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Friday, November 18, 2016

An interview with Roxanne Rustand...

Today, we have an interview with author Roxanne Rustand, who writes inspirational romance and romantic suspense. She'll be giving away an e-copy of her new book, An Aspen Creek Christmas, in a drawing from the names of those leaving a comment on the blog

If you had to describe yourself in one sentence, what would you say?
I‘d say that I’m a devoted wife and mom, whose dreams came true when I sold my first book back in 1998.  

What do you do when you’re not writing? Any interesting hobbies?
We live in the country on ten acres, where I have three horses. I also love to cook and collect cookbooks, enjoy photography and travel, and especially enjoy time with family.

What was your favorite book as a teen or child?
As a child, the Black Stallion series. As a teen, Mistress of Mellyn and Nine Coaches Waiting.

Tell us three things about yourself that might surprise your readers.  
I started out writing secular fiction for Superromance, Heartwarming and Everlasting, but switched to inspirational fiction as of 2007 and really love where I’m at right now.  My switch to inspirational fiction is thanks to encouragement and advice by a dear friend, Lyn Cote, and I thank her every day for her help back then!

Second, I left college for a while and rode as a demonstration rider for Monte Forman, a traveling horse trainer who put on horse training clinics in various towns across the USA. He was the first person to do this sort of thing, and he was amazing.  What an adventure that was!  I then returned to college, and finished a master’s degree in nutrition.

Third, I worked as a registered dietitian for a residential psychiatric facility for ten years. The staff was wonderful, every day was fascinating, and not a day went by without at least one resident warbling the first words of  Roxanne to me—the song by the Police.  If only that song wasn’t about a woman of the night!  J

What genre did you start out writing? Have you changed course? Why or why not?
I started with romantic suspense for Harlequin Superromance. When I switched to writing inspirationals, I continued in that vein for Love Inspired Suspense, but have evolved into romance instead. I love both worlds—but initially it was a bit of a challenge to write a novel without plot points filled with danger!

Any other genres you’d like to try? If yes, what and why?
 I co-wrote a mystery, Orchestrated Murder, as a fundraiser for Iowa Public Radio a number of years ago, and it was great fun to dabble in another genre.   Currently, I’m doing some indie publishing of light romantic suspense ,but I still I enjoy writing inspirational romance!

If you could go back in time and do something differently at the start of your career, what would it be? I would start much, much sooner!

What is the most important piece of advice you’d like to give to unpublished authors?

Work with a critique group and/or  enter writing contests, so you can receive feedback on your work. And follow your dream—don’t give up!

USA Today Bestselling Author Roxanne Rustand is the author of thirty-five  novels,  She lives in the Midwest on an acreage with her husband, two rescue dogs, three horses and an assortment of friendly barn kitties. 

Her newest book, An Aspen Creek Christmas, is a December, 2016 Love Inspired release.


  1. Love Christmas stories! jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com

  2. Nice meeting you, Roxanne! Great interview!

  3. Mary Stewart was a favorite author when I was a teenager and young mother. I love the cover of this book! Thanks for sharing.

  4. A masters in nutrition sounds interesting. So does your new book. And I love Christmas stories.

  5. Someone who read Victoria Holt�� Good to meet Roxanne.

  6. Ah, I also remember reading and enjoying The Mistress of Mellyn, the author's first book into romantic suspense.

  7. Loved Black Stallion series...nice to meet you, thanks for doing this interview!

  8. I thought it was very interesting that you use to travel and put on horse clinics. I also loved reading The Black Stallion books. Thanks for letting us get to know you a bit better.

  9. What a fun author interview, thanks for sharing Roxanne! I really enjoy the Love Inspired line of books myself for the faith-themes & romance God's way :-) I must have over 200 on my shelf (all genres)!

    I'm glad you found your niche in writing, keep up the great work!

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

  10. I enjoy Christmas stories and would like to win yours!
    Martha T.

  11. Enjoyed the interview. Would enjoy winning the book, too.
    Cindy Lawrence
