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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Two Wheels and a Highway


In my new book Montana Witness Chase an escape on a motorcycle is an important part of the plot. Sometimes writers have to research things before writing about them and sometimes we draw from our own experiences. 

I have never had to escape someone who wanted to kill me like my characters did in Montana Witness Chase on a motorcycle, but I have been the passenger on a motorcycle for thousands of miles. 

My late husband Michael loved to travel by motorcycle so when we were first married, that is what we did. We honeymooned on the west coast taking the highway that bordered the ocean. We saw most of the national parks in the west traveling by motorcycle and we went to a bike rally in Canada and South Dakota on a motorcycle. The biggest trip we took though was four months riding around Australia. We took countless day trips all over Montana. I am so glad we had such wonderful adventures. Traveling by motorcycle is very freeing because all you have to think about is the small amount of stuff you can carry with you and you can almost always find a parking space. 

Growing up, it was never one of my goals to travel on two wheels, but I am so grateful for the memories and the experience especially now that my husband has passed away. 

How about you? What is your favorite way to travel? What is the most unusual mode of transportation you have ever taken? What kind of travel do you dream about? I'm older now and what really appeals to me is one of those trips down the rivers in Europe so you are back on the boat every night. 

Leave a comment with your email address and I will pick three winners to receive a copy of my Love Inspired suspense book Montana Witness Chase (U.SA. only). 


  1. boat
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  2. I think I would love to travel down the rivers in Europe, stopping and just soaking in all the history.

    1. I think it would be fun. and nice to sleep in the same bed every night.

  3. I've ridden on motorcycles (I was a passenger), and I loved it. I would love to take a long trip on a train, as well as a cruise to Alaska. I love the idea of the boat ride in Europe too. Sounds like a great adventure!

  4. Jeannie HolderfieldJanuary 3, 2024 at 8:18 AM

    I used to dream of a cruise but we took one for an anniversary and I was sooo seasick. What I've discovered is that I truly just want to be home! Make home a place you don't want to escape from. We're happy here! 🙃

  5. I love to travel by car because you can see more and if something catches the eye you can stop and explore. I've not had any unusual modes of travel. I would love to take a trip to Scotland. naomishores@gmail.com

  6. Duell-Moore BeverlyJanuary 3, 2024 at 8:36 AM

    This reminds me of an aunt and uncle who traveled the country on motorcycles. (They each had their own. ) They stopped to see us whenever they came through Ohio. It looked kind of fun but I don’t think I’d have the guts to get on one. The last they came on motor cycles was when my daughter was almost three. She had chicken pox and this was the first time they were meeting her.

  7. I turned down the opportunity to ride on a camel once...probably my favorite mode is bicycle. Or was...now I'm afraid if I fall, I'll break an arm or wrist and won't be able to type. lol

  8. My husband had a motorcycle as well when we were first married. Our trips were just day trips, but I enjoyed them. My most unusual mode of transportation was in an Amish buggy,or maybe an inner tube down river. My dream trip is an Alaskan cruise.

  9. Montana Witness Chase sounds good.

  10. Hubby and I loved traveling on our Honda Goldwing trike. We even had a special RoxyRide sidecar made so our precious furbaby could ride with us. Although most of our journeys were in our state or traveling those bordering ours, we did take a few long trips. Sadly it got to be too painful for me to ride and we sold it, but the wonderful memories are still with us. Folks who have never ridden just don't know what they are missing out on - including the comradery with other bikers regardless of status or where they are from.

    As a senior citizen with medical issues, my favorite way to travel now is our 2020 Blazer. When we bought it, our two main requirements is to have room for all our photography equipment and that it was easy for me to get into. Our love of photographing wild critters in their natural environment, has us going to all four corners of the USA on fun trips. This year is our dream to go to Alaska to see bears and national parks going and coming.

    I'd have to say the most unusual travel for me has to be the helicopter flight over Niagara Falls. It was very usual for me because I have the great fear of heights. Strangely enough, I remember nothing about the flight (even though hubby says we twist and turned in every directions) because I was too busy seeing the sights and trying to capture it all with my camera. Think I'd do it again some day and try to concentrate on the flight to see if I could do it.

