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Friday, November 8, 2019


Award winning author Kimberly Rose Johnson married her college sweetheart and lives in the Pacific Northwest. From a young child
Kimberly has been an avid reader. That love of reading fostered a creative mind and led to her passion for writing. She especially loves romance and writes contemporary romance that warms the heart and feeds the soul.

Kimberly holds a degree in Behavioral Science from Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington, and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers.


If you had to describe yourself in one sentence, what would you say?

I love the Lord, my family, books, and being outdoors when allergens are low.

What do you do when you’re not writing? Any interesting hobbies?

When I’m not writing I enjoy walking, music, reading, watching movies and TV and my most favorite thing to do is meet up with friends for coffee or tea depending on where we go.

Tell us three things about yourself that might surprise your readers. 

When I was a kid I watched Scarecrow and Mrs. King which I believe fostered my desire to be a spy lol. Instead I write mystery and suspense novels.

I love a quiet house--there is something about being able to hear things like watter bubbling from the fountain in the yard or the birds singing that makes me very happy.

I enjoy reality shows that deal with the music world. For example Songland, The Masked Singer, and The Voice. These kind of shows put a smile on my face.

What genre did you start out writing? Have you changed course? Is there another genre you’d like to try someday? What is it?

Pre-published I wrote romantic suspense, however my first traditionally published novel was contemporary romance—it was also the first contemporary romance I had ever written. I gradually shifted into romantic mystery and then romantic suspense. Now I mostly write romantic mystery and romantic suspense, but I still write the occasional contemporary romance.

As far as trying something new, the answer is no lol. Three genres are plenty for me. J I have dabbled with screenwriting though. It’s fun to challenge myself with something new.

If you could go back in time and do something differently at the start of your career, what would it be?

I wouldn’t change the course I took because it got me to where I am today, but I would tell my younger self to relax and not stress so much.

Do you have any writing goals you haven’t met yet? What are they?
I would love to sell one of my screenplays. As far as novel writing goes, I would love when someone sees the name Kimberly Rose Johnson they immediately think romantic suspense and romantic mystery.

What are you working on now?

I am currently writing the forth book in The Librarian Sleuth Mystery series. This book focuses on Nancy’s mom, the Tipton County Sheriff.

What is the most important thing you’d like readers to take away from your books?

Most importantly I want to entertain my readers. I want them to feel happy and satisfied when they finish one of my books. As far as a specific spiritual take away goes, I don’t have one. The spiritual thread in my books forms naturally and every person seems to find a different nugget of truth that speaks to them. I’m happy with that.

Anything else you’d like to share?

I love books and the escape they provide. I prefer to read books that make me feel good so those are the kind of books I write.

Thanks so much for having me on your blog. Readers can learn more about my books on my website.


Adam and Tara are sucked into a police investigation that might get Tara killed. Can Adam keep her safe or will he lose her forever?

Tara James, the local librarian assistant, is afraid her past will catch up to her when an infant is abandoned outside the Tipton County Library. Will news of the abandoned baby stir up publicity and force her to go on the run again?

Librarian Nancy Daley’s world has become complicated. Carter is pushing to set a wedding date, a woman was left for dead on the side of the road, and Tara, her assistant, is acting strange. Nancy is working every angle she can think of, but the case goes from bad to bizarre. Can she find the baby’s mother, help Tara, and plan her
wedding without upsetting her life’s delicate balance?

Slow news days become a thing of the past for local reporter Adam Stacy when a dead body is discovered on the side of the road. Was the woman murdered or was it an accident? Adam’s feelings are growing for Tara, but she appears to have secrets she’s hiding. Is she somehow connected to the abandoned infant?

When things go from bad to worse Adam does everything in his power to protect Tara, but will it be enough?


Leave a comment, along with your contact information, and you could win an eBook copy of The Sleuth's Conundrum! 




  1. Thank you for this opportunity! csilyd@gmail.com

  2. This sounds like a great series! Off to check it out. Loved the interview.

  3. Wow, this sounds like a wonderful suspense series. Suspense and mystery are my two favorite genres. Thanks for the interview. Always looking for new Christian authors to read.

    1. my email address is marybears2004@yahoo.com

    2. Suspense mixed with mystery is one of my favorites too. :)

  4. Definitely peaked my interest. Thank you.
    janeen dot bair at gmail dot com

    1. I hope you get to read the series. Best of luck on winning.

  5. Thanks for having me on your blog today. I'm sorry, to be so late, but I'm here now. :)

  6. I am always excited to find a new christian author of romantic suspense! Thank you for the interview and a chance to win.
    lhanberry1 at gmail dot com

  7. You had me at "abandoned baby" & "librarian!" And, then, there's someone abandoned on the side of the road... Oh yeah...definitely adding to my TBR list! Badawson16 at aol dot com

  8. nice interview
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  9. I want to read this! jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com
