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Friday, October 28, 2022


By Patricia Bradley

Kathy Harris is joining us today. She is an author by way of a “divine detour” into the Nashville entertainment business. After graduating with a Communications degree from Southern Illinois University, she moved to Tennessee to work in the Christian music industry. That position soon transitioned into what would become a long-tenured country music marketing career with The Oak Ridge Boys. 

OH! And Kathy is giving away a print copy (US Addresses) of the first book in the Deadly Secrets Series--Deadly Commitment!

PB: You’ve been published for several years now. What has being published taught you?

KH: To always follow your dream. I’ve known since I was a little girl that I wanted to write books, but I went through much of life not writing … not writing books anyway. I wrote newspaper and magazine articles, entertainer bios, advertising copy, press releases, and business letters. LOTS of business letters. But nothing has been as personally satisfying as writing books.

PB: I'm glad you decided to follow your dream--I love your books. What is your favorite part about writing? Least favorite?

KH: Dare I say deadlines? Deadlines for the second answer too. I’m one of those people who needs a deadline if I’m going to get it done. But who loves them? Not me. I just need them.

PB: They are a necessary evil. lol Panster or Plotter?

KH: A funny thing happened when I started writing my third contracted book. I became a pantser after years as an avowed plotter. Now, I prefer writing by the seat of my pants. It saves a lot of time. It feels more creative. And it’s much more exhilarating. Although I’ve never jumped out of an airplane (and never intend to!), I envision panster writing as somewhat similar.

PB: I agree, even though I haven't jumped out of an airplane, either! What do you do when you’re not writing?

KH: I love cooking, walking or hiking, and hanging out with friends and family. I have a big dog—a Shiloh Shepherd named Gabriel, who takes up a lot of my time too. Oh … and I also work full-time. 

PB: I don't know how you write and work at a full-time job! Does writing energize or exhaust you?

KH: That’s such a great question. I have to say both. When I’m in the flow, it’s exhilarating. But when I’m analyzing plots and character arcs and continuity details, it can be exhausting. The final edit and proofing are also exhausting.

PB: That final edit is a killer. What would you like readers to know about your characters?

KH: I can’t write a character unless I know his or her name. I can spend hours, days, and even weeks spinning my wheels until I know my lead characters’ names.

PB: That makes two of us! What is the most valuable piece of advice you’d like to give to unpublished authors?

KH: Don’t give up. Taking a break can be beneficial. But giving up isn’t an option. 

PB: I agree, Kathy! What if a person quits when that publisher's contract is just around the corner? What’s next from you?

KH: I’m cowriting a Nashville-based crime novel with a former undercover police officer. Details to be announced soon!

PB: That sounds intriguing. I can't wait to read that book! As I said before, I love Kathy's books. Deadly Conclusion kept me turning pages way past midnight!

A Fast-Paced Suspense Book You Can’t Put Down

In the thrilling conclusion of the “Deadly Secrets” series, dog trainer Keely Lambert breaks in Titan, a new shepherd, during a rescue mission to find little Conner Wells. Aided by childhood friend, Beau Gardner of the TBI and Conner’s uncle, Keely finds the boy deep inside Beaman Park.

But Conner is not all that Keely found. On the way back to the welcome center, she notices something sticking out of the dirt—the military dog tags of her father who disappeared more than two decades before.

The discovery sets Keely on a hunt to unearth her father’s killer, only to be thwarted by multiple setbacks—the murder of Beau’s father, the kidnapping of her mother, and her kennel being set on fire in the middle of the night. After Keely is kidnapped herself, Beau leads a manhunt to find her before the outcome reaches a deadly conclusion.

Kathy Harris has worked as a marketing director in the Nashville music industry for more than 30 years. Her first professional writing job was freelancing entertainer biographies. Later she wrote and co-wrote news stories and columns for various music publications, eventually contributing to anthologies for Thomas Nelson, Tyndale House, and Chicken Soup for the Soul. Kathy's debut novel, The Road to Mercy, was released in 2012 by Abingdon Press. Deadly Conclusion, her third book in The Deadly Secrets series, will release from Iron Stream Fiction on November 1, 2022. Kathy has regularly hosted music and literary guests on her Divine Detour blog since 2010. For more information, visit Kathy’s website, or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


  1. A very new author to me!
    duellonlysis at aol dot com

    1. It's a great series! Thanks for stopping by.

    2. Thanks, Patricia!! Nice to meet you, Onlysis06

  2. fun interview
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  3. Sounds like a neat story! I haven't read anything by this author, but I'd like to now.

    amybradsher at gmail dot com

  4. This sounds like an exciting new book. Love Christian suspense.

  5. It sounds like a really interesting book. Thank you for sharing.
    dianah7272 at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks for your comment, Diana! Nice to meet you!

  6. The Nashville based series sounds so intriguing. Great interview.

  7. I can imagine writing a book without an outline would feel like jumping out of an airplane. Kudos to brave pantsers like Harris and Bradley!

    1. Priscilla, I started out an outliner/plotter and that wasn't working for me. Someone else who does this is Kelly Irvin, and she doesn't have a clue who her heroine is...that I couldn't do. lol

    2. Thank you, Priscilla :) I agree with Pat about not being able to write without knowing my characters. Yikes.

  8. Wow, this book sounds and looks very intriguing!! It sounds like a great page turner! Thank you for sharing about it. Have a great weekend. aliciabhaney(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  9. I enjoyed the interview. This book sounds like one that would be difficult to put down.

  10. Thanks, GrandaddyA! And thank you for the reviews you've left for my books in the past.

  11. Thanks to all of you for your comments -- and to Patricia and the Suspense Sisters for hosting me. I've tried to respond to everyone but Name ID has played havoc with me. Please know you're all appreciated! Kathy

  12. And the winner of Kathy's book is...Alicia Haney!
