The conference was amazing. I especially liked the fact that
the industry is becoming more and more open to indie authors. As a hybrid
author, this is an important element of my career. More and more of the
industries big names are becoming indie authors or hybrids, putting their
backlists onto Amazon and Nook. Classes were geared toward this trend, one of
the best being Randy Ingermanson’s class on how to “Be an Insanely Successful
Indie Author.”
Janice Hanna Thompson was one of a panel of authors leading
a continuing education class on Marketing that was a huge benefit for indie and
traditional authors. They gave several examples of ways to market “outside the
My agent, Chip MacGregor, won agent of the year.
I was asked to sit at Barbour Publishing’s table for the
banquet. That is Barbour editor, Rebecca Germany standing, and first contract
author, Becca Whitham in the front.
Conference is a great time to reconnect with friends you see
once a year and to meet new ones. It’s the perfect place for networking.
Here is indie author, Hallee Bridgeman, Randy Ingermanson,
indie author, Traci Hilton, and myself.
I constantly had people recognizing my name because of my
success as an indie author and walked around in perpetual shock. Still, it was
a wonderful experience and I plan on attending next year in Dallas. The
conference is one of the main things I do for my writing career.
Check out the first book in my newest cozy series, Anything
For A Mystery 
Looks like you had a blast! Thanks for sharing your great pics!