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Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Winter is not my season. Although I love Christmas, the minute we pack up the holiday lights for another year, the world looks dreamy and cold to me.

For the record, I live in Florida. For the record, I’m a wimp when temperatures drop below fifty.

So yes, I’m already dreaming of spring sunshine and warm weather that will allow my family to sink our toes in the sand while my young toddler happily topples every sand-mold creation I make for him.

Being a mother is also teaching me about other seasons of life. My young son is one of God’s biggest blessings in my life. This current eighteen-month-stage is full of exciting growth in terms of his communication and experiences, but it’s also keeping me on my toes as he discovers new heights he can reach and tastes he can try. (No, sweetie, please don’t pick Daddy’s cherry tomatoes until they turn red, and please don’t swallow them whole—triggering Mommy’s choking fears.)

This wonderful, wild season of motherhood impacts other seasons of life, including what my writing output looks like. As a writer on a deadline, I struggle some weeks to stay awake after my boy’s bedtime to meet my word count minimums. While I’m on target to finish my current manuscript by May (with lots of prayer and coffee), I’m no Christy Barritt, who releases so many books in a year that her BookBub notifications must be overheating.

You know what I’m learning? All seasons are wonderful in their own way. I can celebrate with authors in seasons of high productivity, and I can practice gratitude for the writing I am able to do right now. I am thankful for this community here at the Suspense Sisters that I have been able to join. I’m inspired by the other authors and encouraged to meet so many readers who value suspense from a faith perspective.

It is my faith in my Savior Jesus Christ and my conviction of His call on my life to write that helps me through the “winter” moments of the writing journey. I know that no season will last forever, and for now, I want to honor the season I’m in.

In what “season” of life do you find yourself? What is one part about it that is challenging and one part about it that is wonderful?

I’d love to know! Leave a comment. Anyone who comments will be entered into a giveaway for either a Kindle or Audible copy (winner’s choice) of my Christian romantic suspense novel, TAKE MY HAND. 

You can buy it HERE


  1. Hi, Kristen! I'm in the "empty nest" season & have been for quite some time. The most challenging part of that is not feeling well & facing surgery soon. In other words, getting older. Ugh The part that's wonderful? Grandkids!!! Would love to win an ebook of Take My Hand! Thanks for the opportunity!!

    dianalflowers at aol dot com

    1. Hey, Diana! So nice to "meet" you! Thanks for sharing about your season with its highs and lows. I can imagine that Grandkids are wonderful! Blessings to you!

  2. I hear ya, Mama! We are at that crazy, grit your teeth and get through the busy, season with 6 kids at home in various stages of school. So many activities, sports, band concerts etc. When it comes to writing there is a lot of "go Holy Spirit" going on in these parts!!! Praying your manuscript is coming along well.

    1. Wow, I can only imagine! Thanks for sharing, Carrie, and for your prayers. "Go Holy Spirit" is right!

  3. Nancyandjulius@gmail.comJanuary 31, 2024 at 12:01 PM

    I am in that wonderful retirement season where I might sleep late, or not. Go to the store, or not. Plant outdoors, or not. Read a book, or not. I would sure love an audible copy of yours

    1. I'm so glad you're enjoying your season, Nancy! I'd love for you to read a copy.

  4. I am in the retired and enjoy being able to travel! Love it when hubby says let’s go here! I can have my bags packed in 30 minutes! This month I am going through my desk and file cabinet. I would love to have a copy of your book!

    1. Packing in 30 minutes is something that definitely doesn't happen with a toddler! I love that you are enjoying so much flexibility. Thanks for your comment!

  5. This is a really lovely post...I am definitely in a season of transition right now. Hopefully I get through it :)

    1. Thanks for sharing, Amber. I'm praying right now for you in your transition season. Blessings!

  6. I live in the NW Florida area, but I have to admit that I actually love the cooler temperatures of winter. Probably because I am currently going through menopause and those hot flashes are no joke. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. I am glad someone is enjoying these cooler temperatures! When the sun is out, the weather can certainly be lovely. Blessings to you!

  7. All of my kids are grown now, so I get to enjoy their kids and send them back home! I love being a grandma it's very rewarding to see what traits of mine that they've inherited.

    1. That is special, Cindi! So glad you are soaking up the joys of your season.

  8. started working
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  9. Hi Kristen! I'm in the retirement season of life, while enjoying a "no schedule", I have to face back and leg problems each day. The joy is I appreciate each day I'm given even with the aches and pains. lesncyn@att.net

    1. Hi Cyndi, thanks for sharing about your season. Each day we have is for sure a blessing.

  10. This season in my life is all about transitioning to a new job role and being the aunt who loves on her babies more and more putting Christ first.
