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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Escape the Winter Doldrums. Travel to Exotic Locations. Book Giveaway!


By Elizabeth Goddard 

I hope it’s okay for me to share with you here how much I love my job. Of course, I’m a wife and a mother first, but I have an honest to goodness work-from-home job writing novels! Yes, I earn a living writing books. Of course earning a living is relative to each person. I’m not making enough money to own three houses, one in Hawaii, or even two houses but you never know when things will change!

It’s taken me years to get to this point and I’m so grateful that I persisted. I give the credit and the glory to God for opening those doors, for planting those seeds and watering them, putting that dream inside of me.

So in my work as a writer, I get to dream about the next place I’d like to go and set my story there. It might be a place where I’ve traveled or lived ( like southwest Oregon for my new Wilderness, Inc. series, image to the right) or plan to take a research vacation.  But once I’m back in my writing chair, I can spend endless hours every day with my head in that exotic location on an adventure and, at least some of the time, running for my life—living vicariously through my characters, that is. In Undercover Protector I spent a lot of time with tigers--such big and beautiful creatures.

I mean, is that a cool job or what? And what’s even cooler about it is that you, the reader, can also enjoy this exotic location and experience the adventure of a lifetime and the adrenaline rush that comes with running for your life or some unseen danger or assailant—from the safety of your own home.

That’s the service I provide as a writer of escape fiction!

So if you’re looking for an escape this winter, grab an adventure romantic suspense novel. I can't promise my stories won't take you somewhere cold and snowy, but at least you'll be comfy and warm while you sip your favorite hot drink and read. 

Travel to some place exotic without packing your bags. Have an adventure from the pages of a good book!

I'm giving away a copy of Undercover Protector. To enter the drawing please leave a comment on the blog post with your contact information! 



P.S. Undercover Protector released this month. It's the second book in my new Wilderness, Inc. series. I hope you'll join me on this adventure. Oh, and if you'd like to find out as soon as a new book releases, follow me on Bookbub!

Article first appeared on Clean Reads Romance Cafe. Revised and reposted here. 


  1. Great looking guy on the cover.

  2. I love your cover! I'm glad LI is starting to put heroes on the covers and not just landscapes. lauriewood23@shaw.ca

  3. Looks like another great book from an amazing author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Good article - looks like an exciting book, and the title definitely intrigues me. Have a blessed day. jandbreynolds(at)gmail(dot)com

  6. tkpw222(at)aol(dot)com

  7. Prefer outdoor books to cities! jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com

  8. looks like a great read!
    ervro 2000 at gmail dot com

  9. I love your books, this cover is wonderful. Would love to win this. God bless.

  10. Really enjoyed your book, Targeted for Murder, so would love the chance to read another. Thanks,
    dawn dot nicol at gmail dot com

  11. Sounds good. The second book in a series? Are they stand-alone books? If you recommend reading them in order, would you be willing to give away the first book in the series instead? Just FYI.

  12. Enjoyed the article. Look forward to reading the book.

  13. This book looks awesome! I'm not too picky about where a book takes me, just as long as it provides a great adventure! Thanks for the great giveaway!


  14. Southwest Oregon sounds like a wonderful setting for your book. Sounds like a great new series and a great book for winter reading. I know this is a book I would enjoy reading.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  15. Winter in Kentucky is a perfect time to getaway with a good adventure (book style).
    Thanks for a chance!!

  16. Looks like a Great Book. Thanks for sharing it on your blog. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
    iamabho (at) gmail (dot) com
