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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Elizabeth Goddard Interview and Tailspin Giveaway!

Hi friends! Elizabeth Goddard here. I’m one of the Suspense Sisters, as you already know, so instead of answering interview questions, I thought it would be more fun to do a simple blog post. Today I’m sharing with you about my new release——Tailspin.

I’m also giving away a copy of TAILSPIN—either digital or print copy—to one winner. To enter the drawing, please answer one of two questions in the comments below:

Q1: What is your dream adventure vacation if you could travel anywhere in the world?

Q2: What adventure would you love to experience, if it didn’t terrify you?

Or you can BUY the copy HERE.

Now, back to discussing Tailspin.

I happen to love this title, and my editor loved it so much that she kept it. Usually, at Harlequin, we’re asked to send in a list of titles from which our editors choose. They know what titles have already been used in the line or what will soon release and don’t want to use a title twice. As it turned out, Tailspin was not only the perfect title for my story, but no one had used it yet in the Love Inspired lines. Hoorah for me!

The simple definition of “tailspin” per Merriam-Webster is:

1. a condition in which an airplane is falling rapidly while turning around and around

2. a state in which something quickly becomes much worse

So you see—perfect for my story! Before I go any further, here’s the back cover copy:


Nothing can stop Sylvie Masters from scuba diving to find her mother's downed plane—except possibly the hit man determined to keep the truth from surfacing. When brave bush pilot Will Pierson comes to her rescue, she knows she can still reach her goal, but she needs his help. Will wants answers about the crash, too, especially since his mother was the missing plane's pilot. He'll be the hero Sylvie needs, but can he ever trust her? Sylvie is shrouded in secrets that keep leading her back to Mountain Cove. Secrets someone will kill for. Will may protect her, yet no one can persuade her to end her search…not even a killer.

Mountain Cove: In the Alaskan wilderness, love and danger collide.

Tailspin is the 5th book in my Mountain Cove series, and it answers a big question I raised in Buried, the 1st book. But don’t worry, you can read it as a standalone if you haven’t read the Mountain Cove series.

As I wrote the Mountain Cove series, new characters emerged in the stories and I knew that one character in particular—a bush pilot named Billy—needed his own story. So he was my main inspiration. I’ve always wanted to write a bush pilot story. But then who do I pair him with—his exact opposite.

A scuba diver who hates to fly!

This story was one of my favorites to write because of the flying and the diving. I had to do a ton of research for both elements.

This is probably a good time to bring up that I had planned to be a marine biologist. I took the scuba diving lessons and I’ll go ahead and admit that I found it terrifying! That’s one of the main reasons I changed my direction in college. So do you think I’m a chicken now? Well, at least I can experience all these adventures by living through my characters, right?

So I’m scared of both flying and diving—which made writing this book even more fun. I love a great adventure and I hope you’ll join me on one with Tailspin.

Here are what a few of the reviewers are saying:

“Wow, what a ride! . . . Could NOT put this one down for a moment . . .”

“She had me hooked right from the start. . .”

“This story is full of spine tingling suspense interlaced with a romance.”

Thank you so much for joining me today. Don’t forget to enter the drawing for Tailspin. And I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment or a question for me, or connect with me at my website: ElizabethGoddard.com Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter while you’re there to receive updates and news about the next book release.

Many blessings!


With over half a million in book sales, Elizabeth Goddard is the bestselling, award-winning author of more than twenty-five romance novels and counting, including the romantic mystery, THE CAMERA NEVER LIES--a 2011 Carol Award winner. A 7th generation Texan, Elizabeth graduated from North Texas State University with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and worked in high-level software sales for several years before retiring to home school her children and fulfill her dreams of writing full-time. She currently makes her home in Minnesota with her husband and children. To get book news sign up for her newsletter at her website: http://elizabethgoddard.com
You can connect with Elizabeth on Facebook: http://facebook.com/elizabethgoddardauthor or Twitter: http://twitter.com/bethgoddard


  1. I'm not very big on adventure. Maybe I could count a month touring throughout Great Britain as adventurous.

    I'd love to go down to the bottom of the ocean in a submarine. Ship wrecks in particular I think. I'd need the sub to have windows I could see out of. Otherwise no point really.


    1. Mary, I love your idea of an adventure. I would love to see the beauty of the ocean through a window like that. But I might be too claustrophobic to be in a submarine. That actually why scuba diving wouldn't work for me either--believe it or not--it is a claustrophobic feeling behind the regulator--your only source of oxygen.

  2. I think I would love to experience sky diving. I think it would be cool to see things from that perspective. My one main problem, I absolutely hate heights and would never get up the nerve to jump!

    1. Same here, Ellen! I would love to be an eagle. Just let me be an eagle. LOL Then I could fly without fear. :)

  3. Just read Tailspin yesterday and it is fantastic as is all the books in the Mountain Cove series. Im hoping there will still be more to come

    1. Carol, thank you so much for letting me know. I'm so glad you enjoyed the book. It was great fun to write. There is one more book--yes, just one--coming in June. Deception is Jewel and Chief Winters' story!

  4. I'm not sure how much adventure it would be for someone else bu it sure would be for me. I would love to go down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. What a thrill that would be.

    1. Yes, that would be awesome! In reading all these ideas of adventure, my brain is starting to come up with scenes for new books. LOL

  5. There are two trips I would love to take. I've been to China, but my family hasn't. I would love for all to go and see the Great Wall of China in person. The other trip is to visit the national parks with my family.

    The adventure that would scare me is anything dealing with heights.,,skydiving, mountain climbing, walking out on a see-through ledge to view the Grand Canyon.
    I would accept either print or e-book, but a print book would help out our local library.

