(The following article is taken from one of my Novel Writing courses. No borrowing without permission!)
What-If Game
This is one of the most creative games a novelist
can play. Originality is nothing more than connecting familiar elements in
unfamiliar ways. The what-if question
gets our minds thinking in such a way as to make those connections.
The what-if
game can be used before you begin your novel, but it can also come in handy
when you need a plot twist or if your plot seems to drag. Get away from your
computer and let your mind run wild. What
if Emily got upset with John, ran into the woods, and got lost? Or What if John was suddenly attacked by a
group of Amish vampires? Nothing is too silly. Sometimes the silliest
things can hatch an idea.
Train your mind to think about what if as much as possible. Some good
resources to encourage the what-if game:
· Read the newspaper and ask “What if…” when reading the articles.
· When you watch TV, ask “What if…” while watching shows and commercials.
· Let your mind roam free.
· Watch people when you’re in public. (This is good for creating
interesting characters too.) For example, you’re sitting in your favorite
restaurant and your waiter starts acting suspiciously. What if when he brings you your drink, and he slips a piece of
paper into your hand. You unfold it and read, “There are men in the kitchen
with guns. They are watching all of us. Please get help, but don’t let them
know I told you.” Or, you see an older lady sitting at the next table. What if you noticed her companion slip
something into her drink when she’s not looking? The old woman takes a sip,
gasps, grabs her throat and keels over. Her companion, a rather frightening
looking man, sees you watching them. Are you in danger? What should you do?
Perhaps you’re writing a suspense
or mystery novel. See yourself walking into a bookstore. What kind of title
would jump out at you, making you want to buy the book? Write a similar title,
one that would grab you and others when they see the book on the shelf. This
idea sounds simplistic, but it works. A cool title can start you down the road
to the rest of your story.
Write One Sentence
Award winning author, Randy
Ingermanson, teaches The Snowflake Method, a unique and very successful
way to plot and write a novel. It begins with one sentence and builds from
that. He offers this example: "A rogue
physicist travels back in time to kill the apostle Paul." From this
sentence, he wrote his first novel. With Randy’s method, from the first
sentence comes the first paragraph. From the first paragraph comes the first
chapter, etc. The small center of your idea connects to another part of your
plot, building outward, like a snowflake. Many authors swear by this method. If
you’re interested in learning more about The Snowflake Method, visit
Randy’s Web site at: http://www.advancedfictionwriting.com/art/snowflake.php.
Personal Events
Start a list of memories from your
past. Even seemingly unimportant events can trigger a story. Let your mind roam
through your childhood and see what mental pictures occur. Then write down
short descriptions.
· The playhouse (When our home was being remodeled, my father had
the contractor use the extra materials to build me a playhouse. I loved
spending time inside it. If my parents argued, I’d go to my playhouse. When it
rained, I loved to sit inside. I felt so safe and sheltered.)
· Holiday dinners (Remembering when my grandparents were alive and
we’d all gather together.)
· The hole (My brother and I drilled a small hole in our closet
walls so we could whisper through it. My mother never knew.)
· The hill (My friend and I used to sit on a hill near our house and
share our deepest secrets.)
A list like this can spark all kind
of ideas for novels. Start with a memory that holds some meaning for you and
build from it. The more of yourself you put into your novel, the more passion
and emotion you’ll be able to put into it. It’s a great way to connect to
What issues push your buttons?
Robert Ludlum once said, “I think arresting fiction is written out of a sense
of outrage.” Outrage is a great emotion for a writer. Start building an issues
list. Your list might include:
The environment
Gun control
People who talk during movies
Although my book, Simple Choices
is not about Alzheimer’s, I created a
character that had the disease. I watched my wonderful father-in-law suffer
through it. My passion about the destruction of Alzheimer’s gave my story
depth. Remember, however, that your issue shouldn’t take over your novel. It
must help to drive your story forward. Perhaps you’re passionate about the
environment. Don’t create an information dump about the evils of plastic
bottles. Instead, create a character who shares your views. Maybe this
character, let’s call him Joe, is kidnapped and the kidnapper reveals himself
by telling your main character that the last time he saw Joe was at QuikTrip
where he stopped to buy a bottle of water. (A plastic bottle.) You know the
guy’s lying and has to be the kidnapper. You’ve gotten your point of view about
plastic water bottles into your plot without beating your readers over the head
with it!
