This week's Suspense Sister review peels apart the "Downton
Abbey" feel of THE LOST HEIRESS by Roseanna M. White. Our New Zealand
reviewer, Iola Goulton, says, "The Lost Heiress was historical romantic
suspense at its finest, with plenty of romance and plenty of suspense."
To find out more, visit us here!
I'm sure intrigued!
Have a blessed week!
Marji Laine
On Tuesday, Dana Mentink will share What’s Hot in Inspirational Suspense
and Mystery!
On Wednesday we’ll hear from Suspense Sister,
Cynthia Hickey!
Thursday brings us answers to another
question submitted by you! This week’s winner is Tammy Sullivan! She asks: “Is it hard to find out about towns, details
about what the character does? And how do you research? For example, if a
character is a pilot, how do you find details about the plane and being a pilot?
And how do you find details about towns that are nonfiction.
Do you look them up or go visit them? Do you get input from the professions the
character does for a living through online research or the people who do that
for a living? Always wondered how that works? Seems like a lot of work!”
For submitting a winning question, Tammy’s won a copy of Irregardless of Murder by E.E Kennedy!
If you have a question for us, leave it
below. You might be our next winner! You could win a book by one of today’s top
suspense/mystery writers – or a gift certificate to Amazon! (Questions
submitted without contact information won’t be considered.)
we’ll interview DiAnn Mills! Get to know DiAnn and enter to win a copy of her
new book, DEADLOCK!

The Suspense Sisters! We love books!
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