of cooked. When Dad died that July, he went to live with Mom to help her deal with the loss. After 6 months, she said it was time for him to come home, but by then he did have a strong connection with Mom. Skip forward a couple years. Mom came to live with us after cancer surgery and the onset of Alzheimer. During the 5 years she lived with us through all the stumbling blocks, Snickerdoodle was by Mom's side. He was the one she never forgot who was. After Mom's passing he was there to help us make it through the adjustment, make us smile and give his love so freely. To sum it up, Snickerdoodle was our everything. Our lives revolved around him. Trips depended on where he could go. Appointments were scheduled so he won't be left for too long. After 17 years, 7 months and 17 days, Snickerdoodle crossed the rainbow bridge and took a huge part of our hearts with him. He is still sorely missed. We haven't gotten another pet yet. We will know when the time is right. It won't be fair to get one and constantly be comparing it to him. But over a year now, we have started to consider it. There will never be another Snickerdoodle, but there can be love for another family member. Because YES they are indeed family and people that don't understand that have never given their heart a chance for unconditional love and the joy of returning it.

  10. I mostly had cats growing up. But had hamsters and fish along the way too. I was single for many years after college and always had a cat. I still had my last cat Spooky when I got married, and she lived to be 12 or so (she came from a shelter so not exact sure of age).
    Now we have a spoiled rotten Cocker Spaniel. She is great company.

  11. We currently have 3 cats...an outside cat named Smoke that adopted us at the start of the fun that was 2020, and a mom & daughter pair that stay inside. We found McGonagall (the mom) when she was very young & had just given birth to 4 kittens in our garage. She was slightly feral & still really only likes my son & will run outside any chance she gets. We ended up keeping her & the wildest one of her kittens (mostly bc no one that wanted her could catch her 😆) and my youngest named her Starshine. ✨
    We also recently lost our sweet Chihuahua, Audrey. She was the tiny princess of the family & was pampered by birth my daughter's 💔

  12. my pets are terrific

  13. I have 1 11 yr. old half Schnauzer and he makes me smile and laugh every day. He is great company and he loves unconditionally. He makes my life so much better. Alicia Haney. aliciabhaney(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  14. I had a pound puppy that turned out to be a boxer, mastiff, who knows what else mix. He was over 100 lbs of pure heart, the absolute sweetest dog ever. His name was Jake and he lived to be 12 and died of cancer while I was in college. No other dog has ever compared to him since then.

  15. I had a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Pepper who was a constant companion while my Mom was in the final stages of Alzheimers. She would always great me wagging his tail and jumping when I came home from spending time with my Mom. He would sit on my lap which was so comforting to me.

  16. I have 2 calico cats. They just started showing up on my front porch. I invited them in and they became family. Losing a beloved pet is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry about Bart.

  17. I currently have two blue tick hound dogs(sisters). I couldn't imagine life without a dog because I've always had at least one.

  18. We have had 2 precious pets, 1 cat and 1 dog, that died. The cat was very sick at the end but she stayed alive until our daughter, her mom, got home from a 6 month training with YWAM. Shortly after, she died in her arms. We currently have a cat that knows she's our baby!

  19. I am sorry that your doggie passed away. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. When I was growing up we had cats and dogs. Cats are my favorite pet to have. I haven't had a pet in 14 years bcz of where I've lived.

    I recently moved in with family and they have 2 cats and a dog. I love it. The youngest kitty sleeps with me most nights and I don't mind at all.

  20. Yes, it is very hard when they died. I never had children so they have become my children. I have had hampsters, Gerbils, a Guinea pig, fish, bunny, cats and dogs. I cannot imagine my life without a pet. I am so sorry that you lost your baby. Hugs to you. We had one dog that saved my life from a fire. He woke me up and would not allow me to go back to sleep. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you. Hugs.

  21. I have 2 cats, I have a calico named Gracie and a grey tabby named Oliver.

  22. Commenting as Cindy Merrill: I have two cats; Fred and Sophie.

  23. I miss our bassett hound, Happy, every day! Connie

  24. We had two dogs growing up a poodle named Brandy and a cocker spaniel named whiskey! Loved them both. tWarner419@aol.com

  25. We have a border collie mix named Maggie. She is 10 and going strong so far. We also have a little Lhasa poo mix named Mo and a cat named Maya. They are all rescues and great pets!

  26. I love dogs! It was very hard when he died. A variety of places I lived didn't allow pets, and now I'm petless due to health issues. Pets do bring comfort and joy!

  27. I Love dogs, but I don't have any right now

  28. I am a cat person. Yes, it's very sad when your pet dies.