Writing inspirational fiction is a
great example of passion and story. One of the greatest complaints
inspirational authors get is that we are too “preachy” or that we shove “religion”
in our readers’ faces. A lot of these comments are unfair because most people
should be able to figure out that “inspirational fiction” is going to mention
God, but there is still a very important and valid point to be taken from this
criticism. Is the religious aspect natural? Or are we injecting religion into
the story just for the sake of religion? It’s a fine line we have to walk. The
same is true with you and your passion. You can bash your readers over the head
with your passion, or you can use it to make people think and relate to your
view. How you handle it will determine your success.
Passion and emotion are great
building blocks upon which to build your story, but don’t forget to look at
both sides of your issue. One sided arguments are like one hand clapping.
There’s no sound, no impact. In one of my upcoming novels I look closely at the
Mennonite belief of nonviolence. I put my characters in situations where they
have to decide how far they’re willing to go with this practice. Are they willing
to let someone they love come to harm so they can stand on their principles?
Are they willing to lose their own lives over their belief? The issue of
nonviolence worked right into my plot and added depth and meaning to my story,
but I kept the plot centered on the main storyline, which was about a group of
men targeting people of faith in the county where my characters live.
See it
Take the germ of an idea, find a
quiet place, close your eyes, and let a story play in front of you just like
you’re watching a movie. After you can “see it,” just start writing it down.
Don’t worry about plot, structure, characters or anything else. Just get it
down. When you’re done, read through it. Is there anything there that gives you
the seed of an idea? Even one little sentence can spark an exciting plot. This
also works with dreams. If you have a dream that evokes some emotion from you,
write it down. No matter how weird it seems. What was it about the dream that
made your heart beat faster? Pull it out of the dream and think about it. See
if there’s something there that will ignite an idea for a novel.
Hear it
Music that moves you can also give
you ideas for novels. I wrote one novel listening to the music from The Hunt
for Red October. It perfectly matched the tone I wanted for that story. As
the music grew in intensity, my excitement grew with it, helping me to keep
moving the plot forward. Romantic music can stir emotions you can use. Even
remembering a romantic situation from your past while listening to music can
awake emotions that will give you inspiration. If you’re writing Sci-fi, listen
to the soundtrack from Star Wars. As you recall the movie, you can also
pull in the what if technique. For
example, what if Darth Vader had pulled
Luke to the dark side? What if Luke killed Darth and took his place? What if
Princess Leia found out Luke was her brother and set out to rescue him from the
dark side? What if she was the “hero” of the story instead of Luke? As you can
see, music can start you thinking. Combining what if with it can lead you to an exciting plot.
Steal it
Okay, I’m kind of kidding here.
Never steal a plot! Let’s say instead: Borrow it. I do this all the
time. Go to Amazon (or any online book selling site) and pull up books written
in your genre. What did these writers write about? For example, I was writing a
novel that needed another plot twist, and I was having a tough time finding it.
Then I remembered a book I’d read where the main character was accused of
stealing something. Even though she didn’t do it, she was ostracized by her
small community. The idea was exactly what I needed. I didn’t borrow her plot
line – I just borrowed the idea. Authors do this all the time. Remember that
ideas are public property. However, you must use the idea in your own way and
make it part of your story.
One of the best ways to get your plot going is
to first create your character. Develop him and see where he leads you.
Although we will talk more about characters later, beginning with an interesting,
dynamic character can lead you right to your plot. There are several ways to
come up with an original character.
· Visualizing. Close your eyes and “see” the first person who pops into your
mind. Describe him. Write down what you see. Then put him into a situation or
setting and see what develops. Ask yourself why
your character reacts the way he does. What patterns is he developing?
· Re-creating who you know. Think of someone you know or have known.
