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Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Writing is such an interesting business!   I loved being in school.   I spent many years in college, changing majors several times along the road to a Master's Degree in nutrition.  Ahhh, you say.  Nutrition---an ideal background for a inspirational romance writer.  <g>

But it was, in a way.   All that studying was helpful for becoming a writer, because with each book I write, there's a whole new world to research while I try for accurate, evocative settings.  Ranch settings, the Rocky Mountains and the Northwoods of the upper Midwest are some of my favorites, and our travels often end up as settings for my books.

I’m looking forward to the Romantic Times Convention in New Orleans this May, not only for the chance to be a speaker, and to schmooze with old friends, but because the French Quarter and tours through the lovely bayous will provide such a great opportunity for research.

Writers  not only strive to get their settings right; there are also the details and vernaculars of different professions and hobbies to consider.  Believable behaviors of ranchers, or cops, or children, or even someone slipping into the murky mental depths of Alzheimer's all take either personal experiences or careful research.

I love using a variety of pets and other animals in my books--but that "research" often comes from our family menagerie.  In fact, our son's favorite slithery pet had a key role in my very first SuperRomance back in 1999.   I still wish I'd gone to vet school (a lesson in “following one's heart”  that I've reiterated to our children many times over!)    But now, I can slip into that world, sometimes for months at a time if writing about characters who are veterinarians and vet techs. 

When you browse through books at your favorite bookstore, or online, what do you zero in on first? 
Author names, eye-catching titles, back cover blurbs or cover art?  The type of story?  Do any particular story settings intrigue you--or conversely, make you put the book back on the shelf?   Let's talk!  

 One of the people who comment here will win an e-book copy of my  Summer at Briar Lake.

Roxanne Rustand


  1. The title and the cover of the book first catch my interest. I then see who the author is and read a little from the back of the jacket.

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  2. Usually I'm looking for a specific author and/or title but when just browsing, I guess the title, front cover then the back cover blurb are my order of choosing.
    RW620 AT aol DOT com

  3. The title usually catches my eye, especially if it is an intriguing one. Then the author, cover and back blurb.
    susanmsj at msn dot com

  4. I don't think my comment went through....
    I usually shop by author; then I take a good look at the cover and back blurb.
    Thanks for the chance to win your book!
    jacsmi75 at gmail dot com

  5. Covers and titles always grab my attention! Even if I am shopping for a specific title or author, I will pick up books with interesting covers and titles and read the back cover.

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

  6. Read the blurb if I like the cover

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  7. When I'm browsing at the bookstore I check out the title then the story blurb on the back. Nothing frustrates me more, or gets the book back on the shelf quickly, than to find a huge picture of the author rather than the story blurb on the back cover.
    Loved to win the book. lill.kohler@gmail.com

  8. It's so much fun to read your comments! Best wishes to you all. I will pick a winner, via a random shuffle app on the Internet to be fair, tonight!