    Thank you for the wonderful chance to win a copy of "Montana Witness Chase". Would love the opportunity to read and review this book which is already on my TBR list.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  11. That’s a good question! I’ve ridden on a camel and elephant several times. They are surprisingly comfortable, except when they get up and down. Then you’re almost on your head. My most exciting and terrifying ride was white water rafting. I enjoy driving and riding motorcycles and I love bicycles! BUT I am older now and not so brave, so that long train ride across Europe or a slow river cruise sounds wonderful and peaceful. Barbara Diggs englishathome01@gmail.com

  12. I’d love to go on a cruise someday! Fnpmlp@aol.com

    1. My name is Michelle Peterson. I didn’t intend to comment anonymously. Lol

  13. Charissawisler@gmail.com, I would rather travel by car. I have traveled by train and plane before.

  14. We use to have a motorcycle in our younger years . We love to travel on it . lizd225@gmail.com

  15. My name is Elizabeth Dent , did not mean not to leave my name on the above comment .

  16. I love cruising. I find being on a boat fun and relaxing. I would love to go on a Mediterranean cruise sometime in the future. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  17. A Dodge Challenger or any convertible. ozarkharness @gmail.com

  18. I’ve traveled by plane, boat and car. My favorite way to travel is by car. One can see more and make more interesting stops.

    Tammy G.

  19. My most unusual transportation was a rickety van in Guatemala when I went on a missions trip there. The transmission made so much noise as it went around the mountainous curves that I wasn’t sure we would make it. I like to say that the van was rolling on prayers! My husband and I had planned a cross country train trip from VA to the west for our 50th anniversary, but my health issues kept us close to home instead. We are still hoping to go next year and see the Grand Canyon and other wonders of the west. Vickie W. watts.vickie@gmail.com

  20. My husband and I ride every chancevwe get. We realize we'll soon be too old for it so we revel in the moments. Elizabeth stephensfeather7@gmail.com

  21. I was on a motorcycle a lot when I was younger, but never on a long adventure. I love traveling by car as you meet so many amazing people and see things up close. My goal is to visit every state in the USA. lesncyn@att.net

  22. I have Ridden on a motorcycle before and I loved it. Most unique mode of travel? I'm a country girl we live in a very small town, no stop lights but at the middle is 4 stop signs. When I was younger, parents worked and our chores were done, we would occasionally get on the tractor and ride the back roads to the corner store, until Mom and Dad found out! Back to the motorcycle. My Dad brought one home one summer, Mom decided to take it and my sister Bev for a ride, it wasn't registered yet for the road so Mom took it up in the hay field, we had mowed, raked and baled the hay over the last couple days, Mom decided to "jump" the bales! Dad loaded that motorcycle up and returned to the shop, that night! No one got hurt! Thankfully!

  23. I have been on a cruise years ago. One to Cancun or Alaska would be fun

  24. We took a road trip with our 7 kids from Texas to California in a very old 15 passenger van. The most hair-raising part of the trip was when my husband decided that no visit to San Francisco would be complete without a ride down Lombard Street. I think I screamed the whole way! :)

  25. I would love to try train travel some day! Through the mountains of British Columbia or Alaska. As I get older I can't hike so thought train travel would let me see some of the wild nature I so enjoy. Thanks for the giveaway! kheldreth@neo.rr.com

    1. train travel sounds fun. I went on when with my mom and siblings when I was a teenager from Montana to Minnesota.

  26. This looks good. I've always been intrigued by the mystique of train travel when it's portrayed in stories.

  27. We want to take a cruise down the Danube!! Connie H chendryx (at) nctv (dot) com

  28. I'm an impatient sort, so long hours on the road are not something I love to do. So I like to fly if it's a longer trip to drive.

    My boyfriend has a motorcycle, so occasionally I'll let him take for a ride around town. We've never gone on any trips before, that's kinda scary to think about holding on for that long.
    Msredk at AOL dot com

  29. I love cruises :) I would love to do a river cruise one day.

  30. I don't think I can ever get on a motorcycle. I'm too much of a square to do so.

  31. I used to ride on the back of a motorcycle way back in high school but I'd never do it now. Give me a nice comfortable sedan!

  32. I would Love to travel by train someday Your book sounds like a great book! Sarahbaby601973(at)gmail(dot)com

  33. Cruise ship would be my choice but I would like to try traveling by train! tWarner419@aol.com

  34. Love train travel. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

  35. My favorite way to travel is by airplane! I love looking out the window and seeing the view from up high!