Someone you think is interesting. Now recreate them! Give him a different
occupation. Change his sex! What if Uncle Benny became Aunt Bonnie! (I’m not
talking about special operations here. This is just imaginary!) You can do this
with fictional characters too. In my latest novel, I used a character from Doctor
Who that I had a strong emotional attachment to. I turned the tenth doctor
into a Mennonite elder! Sounds wacky, but I think it worked. This character was
very real to me, and it helped me to see him much more clearly. It also helped
me to develop my plot because I already “knew” him and how he would react in
certain situations.
· Obituaries. You can come up with characters and plot ideas from obituaries.
What was the person’s job? Did they die too young? Who did they leave behind?
Have you ever read an obituary and done an online search because you wanted to
know more about the person’s life? Instead of doing that, make it up yourself.
In the newspaper and on most funeral home sites, people are allowed to leave
comments about the deceased. Read them. What do they tell you about the person?
What if there are no comments and the obituary is just a few lines without any
information that wasn’t absolutely necessary? What does that tell you? Can you
begin to see a story connected to this person? Remember, you can use the seed
of an idea but change details about the person so they will fit your novel
· The worst thing. This is a great way to begin a novel. If you already have your
character, what’s the worst thing that could happen to him? This simple
question can propel you right into suspense, intrigue or pathos.
a genre
Have a favorite movie or TV show? Try moving it
to a different genre. Star Wars could be a Western. The Wild, Wild
West was simply James Bond in the Old West. Think about the plots you enjoy
and experiment with them in all kinds of different genres. You could come up
with something really interesting. In truth, there are very few new plots out
there. Instead, most of what we see and read are actually familiar plots with
unique twists!
the newspaper
I have a file full of ideas clipped from
newspapers and magazines. Truth is usually stranger than fiction. Keep your
eyes (and ears) peeled for real life stories that will give you great fodder
for your novel.
What are you interested in? The Civil War?
Serial killers? Kitties? Civil War serial killers who love kitties? RESEARCH!
There could be a novel in there somewhere. Adding research can add depth and
interest to your novel. Just be sure you don’t weigh down your story with facts
your readers don’t care about. Research can be done through the Internet,
books, and interviews with real people. Delve into a subject that fascinates
you and see if you can find a plot to jumpstart an idea for your novel!
“What I
Really Want to Write About Is…”
Try this exercise first thing in the morning.
Your subconscious has been churning all night. It has something to tell you.
Let it speak before you have a chance to talk yourself out of it. Once you
verbalize your idea, write it down and add to it for at least ten to fifteen
Dean Koontz wrote The Voice of the Night
based on an opening line he wrote while just “playing around”: “You ever killed
anything?” Roy asked. After writing that line, Koontz decided Roy was a
fourteen-year-old boy. Two pages of dialogue opened up the rest of his
Joseph Heller was famous for using first lines
to suggest novels. In desperation one day, needing to start a novel but having
no ideas, these opening lines came to him: “In the office in which I work,
there are four people of whom I am afraid. Each of these four people is afraid
of five people.” These two lines immediately suggested what Heller calls “a
whole explosion of possibilities and choices.” The result was his novel Something
Happened. His bestselling novel, Catch-22 was started the same way,
with two sentences.
Again, Randy Ingermanson touts the same idea
using his Snowflake Method.
No, I don’t mean you write all your words in
reverse order. Writing is hard enough. This could push you over the edge! What
I’m suggesting is that you actually visualize the end of your story. How will it conclude? First, envision a really
dynamic, emotional and dramatic last scene. Now…what comes before it? This concept
is also a good way to keep from writing yourself into a corner. Believe it or
not, this happens more frequently than you might imagine. Uninspired endings
can kill your story and disappoint your readers.
What jobs have you had? Do you realize that you
already have a wealth of knowledge most people don’t? Even though you might
think your job or past jobs were boring, to people who have never done them,
learning about your occupation can be interesting. You have a lot of insight
into a field that most of your readers will never experience. For example: A
mail carrier might wonder what would happen if saw a dead body through the
window of a house he delivers to. A bus driver watches the same strange man get
on the bus at the same time every day and get off at a deserted parking lot.
Who is he, and what is he doing? A waitress sees a customer drop something on
the floor. When she picks it up and hands it to him, she realizes it’s a letter
addressed to a well-known local politician who was murdered a few days earlier.
