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Friday, January 3, 2020

No Big Surprise Here

So it's January 3rd that means I am legally required to post something about my resolutions or some sort of New Year/ New You type of ramble. I am sure you have seen those kinds of posts all over the place, so it would no big surprise if that was what this post was about. So what can I say that would be different. First of all, I promise at no time in the post will I mention working out more or losing weight or giving up sugar.

I've never been a maker of resolutions. I think that a far better practice than reserving reflecting on the past year and setting goals for the year to come, is to do that every morning and every night. To wake up each morning with intent for the day, to be kind to others and to apologize when I haven't been. To go to sleep each night noting all that I am grateful for and anything I need to ask God forgiveness for. That is how change happens. Daily practice.

If I must make one resolution, I want to make it a doable one. I have decided that part of gratitude ought to be thanking God for the food He provides. Since I live alone and eat alone most of the time, I have gotten out of the habit of saying Grace before each meal. I would like to put into practice a regular habit of being thankful and pausing to do so before I dig in.

How about you? What are your feelings about resolutions? Do you make them? or do you maybe have a different approach.

Leave a comment. Anyone who does will be put in a drawing for my book Mountain Captive. This is a pre release copy as it does not come out until March. The art department was spot on with this cover. Most of the story takes place in a Montana Town that gets so much snow that the residents get around via snowmobile. I feel like you can almost feel the cold when you look at the cover. The suspense of the story concerns a kidnapped child, the private investigator who is trying to find her before it is too late and a wildlife biologist who gets caught up in the danger. And of course there is romance between the P.I. and the wildlife biologist. One of my favorite things about this book is the town itself which is called Davenport. It's an isolated place frequented mostly by hunters and outdoors people. It is in many ways a the town time has forgotten. The town is almost a character in the story it was fun to write. 


  1. Can't wait to read it

  2. I'm also not a resolution's person. But I do set goals. And this year it's to spend more quiet time in God's word! I chose Abide as my word for this year because I want to abide in Him!

    Thanks for the chance to win your upcoming release!
    dmandres5 at gmail dot com

  3. No, I don't really make resolutions anymore because when I did I ended up not following through with them. It sounds like a wonderful book.

    1. It really does sound like a great book, Diana! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I don't make resolutions, but I love the goals you have set. I start my morning with Bible reading and study. It starts me out with peace of mind. Like you, I have gotten out of the habit of saying grace before meals. I need to work on that.

    1. Oh, Sue, so have I! I need to follow my sister's example--she says grace before every meal.

  5. I think setting goals is more realistic than a resolution that will probably be broken. I'm wanting to be more of an encourager. Thanks for the chance to win your book.

  6. I do not make resolutions, knowing myself like I do, I probably would forget what they were or not think about them after a few days as I get back into my regular 'routine' since the holidays.

    wfnren at aol dot com

    1. I can see me forgetting what resolution I made, Wendy! At least with goals, I write them down.

  7. I don’t make resolutions either. However, my word(s) for the year is STAND (firm) which after a year of upheaval is almost like a resolution, but certainly is a goal! The book sounds fabulous. bettimace at gmail dot com

  8. No resolutions but I do usually make some spiritual commitment. Last year it was to spend more time in prayer. jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com

    1. That is a great commitment, Joan. I've committed to once again reading through the Bible. It will be my 14th year. :-)

  9. I do not make resolutions, but I do set goals. This year one of my goals is to record my prayers in a prayer journal.

    1. That's a great goal! I've been reading Jesus Calling for ten years now and journaled in the lines below the devotion every day--it's a record of my writing and answered prayers.

  10. I'm not a standard resolution person. Why make lists of things only to ignore them or break them all before the first month is over.

    I’ve got two personal "goals" for 2020 that intertwine. The first one is to be the healthiest me I can be. Having several medical problems that the specialist and I try to maintain to give me the best quality of life as possible, I know I won’t be “cured”. However, I’m willing to do whatever is necessary to keep me moving and productive if it’s in my power. At the beginning of 2020, that means trying to lose weight – again, since moving around is increasingly harder due to bone and muscle pain, adjusting to yet another new diet since being diagnosed with yet another disease at the end of 2019, to keep walking (albeit with a cane when necessary) as much as possible and to stay as productive and active in daily events so as not to leave it all in the hands of my sweet and loving hubby. That brings me to the second one which is to continue to travel to see the wonders of the United States while I’m still able to go. We love photography and there is nothing that brings us more joy than to travel to see new sights, both landscape and critters, and to photograph them. To be able to do this I have to stick to number one and pray number two is achievable again this year.

