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Wednesday, May 8, 2024


I was asked what I would change if I could go back to the beginning of my career. To answer that question, I have to look back a bit. I started writing when I was in my forties. I spent a year reading books, listening to other writers, and taking classes to prepare myself for the dream I had in my heart. The beginning of my journey was a little rough. So many things are different now. For example, I had to print copies of my entire manuscript and mail them to the agents I wanted to represent me. I spent five years getting the dreaded “I’m sorry, but we’re going to have to pass” letters. Strangely enough, I got my first agent through a writers’ website. None of the other things I did brought me the result I needed. Now, when I advise newbie writers, I tell them to join writers’ groups and get to know successful authors. Those connections help. Doors can open in ways you can’t accomplish on your own.

I also learned, later in the process, that reading books being released by publishers that you’re interested in will help you to understand the kind of stories they want to buy. You also need to decide on a genre (or two). Your agent will query publishers that are interested in that genre. My journey started out with mystery, then went to cozy mystery, then changed to suspense with Old Order Mennonites. This isn’t the path I would have chosen, but I still enjoyed writing those books. As time progressed, I began to write the books I always wanted to write. But first I had to earn the trust of my publishers. Building a career takes time and dedication. It’s hard work.

So, would I change the past? Would I make decisions that might speed up my ability to get contracts? This may surprise you, but the answer is no. Maybe I took the long way around, but I learned so much. And now, I have the ability to help others. I believe I took the path God had for me. Sometimes we think things are taking too long. We might even want to give up. But if you believe God called you to write, you need to trust the journey. Never give up. And never stop trying to improve yourself.

Leave a comment and you could win a copy of COLD THREAT. (A paperback copy in the U.S. only. An eBook copy for anyone living in another country.)


  1. It was interesting to read about the start of your writing journey.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  2. Good for you! We learn from our experiences, our successes as well as our failures. Cherie cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  3. I enjoyed reading about your writing journey.

  4. I love your books. Your series are fantast

  5. This is a fabulous series. I enjoy your writing very much and appreciate the encouragement, even though I don’t want to be a writer. It is very appropriate for anything I might want to do as long as I follow the path that the Lord has for me. I don’t need a copy of the book - already have one 😊
    bettimace AT gmail DOT com

  6. interesting
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  7. Fascinating and encouraging. Where do you get your inspiration for such creative stories.

    I wrote my first 'book' (a dozen pages of notepaper folded and stapled together) when I was about 7 or 8 yrs old, and I've had a burning desire to write ever since. Life seem, God, seems to have taken me on a different path, though, at least for now. You are an encouragement to not give up on a dream, whether it's writing or something else.

  8. I would love to win and review it

  9. Thanks for the interesting post. it sounds like a really interesting book.

  10. I first "met" you when your Defenders of Justice series started being released, and I've been hooked on your books ever since! Thanks for sharing your journey with us. It's so encouraging to see how the Lord has led you and how He is able to use your journey to impact others!

    1. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that.

  11. As a budding writer, I know I need all the encouragement that I can receive. I enjoy your mysteries and pray the Lord keeps letting you do what you enjoy!

  12. I love your books and that you want to help other writers trying to get started in the business.

  13. I have no desire, whatsoever, to write (though several people lately have told me that I should.) However, the process of writing/editing/publishing are fascinating to me! Thank you for sharing your experience.

    ~Heather Mitchell crhbmitchellfam at gmail dot com

  14. Charlotte SaltzmanMay 11, 2024 at 5:46 AM

    I am so happy to have found your books! Your story is powerful because it informs us as readers how appreciative we should be of your books! Your suspense is amazing!

  15. Charlotte Saltzman. char loves mark at gmail dot com

  16. It is true, I believe that if the past was changed so would the present and the future. Since I'm happy where I am, I won't change anything either. It was the hard times that taught me to appreciate the good times. It was the times of doing without that taught me to make so with what I did have. It was the time when food scarce - when it was what I could get or had on hand - that taught me to adjust recipes, to add spice to change the same flavor and to be happy there was food on my plate when others were doing without. The bad relationship taught me what my true worth was and made leaving easier and to seek out a relationship that we were equal - in admiration, goals and division of work and mostly of all in our faith. In all, my past, made me who I am and I'm very happy with that.

    Sounds to me that your writing experience was similar. Life can be a roller coaster, but it's best to enjoy the ride and see where it takes you.

  17. I was first introduced to your cozy mystery series when someone donated them to the library where I worked. They looked interesting, so I took them home to read. I really enjoyed them. aznelson@hotmail.com

  18. Good, encouraging post. It’s easier to teach others from your own life experiences. I am so glad that you didn’t give up! watts.vickie@gmail.com

  19. Wise answer! I've been reading your books since the Mennonite story days - I enjoy the way you combined their faith with mystery.


  20. Your writing path is very inspirational, and very uplifting! Thank you for sharing and thank you for your perseverance and persistence! I believe things happen for a reason and God has His plans.

  21. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I am so glad that you never gave up. God bless you. dpruss@prodigy.net

  22. It was quite interesting to see how you started and moved in your writing adventures!

  23. Sounds like my kind of read, would love to get a copy! tWarner419@aol.com
