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Tuesday, April 23, 2024


by Patricia Bradley

Have you ever set a goal only to fail to meet it? I know I have…losing weight, saving money, eating healthier… oh, yeah. I’m not real great at reaching those goals, and I bet you have trouble there, too. The thing is, none of us likes to fail…

Which made me think about the farmer. Yep, you read right. The farmer. Think about it. Every spring, regardless of past failures, he plants a new crop, hope and anticipation mixing with the fresh turned dirt. He plants his seed in faith, and then he waits. He’s done all he physically can do. He can’t make the seed grow or control the amount of rain that falls. Those things are in God’s hands.

Like the farmer, we set our goals, do the preparation and look forward to seeing the harvest. But sometimes our goals don’t get the needed rain or they stagnate, and we perceive that as failure. So we quit trying. 

What is fear keeping you from doing? What are you not doing because you fear you’re not good enough, smart enough, whatever? A few years ago, when my mother was in her eighties, she learned how to program a VCR. Then a few years later, she wanted to learn how to text and how to use a computer but was afraid she couldn’t do it. I told her anyone who could program a VCR could learn how to Google or text. She accepted the challenge and before long, she was googling, and texting the whole family, and keeping up with everyone on Face Book. She even had her own FB page. 

If my ninety-year-old mother could risk failing, so can you. So can I. 

Not long ago I sent out a proposal for a new series. Because I’d been late on the last two projects that required a LOT of rewriting, I hesitated to send it, not sure if my publisher would take it, but I did. Then I waited, knowing the harvest was in God’s hands. 

And that’s what I challenge you to do—if there’s something you want to try, do it! Don’t let fear hold you back. If I had, I wouldn’t be working on a new book now. 

What new thing have you always wanted to do but fear holds you back? Leave a comment and I’ll enter you in a drawing for an audio code for Counter Attack (or Fatal Witness if you’ve read Counter Attack).

Alexis Stone has no sooner been sworn in as the chief deputy for Russell County, Tennessee, when a serial killer dubbed the Queen’s Gambit Killer strikes again–this time in her hometown. 

Pearl Springs is just supposed to be a temporary stop along the way to Alex’s real dream: becoming the first female police chief of Chattanooga. But the killer’s calling card–a white pawn and a note with a chess move printed on it–cannot be ignored.


  1. swim with sharks
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    1. Oh wow, BN! I'm not sure I'd want to do that...although I do love swimming in the ocean.

  2. Hang gliding
    Barbara Diggs englishathome01@gmail.com

    1. You gotta be kidding, Barbara! lol I had a chance to parasail a few yeas ago and turned it down...now I'm wishing I hadn't.

  3. Travel to a foreign country where English is not spoken. The thought makes me nervous. It would have to be a group excursion for me to try it. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. That would be scary, Cherie, but in most countries there are those who speak English and I've heard they are always eager to help. And a group excursion is good!

  4. I needed this today, thank you for sharing!! I recently started going back to school to get my master’s degree after not being able to finish it 20 years ago! It took a lot of faith steps to get me here. Lcisson at gmail

    1. Yayay, Laura! My daughter returned to college after being away 12 years--she had a three-year-old and a thirteen-year-old...she got her master's and has a wonderful job! So hangth thou in there!

  5. I was in an abusive relationship and I was afraid to speak up and ask my family for help. I didn't think anyone would let me come be with them. A few weeks ago things started to get out of control and dangerous. So I finally called my favorite cousin and let him know what had been going on, he didn't hesitate to invite me into his home so that I would be safe. I've been here for 2 weeks and I am so glad that I got over my fear because feeling safe is so healing.

    1. Thank you, Lord, that Cindi found the courage to leave an abusive relationship! Continue to keep her safe. I'm so proud of you!!

  6. very inspiring. what is that saying "failure means you are just one step closer to success."

    1. Amen! Edison made, I don't remember how many bad light bulbs before the one that worked...and look where that got us. lol

  7. Your writings are so wonderful that if I was a publisher I'd jump on the chance to publish one of your books! I can't wait to hear all about your new series! Praying it all comes together for you.

    Thanks for the encouragement to branch out with God's leading. Yes, I've had something on my heart for awhile now. Maybe the time is almost ripe...

    1. L...I hope you'll try whatever is on your heart to do! What can you lose?

  8. I’ve always wanted to learn how to make stained glass but I know you get cut and that holds me back. Plus, I’m betting that it’s a more expensive hobby than quilting, which was something I DID learn to do but was afraid because I’ve never really sewn. I only had one small project in a horrible high school home ec class and that was enough for me to steer clear of a sewing machine!
    Perrianne Askew
    perrianne (DOT) askew (AT) me (DOT) com

    1. But you're older now, Perianne and so try that sewing machine again! I tried to make a pot on the wheel in junior high and the teacher looked at me and said, "Don't try this again--you'll never be a potter." And I didn't until I was 57...since then I've made some beautiful pieces. :-)

  9. Hey Pat, at my age, I can't think of thinks that I've always wanted to do but feared failing. However, there are a few things I think I would like to try but hold back because I fear I'd kill myself. I don't want to do them badly enough to risk that. One time I thought I wanted to write a non-fiction book but couldn't find the time due to work. After retirement, I couldn't figure out how to apply the premise because the world had changed so much over the years.

    1. I totally understand, Edward! I'm thinking about selling my Trek bike because I fear falling and breaking a wrist and that would keep me from writing.

  10. Our most formidible enemy is ourselves.

  11. Love the story about your Mom learning how to use technology and enjoy it. I would love to write a Christian suspense book with my husband, travel out west, learn how to sew and quilt - so many things I guess. Jeannie B., Youngsville, NC

  12. I cannot think of anything I want to do but afraid of trying. I have tried and failed many things but I know God has different purposes for each person so He gives us the talents and abilities we need to accomplish His plans.

    1. I'm so glad you try things, even after failing, Carolyn! I'm a lot like that. :-)

  13. I'm always thinking of things I could do part time when I retire in 2 years. I just have too many doubts to put anything in action.

  14. There are many things I fear to attempt. As an introvert it sure is hard to push myself into the unknown. Yet I know that I can never be successful without pushing. I have always referred to Philippians 4:13: “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH “

  15. Replies
    1. I'm with you there! However someone in my SS class is going skydiving this weekend...and we're a bunch of older ladies...

  16. And the winner is...L. Murphy! I'll contact you with the code.
