brings us answers to another question submitted by you! This week’s winner is Jane
Squires! She asks: “How hard was it
to get your first book published?”
submitting her question, Jane’s won a copy of Dr. Richard
Mabry’s book, MIRACLE
If you have a
question for us, leave it below. You might be our next winner! You could win a
book by one of today’s top suspense/mystery writers – or a gift certificate to
Amazon! (Questions submitted without contact information won’t be considered.)
difficult was it to get a contract for my first novel? So difficult that I quit
writing. One agent gave up on me (Her exact words were, “I don’t know what to
do with your work, Richard.”) After
writing four books over four years, garnering forty rejections, and losing an
agent in the process…I quit. But I kept following some of the writing blogs,
and I decided to enter the contest run by an agent
I knew. Eventually, she offered representation, sold
my novel to Barbara Scott, who was getting Abingdon’s fiction line started, and
the stone started rolling in the right direction. My ninth novel was published
in September, my tenth is due next spring. It’s timing, circumstances, hard
work, and God’s will—I have no other explanation.
Richard Mabry
Cynthia Hickey (Melton)


Dana Mentink
was hard to find a publisher who would take a chance on an unknown writer, but
one night online, I stumbled over one that seemed to be an ideal fit and
resolved to send an inquiry the next day. Imagine my dismay when I opened their
website the following morning and found that applications were closed! I'd
missed the deadline by a few hours!
desperation, I confess that I sent in a SNAIL mail query--giving it my very
best and hoping they'd cut me a little slack--and the publisher responded with
a request for the manuscript! That bit of subterfuge got me in under the door,
so to speak, and Sheaf House is now the publisher of my Miss Prentice series.
(I don't recommend that method, however, despite my own happy ending.)
E.E. Kennedy

Nancy Mehl
My question is, Since many of you have written for years, can you tell a difference in your thought processes now verses a few years back?
ReplyDeletemauback55 at gmail dot com