What is the connection to her customer, and what should she do?
Your expertise from a job or past job will add
layers, depth and interest to your story. This kind of experience can frame
your story and make it unique.
Once you capture your idea, ask
yourself these questions.
· Has this
type of story been done before? If so (and it’s okay if it has) how can I make
it unique?
· Is my
setting ordinary? How can I make it interesting?
· Is my
story “big enough” to grab enough readers? In other words, is the premise
exciting and compelling?
· What are
some twists that will make this story fascinating?
If your
answers to these questions only prove to confirm your idea, you’re ready to
begin plotting!
Nancy Mehl lives in Festus, Missouri, with her husband, Norman, and her very active puggle, Watson. She’s authored twenty-two books and just finished a new series for Bethany House Publishing. The first book in her Finding Sanctuary series, “Gathering Shadows” was released in May of 2014. The second book, “Deadly Echoes” became available in February. The third book, “Rising Darkness released in November. Now she’s writing a new series based on the U.S. Marshals. The first book will release in November of 2016. She is also working on an Amish cozy mystery series for Guideposts. The first book, “Blessings in Disguise” was published in June, 2015. She will write at least three more in this series.
Readers can learn more about Nancy through her Web site: www.nancymehl.com. She is part of The Suspense Sisters: www.suspensesisters.blogspot.com, along with several other popular suspense authors. She is also very active on Facebook.
Leave a comment for your chance to win a copy of Rising Darkness, book three in my Finding Sanctuary series - or a copy of Simply Vanished, book eight in Guideposts' Sugarcreek Amish Mysteries series! (U.S. only, please.)
I enjoy reading your books
ReplyDeleteThanks Nancy. I've toyed with the idea of writing, but I much prefer reading. However, whenever the thought or an idea pops into my head, I always wonder where do you go from there? How does one start?! Thanks. I'm saving this post, just in case I might ever consider writing in the future.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway. Sharing on the FB group Christian Book Giveaways & Deals. Thanks!
I'm not a writer but as a reader I can certainly see your points in the books I read!
ReplyDeleteOur favorite authors give us such joy with their books and they make it look so easy so all of us none authors don't realize all of the effort it takes!
ReplyDeleteThank you and blessings!!
There's a saying, "I'm a lover not a fighter" but in my case I'm a reader not a writer. I love your ideas of how you get ideas or inspirations. Some I'd consider very unique. I've read and reviewed Rising Darkness but I'd love the chance to read the other. Thank you
ReplyDeleteI, too, am a "reader, but not a writer". Rising Darkness sounds really good & is on my TBR list!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading your books
Thanks for a chance to win.
ReplyDeletewould love to win. angelachesnut246@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThis was a great post for me. I'm pretty sure that I have a few stories in me but I just didn't know how to start. You've given me some tools to see if I can get something started. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThejorns at gmail dot com
Thank you for sharing these tips. I will be referring back to this post often as I practice my writing. I keep telling my daughter I have so many voices in my head I can't keep them straight. I just don't know how to put the ideas to paper.
ReplyDeleteThank you for a chance to win one of your books.
phoneticpanda (at) gmail(dot)com
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ReplyDeleteThank you for the great tips. When I was in school, I used to like to write. But, now, I love to read.
Keep up the wonderful writing Nancy.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the wonderful writing Nancy.
ReplyDeleteGood tips! I already have Rising Darkness, so I would love to win the other title, if possible. Nookwormwriteratlivedotcom
ReplyDeleteLove your books. Keep up the good work spotts06ATcomcastDOTnet
ReplyDeleteI could never write a book. I do love to read though. Would love to win. Thanks for the chance to win. dhazelton(at)myfairpoint(dot)net
ReplyDeleteI just love your writing. I have Rising Darkness and I loved it. I would love to read Simply Vanished! 1savedfamily@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThank you Nancy for giving us readers some insight into how much time, effort, research and love goes into the preparation from an author even before the first words go on the page! That was a very insightful article. Iwould love to read your new book.
ReplyDeletemarypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
Thank you Nancy for sharing.I love your books and I am looking forward to reading Simply Vanished.jackie_tessnair(at)yahoo(dot)com