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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

3 Things a Reader Can Do ... Okay, 4!

So, you've finished an amazing book and your heart just glows with justice served, redemption completed, problems resolved, and the hero enthusiastic about the future ... ahhh! What a wonderful feeling when all becomes right in the world of fiction.

And how grateful you are to the author for sending you no this 8-hour vacation from reality. How can you thank the wonderful person who brought you such blissful satisfaction?

Okay, maybe I'm laying it on a little thick, but seriously, there are some special things you can do to thank the authors of the books you love!

  1. Tell them! Most have contact pages or information on their Facebook page or website. Google their name and book title to make sure you have the right person, then drop them a line! (And if your favorite happens to be one of the Suspense Sisters or our Mister, you can find links to their pages in the right column.)
  2. Leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads. These don't have to be articles. Give your favorite authors twenty-five of your best words and 5 stars! It's the nicest thing you can do for an author!
  3. Share! Spread the word about this book. Share the buy link from Amazon on your Facebook profile. You don't have to say much more than, "I LOVED this book!"
That's it; 3 things that can mean so much to any author. I'm telling you, they notice, and they recognize those readers who encourage and support them. 

Oh, wait! There's one more thing: READ! (Like anyone has to urge you to do that, right?) 

And if you need a good suspense all decked out with romance and mystery, leave a comment and you might win a copy of my newest, COUNTER POINT. Here's the short version: 
Someone is determined to finish a murdered hit man's final assignment.
Her father's gone. Her diner's closing. Her car's in the lake. Cat McPherson has nothing left to lose. Except her life. And a madman's bent on taking that away. 
Her former boyfriend, Ray Alexander, returns as a hero from his foreign mission, bringing back souvenirs in the form of death-threats. When several attempts are made on Cat’s life, she must find a way to trust Ray, the man who broke her heart. 
Keeping Cat safe from a fallen cartel leader might prove impossible for Ray, but after seeing his mission destroyed and several godly people killed, he knows better than to ignore the man’s threats. Cat’s resistance to his protection and the stirring of his long-denied feelings for her complicate his intentions, placing them both in a fight for their lives.
Can she survive when ultimate power wants her dead?
When you comment, leave your email and also tell me what you most like to read - suspense or mystery. Random drawing will be held on Tuesday, February 28, 2017.


  1. Believe me, I do all three things you mentioned and more when I finish a book! I love both mystery and suspense, but probably lean more to the suspense. The more heart pounding the better. Your book sounds like just the kind to get my old ticker going super fast. And I love to read a book that I can't figure out the culprit until the end.

    1. YEA, Gail! Then, you're an author's dream reader! I love books with unexpected twists at the end, too!

  2. I like suspense the most ,but mysteries are good too! I like a lot of twists and turns because I never can figure out who the bad guy is and they give me a good reason for that!��
    Martha T. (@) CRPrairie1(@) imonmail(dot) com

    1. I'm with you, Martha. The twistier, the better to me! Especially if the story surprises me at the end! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I like to read both suspense and mystery! I like books where I'm surprised at the end.

  4. I do all of the above, including blogging about the books I read. Suspense or Mystery? Either one works for me!


  5. I love the intrigue,the edge of your seat drama and good triumphing over evil. I always want to figure out who is the criminal.

    1. Love that take, Sonnetta. The intensity of the drama is always important to me, too.

  6. I love mystery and suspense books.

  7. I grew up reading Nancy Drew mysteries and later the romantic suspense novels of Victoria Holt and others so I can't choose one over the other. Counter Point sounds like a great read!

    1. So glad you dropped by, Connie. I was more of Trixie Beldon fan, but I did read Nancy Drew from time to time. Loved the whodunit!

  8. Both mystery and suspense - read Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, and then on to Agatha Christie, Joel Rosenberg. Also like cozy mysteries.

    1. I do like a good cozy - especially if there is humor involved. Julie B. Cosgrove comes to mind. Her bunco biddies series is hysterical. Oh, and Suspense Sister, Dana Mentink's Finney's Nose series. I listen to those on road trips and laugh all the way!

  9. I love them both. I suppose mystery with some suspense woven in is my favorite. I like to try to solve it before the end! cynthia.page@comcast.net

    1. That's what I always experienced with Phyllis A. Whitney's books. Though not Christian, they were clean and I loved the mounting suspense even though they were primarily mysteries.

  10. I really like mystery and suspense...keep me on the edge of my seat and my heart racing for the next twist. But not horror! LOL
    kelly (at) dkcountryarts (dot) com

    1. Oh, I'm with you, Kelly. The men in my family like the horror stuff, but it is SO NOT MY THING! Thanks for stopping by!
