Thursday brings us answers to another question submitted by you!
This week’s winner is Mary Shipman. She submitted a rather provocative question. She asks: “Why don't authors use,
plain looking ordinary folk as main characters? I would like to see a short,
chubby heroine and a guy without a lot of muscles be the 'winner' sometimes.”
For submitting her question, Mary’s won a $10.00 gift card for
you have a question for us, leave it below. You might be our next winner! You
could win a book by one of today’s top suspense/mystery writers – or a gift
certificate to Amazon! (Questions submitted without contact information won’t
be considered.)

amen to that! My first ever series featured a 40 something year old slightly
chubby widow. I loved her! I think we fall into that
"romancy" type
belief that our characters have to be young and model types. Sheesh!
Dana Mentink
that’s a great question, and I really don’t have a good answer off the top of
my head. I suppose that readers would rather identify with someone who has nol
external flaws, as part of the “escape” they get from reading. All authors
realize that a protagonist must have some sort of flaw, but up to this point
most of us picture those flaws as emotional or spiritual. I think I’m going to
have consider featuring a hero/heroine who fights a battle against the scales
and works to maintain their appearance.
agree, Mary. Unfortunately, sometimes our publishers have guidelines we have to
go by. However, I did what you suggested in
one of my books, Unbreakable. And I
had a quirky main character in my cozy series, Curl Up and Dye. She wasn’t
think readers would like to have characters they can relate to. Hopefully,
we’ll see more realistic characters in the future. Great question, by the way!

often wondered the same thing myself and while I try to give
my characters some
type of characteristic that keeps them from being perfect it seems my readers
want to escape and they want pretty people
Thanks to all of you for your answers.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciated the thoughts and now I know some more about how it works.
Mary, thanks for asking a thoughtful question (and one I hadn't considered). I suspect that if you came back here in a year and asked it again, some of us would have crafted a protagonist who doesn't fit the "perfect" mold.