    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Two very good goals, Kay! I have osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia and have found water aerobics and Pilates help me more than anything!

  11. no resolutions, but did set some goals...this book sounds really good! Badawson16 at aol dot com

  12. Can't wait to read it. I, too, have given up resolutions for things that should probably already be in my daily planner - or just in my head to be mindful of! I do like the idea of selecting a work, though, and this year for me the word is Optimism. Instead of hoping for good things I am going to look around and see what is already, search a little harder to find that bright spot.

    1. Love your signature, Grandma! And your word. We all need optimism!

  13. No resolutions for me. I think they just set you up for failure. No offense to those who do. I'd rather just plan for the day. I journal so every day I make sure to write down goals and such throughout the year.

    1. I think that's a good way to go about planning your day, Corissa!

  14. The word JOY is my word for the year. I'm dealing with MS and the Lord put that word on my heart this past month a lot. So I'm enjoying the little things that is in my life. This book sounds wonderful. I enjoy reading. Thanks for this opportunity.

    1. What a wonderful word to focus on, Nancy. Mine is Delight. As in Ps. 37:4.

  15. I don’t make resolutions. My prayer is each year to ask God to make me the hands and feet of Jesus. More of you, Lord. Blessings

    1. Awesome, Lucy! I ask each day that I will be Jesus with skin on.

  16. I don't like making resolutions. For me it is better to just take it day by day. If i fail ..i won't feel so bad. I can just start again.

    Your books sounds great! Can't wait!! strgth4yu(at)hotmail(dot)com

    1. Absolutely, Linda. I love that we can start over each day!

  17. I don’t make resolutions because I can never keep them.
    Mountain Captive sounds great. I like reading about snow, I had enough if it growing up in northern Illinois and living in North Dakota and Wisconsin. I’ll take my mid Missouri weather any day!

    1. I love not having cold weather here for more than a few days, Paula! We haven't had snow or ice in several years. I hope the weather isn't watching over my shoulder!

  18. Mountain Captive sounds extremely suspenseful and exciting to read. Since we don't get much snow in Houston, where I live, I'll look forward about reading about it.

    1. Susie-Q I would rather read about it than experience snow!

  19. No real resolutions this year other than to make sure I take care of myself.

  20. Doable goals are better than resolutions. Although the two are similar, doable goals implies effort toward achievement. If they are doable, it is more likely that small steps are already thought out and in place. I prefer doable goals because they are within reach and motivating. I'd love to win your book!

  21. I don't do resolutions either. Last year I made a vision board for 2019. It was really fun to do and I loved having a visual reminder of goals I should always be doing. I have also done 30 day challenges before and have much better success with doing things in smaller amounts of time. I too have gotten away from praying before eating as my hubby has had new shifts at work and I find myself eating alone a lot too. I do want to journal more and spend more time in the Word. I think I'm going to make those into 30 day challenges. I grew up in the midwest and got so tired of snow. Now that I don't work and have to get out in it, I wish we would be able to get some but I live in the desert. The nice thing is we can go north for a day or two if we want to see snow. I'm hoping that we can get snow and go up for an overnight trip! That said I love reading about snow especially in the winter. This book looks so good! That cover! clhutson(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks for the opportunity!

    1. Carolyn, I'm a visual person so a vision board would be so helpful for me!

    2. thanks Carolyn. I really like the cover too
      sharon dunn

  22. I want to organize my home and get healthier.

    1. Gail, when you get your house organized, come see me! I need the same thing!

  23. I don't make resolutions for the new year. As a christian, I strive every day to live my life how the Lord would have me live it (not always successful in doing this!). Especially this year though, I want to draw closer to Him throughout the year. With the unrest of the nation, His return is drawing closer and closer. I so want to be ready - to have Him find me doing His will in my every day life. The things of this life will pass away (the housework, the clutter, losing weight, etc.) but heaven (or hell) is eternal and will never pass away. That's not to say I don't strive to clean up my clutter, eat healthier if need be or exercise more, but the main focus should be on getting my spiritual life in order first, then the other things will follow suit.
