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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Living in a new world ...and a free book drawing

The final book of my last three-book contract hit the final edit stage in December (and will be out this coming June), so it had been a while since I'd written the proposal for that series.

Wrapping up a contract  is very much a "grass is always greener" situation for me--I keep thinking that  I can't wait to finish the current  book, as it will be such a joy to move on to something new!

And yes, it is fun to leave the past behind and start something fresh.  But it's also a challenge.

It isn't just about coming up with some people to populate a book.  They need strengths and flaws and old wounds that can affect them during their story.  They need goals, strong motivation, and conflicts, to  build that story.  They need a rich and believable past (backstory) to show why they act and think the way they do...and they need supporting characters, like family, friends,  neighbors, and maybe coworkers.  And of course, they need a strong and worthy antagonist.  Whew!  Oh--and can't forget the setting! Those characters need the right setting--one that will work well with their particular story.  Figuring all of this out is like moving into a whole new world, where I will get to live during the months of writing that are ahead.

The usual excitement (and challenge) of doing  this planning was recently interrupted for me, though. Do you see anything missing in my office?  Yep--the computer, which spent most of January in a repair shop, awaiting its turn to be fixed--and then that process ended up being lengthy as well.

This past week I finished up a new three-book proposal, and sent it off to my agent. I'm always so happy to receive feedback from her, in case I've somehow faltered on  one (or more) of those components.  A "fresh reader" is a wonderful help for seeing the aspects I might miss!

When you think about your favorite authors' books, what elements draw you to that writer the most? Exciting plots?  Heart-stopping action? Unforgettable characters? Beautiful prose?  The  skillful weaving of the inspirational elements, that speak to your heart?

If you happen to leave a comment here, you will be entered in a drawing for a free e-book, that the winner can choose from my backlist on Amazon.   Good luck!

Here's wishing you a wonderful spring, and wonderful books to read, too!

Roxanne Rustand


  1. I look for believable characters and situations And also dialogue that flows and doesn't feel forced. Recently read a favorite author and some of the suspense situations just seemed unbelievable and over the top. I like it when I seem to get caught up in the story, like I'm a fly on the wall!

    1. Great comments, Paula! And all so true. I remember going to many writing workshops when I first started writing in the early 1990's, and hearing the speaker say that a writer should read every bit of dialogue aloud to make sure it was realistic. And you are so right---smart readers who enjoy reading a lot of suspense will quickly notice if something is too far fetched! :)

  2. Elements of my favorite author's books include deep suspense and a little romance with believable characters. I prefer to read Christian authors to avoid the "worldly" content. Sounds like a great story!

    1. Your preferences sound like a perfect mix for a great story! I always love to hear about what readers notice, and what they prefer. Thanks so much for your comments about what you like! You and I are on the same page...I started out writing secular novels, but when I switched to writing inspirational suspense and romance, I was so much happier to be in a realm where one can write deep emotion and relationship development without ever being expected to go any farther!

  3. I love reading Christian suspense, contemporary romance & historical fiction. Irene Hannon is a favorite because she writes both suspense & contemporary. It's a great mix for reading enjoyment!

    1. I love to read all of those, too. And I totally agree. Irene is a wonderful writer!

  4. All of the things you mentioned in your post are important to me. If one or more are missing,I probably won't be reading it!
    Martha T.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Martha. I have found that I have some steady favorites--authors I buy the moment I see their latest book on the shelf--because they consistently fulfill that promise of a great story and wonderful writing. I love reading a book that I cannot put down! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I enjoy clean mysteries. (No explicit sex or violence and no crude language) If a Christian viewpoint is interwoven in the actions and conversations, that makes the story even better. I am drawn back to authors who incorporate humor in the character interchange. Some thrillers have no relief from the tension. I definitely like happy endings... Mystery solved, Culprit caught. I read for enjoyment/entertainment.and don''t won't to be depressed when I finish the story. :-) Thank you for the opportunity to win a good book.

  7. This post reminded me surprisingly of my crocheting. By the time I'm three fourths the way through with my project I'm ready to be through and start a new one. Just like you are with your novels.

    1. Forgot my email....once again!

  8. It depends - I do enjoy a good suspense novel, believable characters, a good storyline and well-written and proofread.
