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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

What's HOT in Inspirational Suspense

Wondering what's new in Inspirational suspense and mystery? Amanda Flower has a brand new mystery,
I Died for Beauty, Emily Dickinson Mystery series #3, just released from Berkley. Here's a little bit about the story:

Amherst, 1857: The Dickinson family faces one of New England's harshest winters. Snowbound trains and frozen harbors leave the town struggling to keep warm, with fears of fire growing.

These fears materialize when a blaze erupts in Kelley Square, the Irish community in Amherst, killing a young couple and orphaning their child. Though the deaths seem accidental, Emily Dickinson suspects foul play. She and her maid, Willa Noble, brave the freezing conditions to uncover a killer hiding among the icy shadows.

You can buy I Died for Beauty, Emily Dickinson Mystery series #3 HERE from Christianbook.com

Have a great week of reading, lovers of inspirational suspense and mystery.

Mary Ellis
~ Suspense Sisters


  1. Loved the first two! Can't wait to read this one!

  2. Duell-Moore BeverlyMarch 4, 2025 at 9:55 AM

    This sounds very good but I haven’t read the other two yet.

  3. This story sounds really good; and I love the beautiful cover! Thanks for sharing!
