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Friday, January 5, 2024


Bettie Boswell has always loved to read and write. That interest helped her create musicals for both church and school students. After retiring from teaching 33 years, she decided to write and illustrate stories to share with the world. Her writing interests extend from works for children to adults and from fiction to non-fiction. She has written other works including leveled readers, magazine articles, and contributed to lesson plan collections, devotionals, and short story anthologies. She is a minister's wife, church musician, mother of two grown men, and a grandma. She loves the arts and shares her doodles, and photography from her daily walks, on social media.


Tell us about your upcoming release.

Hidden Names will be my first Christian Romantic Suspense novel. I really enjoyed exploring this genre, having been an avid reader for several years. Amber's dreams of opening her own retail artists' studio are shattered when a masked stranger breaks into her shop. He demands information that she doesn't have. Federal Agent Graham steps in to join Amber in a cross-country search for clues hidden in jewelry filled with secrets from her late estranged father. Old friends, new relatives, and friends of her father have the pieces made with white stones. Enemies seemed to know Amber and Graham's every move, constantly attacking and attempting to learn the secret information. Has someone in the agency betrayed them? Will Amber be able to decipher the clues that will break up a cybercriminal ring?

What was your inspiration for this book?

During the last several years, I switched from reading Christian romance, to enjoying romantic suspense books produced by Love Inspired. I decided to give writing in the genre a try. When I mentioned the idea to my publisher, Mt. Zion Ridge Press, they were excited. The action for the new book would take place in the same town as my Christian romance novels: On Cue, Free to Love, and Hoping for Treasure. From there, I used inspiration from places and people that I knew in the past. My dad was an amateur radio operator which gave me the inspiration for some of the electronics involved in solving the crime. He and I were rock hounds when I was young, so the mention of rocks and minerals both in the story and the Bible verses mentioned in the story influenced the tale. Several towns visited in the novel are places I've worked or visited.

What is your favorite part of the writing process?

I enjoy letting the words flow into the story and seeing scenes fall into place. I also have fun researching to make sure I convey the correct information. Even contemporary stories require research. Hidden Names involves a cross-country journey. Finding out approximate travel times and topography was part of the process.

Your least favorite?

Marketing is a challenge to me as an introvert. I've always done better with behind the scenes work, rather than trying to promote something to others. I've learned to think more about sharing the book as a story than trying to put myself in the spotlight.

Tell us three things about yourself that might surprise your readers.

I also write and illustrate children's books; four published with two coming in 2024.

I taught for many years. During my first assignment as a preschool teacher, several students and I went up in a tethered hot air balloon. That wouldn't happen today due to regulations, but we made an unforgettable memory.

My strangest adventure so far was the summer my son and I drove the AL-CAN Highway between just north of Seattle, Washington to Haines, Alaska. Pure wilderness, no radio or phone reception, rough pavement, wildlife, lots of prayer, staying in a hotel made of house trailers, stopping whenever we saw the occasional gas station, etc.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I enjoy taking photos of flowers and nature as I walk around my neighborhood. Then I post them on social media. I attempt to grow houseplants and a tomato patch. I like visiting historical sites. I am active in our church music ministry. I get my exercise at the local college doing water aerobics. Did I mention grand-parenting before and after school and on demand?

What are you working on now?

I'm working on a second book for Forest Glen Suspense as a follow-up for Hidden Names. Two of the side characters from Hidden Names, Winifred Grimsley and Kent Russell will take the lead in the future book, dealing with a different aspect of the same cybercrime. I write as a pantser and their story is unfolding at a leisurely pace. It is about a third done.

Where can your readers learn more about you?

The contacts page on my website will take you to a list of my books and different ways you may contact me.


A Forest Glen Suspense

Amber's father, Max, betrayed her and her mom when she was sixteen. Determined to make it on her own, she refused all contact with the man and paid her way through college by making jewelry. Now, she finds it hard to let any man get close to her heart.

Months ago, her father asked her to make some jewelry. She reluctantly agreed, needing the money he offered to set up her new venture, a studio for artists. Then he died, leaving a jeweled trail of trouble connected to a ring of cybercriminals.

Against her will, Amber must team up with Federal Agent Graham to gather clues and stay one step ahead of people who don't care who they hurt to protect their secrets.

The wounds of Graham's past complicate their cross-country race as he becomes attracted to Amber, As they uncover the secrets her father left behind, they must learn to trust each other, before time runs out to defeat their nameless enemies, and find long-delayed healing.

You can order it here

Leave a comment for your chance to win a copy of the book. Print copies, U.S. only.


  1. Great interview! Hidden Names sounds so interesting!!

  2. Welcome to Suspense Sisters! Wishing you great success on your new book!

  3. Duell-Moore BeverlyJanuary 5, 2024 at 9:31 AM

    Great interview! New author to me!

  4. It's so nice to meet you, Bettie. Hidden Names sounds thrilling!

  5. nice interview
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  6. Sounds very interesting! Love new books and new authors (to me)

  7. I'm always looking for new authors to read, sounds good!

  8. You are a new to me author and I will be on the lookout for your books (BOLO)

  9. Your new book sounds very interesting! And your trip to Alaska sounds quite adventurous. I would love to read your first romantic suspense since that’s my favorite genre. Vickie W. watts.vickie@gmail.com

  10. New to me author! This sounds intriguing with some twists I wasn’t expecting. Congratulations on your book!
    Barbara Diggs englishathome01@gmail.com

  11. I love the cover. Draws me in instantly.

  12. You are a new to me author. This book sounds like one I would enjoy very much. Congrats on the new book!

  13. Great interview. Hidden Nsmex on TBR

  14. It sounds like a really interesting book. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Sounds like a great story. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  16. Thank you for the interview with Bettie Boswell. I do so love when I can find a new to me author. Also makes me happy when I can find another lover of photography. Hubby and I love taking photos of critters in their natural environment and see the beautiful landscapes we see along the way to finding them. Our bucket list trip this year is a trip to Alaska. Which to me, makes your trip there amazing.

    Can't wait for the opportunity to read and review HIDDEN NAMES, which sounds amazing and is now on my TBR list. Thank you for the chance to win a copy!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  17. This book sounds absolutely fascinating!!! My husband's grandpa made jewelry, so that part intrigues me! This was a great interview, and Bettie is a new to me author. I'm going to add Hidden Names to my TBR pile!
    Heather M crhbmitchellfam at gmail dot com

  18. This book sounds like an engaging mystery story to read. Thanks for the chance of winning a copy of it!

  19. Sounds like a fun read!

  20. This book sounds really interesting!

  21. I love suspense. This book sounds amazing. thank you for sharing.

  22. I think my wife would love this book

  23. Sounds very interesting.

  24. Nice to meet you! You are a new author to me.

  25. This sounds like a great book! It’s always great to find new authors!

  26. Sounds like a great read! Welcome to the suspense genre.

  27. A new author for me, sounds good!

  28. This book sounds like such a great story Thank you for the giveaway! Sarahbaby601973(at)gmail(dot)com

  29. This sounds like a really good book and is a new author to me.

  30. This sounds so interesting! I love the jewelry making aspect
