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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Valentine's Day...Revised.

 In less than a week, it will be that holiday that married people and those in romantic relationships look forward to. I like that there is a holiday set aside for this. As a widow though, the first few Valentine's Day after my husband died were a painful reminder that he wasn't here. Yes, it was hard to listen to married friends talk about the kind and loving things their spouses had planned. 

The holiday no longer upsets me for two reasons. First, there is something called self-care. I can treat myself to chocolate of flowers or that book I've been wanting (I vote for the book). Second while our culture seems to hold romantic love as somehow the highest form of love (which I don't' agree with), I think there are plenty of other ways to celebrate love. Love for God. Love for Country. Love for my children. Love for my dog. Love for my siblings. Love for the restful silence on a snowy night. Love for a good book that transports me (books come up a lot in this post). 

Holidays were meant to be celebrations but my experience with Valentine's Day reminds me that everyone's outlook is different. I am sure there are women who want to sleep through Mother's Day because they are childless or did not have a good relationship with their mother. 

I am happy for my friends and family who have a special someone to share this holiday with. For me, I have had to revise the purpose of it a bit. In doing that, I land in a place of gratitude seeing how many  people I have in my life to love and how many lovely things I have been given. How about you, is there a holiday you have had to revise to make it fit your world? If you made a list of the lovely things in your life what would be on that list besides the people you love (think about gifts like walks in the park and sunsets and spring flowers)? Leave a comment with your email and I will choose two winners to receive their choice of one of my books. 


Thank you and Happy Valentine's Day.

sharon dunn 


  1. candy
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  2. I'm with bn100! I think the gift I'm most thankful for is the gift of writing that God gave me. 'Cause I sure couldn't do it He hadn't. And I have Undercover Mountain Pursuit sitting beside my bed, next in line to be read!

  3. Thanksgiving, where we've had to adjust to it "just" being the two of us, my husband and I, since we haven't been able to be with family together much, for a variety of reasons, especially the last two years. . . But quiet time can be okay, also. Thanks for the opportunity to enter a giveaway! Would love to win a print copy of Hidden Away, or Undercover Mission:) God bless! Lual Krautter Email: krautter62520AToutlookDOTcom

  4. Through the years and experiencing a lot of life's events, there are a lot of holidays that have changed for me. When our daughter, our only child, died suddenly at the at of 17, life turned on a dime. The way we look at a lot of things, including holidays, changed. There were no prospects of graduation, wedding, grandchildren. On Mother's Day, although still a mother, there was no child to celebrate it with. After my Mom's death, it changed again as did many other holidays and special times in our life.

    It took some time, but eventually you have to learn to adapt and move forward. Now mind you, there are times I still grieve inwardly, I'm determined to find smiles instead of frowns, to look for and remember the good and not the bad and to remember my blessings and those in my life instead of the loss and constantly about who is gone from my life.

    For Valentine's Day, I am blessed to still have the love of my life by my side and for that I am very thankful. It's also a time to remember my folks who embodied the meaning of love with the romance that started on a blind date to be we seven days later married just shy of 60 years before one was called to his heavenly home. A valentine is one you love. I have many Valentines including but not limited to my loving 17 year old chihuahua, awesome friends, young people who continue to happily surprise me, my family in faith, God's critters who give me such great enjoyment and allow me to photograph them.

    Although we often don't have control over what happens to us by events thrown into our paths, it's our decision on whether we stay stuck on a blocked path or allow ourselves to enjoy the way along the detours in life to make it to the end goal. I've had many blocked paths, but have often found joy in the detours as I try to live the best me on this map of life.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. so sorry to hear about your daughter. The loss changes everything, doesn't it?

  5. Hi, just spending quality time with my loved ones is a Big plus. This pandemic has really done a number on alot of people and it has also reinforced what I have known all along to Not take Anyone or Anything for granted. When we get to spend time with our loved ones , we must make the Best of it , because we might not have a next one. aliciabhaney(at)sbcglobal(dot)com

  6. Living a peaceful life in my own home comes to me.


  7. a warm home, flowers to brighten my day, friends to have fun with, a good job. sheliarha64(at)yahoo(dot)com

  8. Hubby and I are learning to spend the holidays alone since my parents passing as we always went to their house. Happy Valentine’s Day

  9. A nice long walk at our local park! --Connie Hendryx chendryx(at)nctv(dot)com