  6. Hey, Beth! Thanks for stopping by. I love the national parks too. I love beautiful scenic views and amazing places but like you, I'm scared of heights. I love the mountains, but then again maybe from a distance. I don't enjoy driving the curvy mountain roads because that scares me. But at least I get to write about these places in my books without fear!

  7. Just discovered your books no too long ago and love them.

    1. Thanks, Kim! Hey. . .answer one of the questions so you can be entered in the drawing for Tailspin! Unless of course, you'd prefer to buy it instead. LOL But still, I'd love to hear your answers. :)

  8. A few trips I would like to take would be to visit all of the baseball stadiums(especially the Yankees). I would also like to visit Canada(especially Niagara Falls and Prince Edward Island). I know those aren't exactly adventurous, but they would be a lot of fun for me. Something else I would like to do is visit all 50 states.

    1. Hi Stephanie! The good news is that Tailspin is set in southeast Alaska, the Pacific northwest, really. . .with all the islands, etc., like Prince Edward Island. In my early years I traveled in my job and I was able to see almost all the states! Thanks so much for stopping by.

  9. With the world the way it is today all my bucket list places to visit are in the U.S. I'm going to experience one of them this summer. My husband and I are planning a trip in our RV with two other couples and their RVs. We will be taking a two week trip from our home in Alabama and travel to Key West. We'll be making overnight stops along the way there and back.
    Other places on my bucket list are Alaska (would love to see the Northern Lights), Mackinaw Island, Niagra Falls, Hawaii.

    1. I'm with you, Gail. Would love to travel to all those places!

  10. Skydiving have always been on my bucket list when I was younger...now not so sure. This book sounds exciting! Thanks!


    1. Skydiving has never been on my list. I'd love to fly if I could be an eagle or something! LOL But I'm afraid I might die of a heart attack--that would just be too trippy!

  11. Alaska is my dream vacation.

    1. Hi Ann! Thanks for stopping by. I want to go on the Juneau cruise. How about you? At least I got to spend six books set in southeast Alaska.


  12. I would love to travel to every state in the US! Stopping wherever and whenever!

    1. Thanks for stoping by Vicky! To which states have you traveled?

  13. I'd like to ski but I'm not athletic and am afraid of heights! jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com

    1. I hear you. I skied some in my twenties, but now I wouldn't even think about it! I'd love to snowshoe and living in Minnesota, I might get my chance to do just that.

  14. That's the thing that stuck out to me Beth about this story....a scuba diver who doesn't fly and a bush pilot who doesn't scuba dive...and one unlikely meeting! :-)
    I loved this story and can't wait for the next one. I could tell you put lots of research into this story. (No need to enter me) Just wanted to chime in :-)

    1. LOL! I was afraid that aspect might be corny on the one hand, but hey, it worked for me. Glad it worked for you too!

  15. I would love to go to Ireland. The thing that scares me would be sky diving. debradawn777@gmail.com. Thanks for the giveaway. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Hi Debra, Me too. Ireland or Scotland! My daughter went to Scotland on a missions trip when she was in her teens and stayed in an old castle. I'd love to do that. :)

  16. I would love to go to Ireland. The thing that scares me would be sky diving. debradawn777@gmail.com. Thanks for the giveaway. Have a nice weekend.

  17. This sounds like a great read. My great nephew attends college at University of Alaska, Fairbanks. He comes home with wild wilderness tales. I can imagine Tailspin is a good read. Cheers

    1. OH fun! Yes, Alaska is the "last frontier." The thing about the Mountain Cove stories they take place in southeast Alaskas--the panhandle--and it's much like the Pacific Northwest.

  18. I would love to sail on a tall ship out in the ocean somewhere...anywhere. Since I get seasick below deck, I would need to take something the whole time....but it would be worth it.

    1. Oh that sounds like a wonderful Idea. Me too. I think that would be so much fun, but then my brain immediately goes to the conflict--the storms! LOL Did you watch In the Heart of the Sea?

    2. No, I haven't seen it yet, but I really want to.

    3. Beautiful ocean scenes, but there is a part of the movie that I didn't like much. I won't go into details here of course!

  19. I would love to climb a rock face but I don't like the idea of having nothing to hold onto in case I change me mind halfway up. Count me in the drawing: lill dot kohler at gmail dot com

    1. Rock climbing--me too. But I will probably NEVER do it. Too much of the fear factor for me. Wouldn't be awesome if we didn't have to fear?

  20. An adventure trip would be a cruise to Northern Europe and all the lovely places there are to explore. Something I really want to try, but am really rather afraid of, is a zip line. The thrill of flying through the air is very exciting, but the fear that the line won't hold me is VERY real!
    I would love to win and read this book :) bettimace at gmail dot com

    1. A zip line--that sounds fun too. Have you seen the movie, Divergent? There's a scene where she goes across the city in a zip line. I couldn't NOT do that!

  21. Tailspin sounds like quite an adventure! I think Alaska is such a beautiful setting for a book, so much pristine beauty! My idea of adventure these days would be visiting our National Parks.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. Maryann, I'm with you. I love to set my books in scenic places, and usually end up in some national park somewhere. My next series is set in the Wild Rogue Wilderness, which is one of the few actual wilderness regions in the country.

  22. I would love to go on a safari in Africa. It used to be my dream to be a large anima vet that specialized in big cats. Would love to get to see those and other animals in their natural habitat. Thanks for the giveaway!


    1. Oh Melissa! Me too! I have a very dear friend who lives in Africa and I want to go see her one of these days so we can do some of those fun things like go to Krueger Park, which she does frequently. AND. . .I love big cats, specifically tigers. I just turned in a book with a tiger sanctuary as the backdrop. I would love to have written it set on foreign soil where they run free, but they want me writing in the states. Since I can't go to foreign lands, I brought the tigers to me. :) I hope you'll get a chance to read that one.
